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Posts posted by cuddlingcrowley

  1. 18 hours ago, hippielamb said:

    It feels almost heavy handed. Sookie keeps bringing up the possibility of them being together, even Emily mentions it a few times (with an attitude of snobbery, of course). Even Rachel dances around it. We, the audience are supposed to sympathize with Luke when Lorelai starts dating Max. The producers increased his role on the show, and included his crazy family (though I do like Liz). 

    I started watching the series in season 2, so that always effects my opinion on the show. They seemed to scale back the Luke/Lorelai stuff with it still being on the back burner. But season 1 was much more obvious. 

    I adored Max, but I suppose Christopher always felt like THE guy the writers were pushing for Lorelai, for me. Until Sherry got pregnant, that is. That's when they cooled it way off. But at the back of my mind he was always gonna come back eventually. 

    And then we had Jason who I've always dug. 

    So any hints to Luke/Lorelai always seemed like isolated affairs, in my eyes. More to keep the tension up in a scene than anything that was ever gonna have a major pay-off. Heh, shows you how wrong I was! I suppose my complete indiference to Luke's character blinded me.

    The only period of Gilmore Girls that I can say honestly felt heavy handed towards L/L endgame was season seven for me. After all, there was no other reason Luke would be entitled to a completely separate storyline.

    • Love 1
  2. 2 hours ago, lulu1960 said:

    Can I say that the trailers are killing me?  I am filled with anticipation. Also I am going to do my best to not go into the Episode 1 spoiler thread. Little glimpses is one thing but I don't want an actual play by play.

    Yeah, seeing the trailers and stills are fine for me but I really don't want anything more concrete. I'll only get to watch the Revival on the 27th for reasons so there's no point in getting myself overly worked up. Besides, I dread the thought of reading a spoiler that's a deal breaker and ruins the whole thing before I even give it a proper go. We've all waited too damn long to die on the beach.

    • Love 2
  3. On 16/11/2016 at 5:09 PM, hippielamb said:

    He was the most likable in season 1 but as a viewer, it annoyed me how they were pushing him and Lorelai together. 

    I'm amazed whenever I read stuff like this because until the end of S4 Luke was just one of towns' people to me. Yes, it was obvious he had a thing for Lorelai and on occasion she was intrigued, but he was always the guy on the background for me, as a viewer. You can imagined how shocked I was that by S7 all signs were pointing to him being endgame. Of all of Lorelai's guys, he was the underdog for me. Oh well.

    • Love 2
  4. 2 hours ago, amensisterfriend said:

    I'm still surprised that their relationship amounted to more than a couple of one night stands in the fifth season and wish it had ended there. If not, it should have at least ended when Jess came back into town and Logan was even more of a pompous drunken jerk than usual. 

    I actually like Logan as an individual (mostly) and I really dug the Rory/Logan relationship in S5, but I agree with the above so much! It should never had gotten as serious as it eventually became. It really defied characterization and all around believability.

    I understand keeping them together through the Lorelai/Rory strangement for obvious thematic reasons but by the time Jess rolled into town the writing on the wall was clear. Logan and Rory weren't right for each other.

    The bridesmaids thing was beating a dead horse dead. After that, they were never enjoyable to watch, IMO. On the back of my mind, sometimes I like to entertain the thought the reason Rory and Jess didn't get back together then was because ASP knew she wouldn't be there to give them a proper storyline.

    As far as the revival goes, I hope against hope ASP doesn't make the mistake of falling for the fact that Rory and Logan have nice chemistry and look pretty together.  Enough!

    • Love 4
  5. 3 hours ago, mamadrama said:

    Here is my unpopular opinion...I actually liked Luke's bedroom set. You know, the big one with angels? I love weird, old crap and that set was just up my alley. She could have replaced the mattress to something more comfortable and replaced the glass in the mirror so that you could actually see into it and it would have been fine (for me).

    Exactly. The dresser was really pretty. I'm not gonna say I loved the entire set, mainly for the color. It was too dark. By painting it a lighter color that would have blended in better with the decoration and also doing the alterations you mentioned, it would have gone a long way to make the whole thing actually looking great.  


    4 hours ago, mamadrama said:

    I never understood, for instance, her reluctance to letting Chris have the flat screen. As he pointed out, she watches a lot of TV. She had Luke put in a TV for her at his place. She loved the drive in and cinema. It seems like a big screen would have been right up her alley. Was it just because it was CHRIS wanting to put it in (oh, the naughty insinuation!!) and she was resistant to change? 

    Now, that annoyed me! But I also think it was meant to stand out to the audience, like the not wanting to have kids with Chris thing.

    • Love 4
  6. I'm a big animal lover, especially dogs (I own seven, four of which are currently in bed with me) but I too am and have always been a mix of bored and annoyed at any scene Paul Anka is involved in.

    I think peharps a different breed... I find hairy dogs are often lacking in personality and I find it hard to connect with them. Lorelai projecting the hell out of all her neurosis didn't help.

    • Love 3
  7. Quote

    As far as I'm concerned, she should be in her "happy ending" stage of life between the Dragonfly and being with Luke long-term and with a great adult mother/daughter relationship with Rory. Of course, "happy endings" in real life are filled with work, challenges, and indecision. But still, if Lorelai is still in MELODRAMATIC MODE OF I WANT THE WHOLE PACKAGE, WHY CAN'T I HAVE THAT?!, I don't think she's ever going to figure anything out.

    We're about the same age (I'm 26) and I agreed with much of your post, except the parts about Lorelai. 

    Do people ever really have it all figured out? You said it yourself, ""happy endings" in real life are filled with work, challenges, and indecision". But I'd also go as far to say there's no such thing as a "happy ending." People change and grow through their entire lives.  

