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Everything posted by ladymon

  1. Thank you! Crikey! That was a very difficult routine to learn and try to perfect in such a short time. Couple that with what I'm sure is a dreadful floor to dance on in pointe shoes, those girls deserve a bit more praise than they're getting around here! Ricky was my favourite going into the top 20 but when he started screaming beside Cat, I found myself saying "Dial it back honey...."
  2. I don't know what the big deal is about Woo throwing Spencer's pants in the water. He had just been running through torrential rain. They were already wet. Big deal. I don't know how to feel about Tony. When I thought he might be voted off, I felt bad because he adds alot of entertainment value to my watching the show. And he plays really hard. But he's also pretty sleazy. And I would hate being out there with him. They did a good job of keeping us suspense about who would find that idol on the "mad treasure hunt". I was actually relieved it was Spencer despite the estrogen comment. I could look at LJ all day long though. Yum.
  3. About 10 years ago we had a kid on Canadian Idol around the same age Sam is now named Kalan Porter. Same exact situation. InCREDible voice. I could listen to him sing all day long. But he was very shy and awkward on stage. Especially during the choreographed group numbers. I would cringe just watching him. He improved a bit as the season went on and eventually won. He was a true musician and his main instrument was a violin. Anyway, he went on to do the winner's tour and I took my girls to see him. He put on a GREAT show! I'm sure my expectations were low and maybe it wasn't that good but the fact is that he just needed time. The girls were crazy about him but unfortunately there were alot of middle aged women in love with him. ewww.... I think they may have killed his career. I think Sam could be great. He just needs time. The fact that he's been in the bottom and was at the bottom last night could be a good sign that there are not another group of crazed middle aged woman waiting to kill his career. haha..
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