    In the trailer, Lorelai wonders out loud that


    she thought she knew exactly what she wanted and it's implied she's not so sure anymore.

     After much hard work, by the end of the series, Lorelai had got the guy she thought she wanted and the professional life she thought she wanted. And she has had the time to enjoy all that during the hiatus. So what if she's ready to move on to another phase in her life and explore new challenges? What's so melodramatic about wondering what else is out there, what's next for you?

    • Love 2
  8. On 13/10/2016 at 7:36 PM, PamelaMaeSnap said:

    Also, I almost fell off the bed laughing when Miss Patty uttered "Oy to the Vey." My husband is a jazz musician who specializes in Brazilian jazz and so a lot of his colleagues and collaborators speak Portuguese. Not TOO long ago (definitely a few years after watching GG the first time through) I heard them say, a few times, what I THOUGHT was "oy to the vey" and thought it was a funny and catchy phrase, then finally learned what they were REALLY saying was "oi tudo bem" (pronounced EXACTLY the same way) which means, basically, ""hi, how are you?" in Portuguese ... I like "oy to the vey" much better. No doubt in my mind that that's where the Miss Patty-ism came from but I did not remember hearing it on GG ... 

    As a Brazilian, that entire paragraph was just wild! Brazilian jazz? Really? You learn something new everyday. Also, "oi, tudo bem?" sounding like "oy to the vey"! I suppose if someone has a really, really bad flu.

    • Love 1
  9. 2 hours ago, chessiegal said:

    This might be a personal opinion thing, but it drives me crazy that when Lorelai and Rory get back from Europe in s4 they immediately start planning a jam packed week and want to do a bunch of sightseeing in New York. (And then are horrified when they can't do it because Rory starts Yale earlier than she thought). Seriously, after a massive 3-month backpacking trip, doing non-stop tourist stuff and travelling from country to country the last thing most people want to do is do touristy stuff in their own country! You want to veg out in your own house and see someone other than the person you've been travelling with for the last however long.  

    OMG, so much yes.

    Just the thought of putting together that list after such a long trip, let alone doing it? I did four capitals (Prague, Amsterdam, London and Paris) in 20 days last spring and I was so exhausted by the time I got home that it took me about a week to stop feeling this weird numbness and start feeling like myself again. I also had grown to hate one of the girls I travelled with.

    I could see them doing the bolded ones, but that's it. 

    2 hours ago, chessiegal said:

    Tomorrow we get an early start and we hit three of the crappier movies that are out.
    And then we have dinner at Grandma's.
    Which I will conveniently not put down on my list in the hopes that that magically goes away.
    Okay, the next day we hit New York, see your fancy art galleries, hit the Strand.
    Pizza at John's.
    Sunday, pick up all the stuff you need for school, and then there's a barbecue at Sookie's.
    Monday is mani/pedi, facial, haircut, go to the psychic, and stock up for Tuesday, the day of all days - Godfather I, II, and III, with extra showings of the Sofia death scene over and over as long as the Mallomars hold out.
    - The perfect day! - I agree.
    And I think we have just enough of the biscotti that we brought back from Milan to last us the rest of the week

    • Love 2
  10. 1 hour ago, timimouse said:

    The trailer makes the characters seem off to me.

    I feel the same. The trailer did next to nothing for me (except for the Rory/Jess scene). But, I'm not that worried. Frankly, I'm more worried about getting used to everyone's new apparances (some more dramatically changed than others...) than the writing. I'm sure once we get the full episodes things will work out nicely. If not, hey, we'll always have the original series.

    • Love 2
  11. I was never bothered by Rory wanting to be a journalist. All kinds of people pursue all kinds of professions. Sure, she's naturally on the meek side but we've seen her show her spine when thrust out of her comfort zone. Plus, I'm under the opinion that self-discipline and drive, both which she had a lot of, are way more important than having the natural "temperament" or whatever people like to say she lacks in order to be a jornalist. Now, becoming a foreign correspondent is a whole other deal and I always chalked it up to Rory dreaming big which was perfectly in her right to do as an ambitious young adult not yet out of college.

    6 hours ago, TimetravellingBW said:

    Have her go "I've had my exciting, vagabond, exploring the world phase and now I want some stability, and as journalism is shrinking, how about I go back to my true passion of books." If they wrote it carefully it could be more her moving onto the next stage of her life rather than her giving up.

    I think this is the way the Revival will go as well, with dash of "damn becoming a foreign correspondent was a pipe dream". But I don't think "Jack Kerouac" Rory would be happy settling down in a strict place such as Chilton. Not to mention so into her comfort zone. 

    I would much rather see her continue do the hipster thing, maybe working on a indy publishing house like Jess, somewhere she'd still feel at the center of things like New York.

    • Love 4
  12. 1 hour ago, Kohola3 said:

    Chemistry or not (and I am one of the few who don't see it) Christopher was a big dud.

    He certainly became that in the later seasons, imo. But none of Lorelai's guys can come close to competing with him during S1-S3. 

    And I say that as someone who loves Max Medina TO DEATH, followed closely by Digger. How's that for unpopular opinion?

  13. I'm sad I didn't get emotional as some of you. I don't know if it's because I've consistently had Gilmore Girls on my television on one way or another over the years so I don't feel nostalgic at all, but also everything feels very jarring. Everyone looks so different and sounds so different... I'm sure by the time I'm done with the first episode I'll have grown used to the changes but until then...



    Lauren's face did look a little off.  It looks somewhat plastic, maybe?   


    I have read that she had her mouth done.   I think that's true based on what we saw.

    Oh thank God, someone brough it up! I think LG doesn't look the same since S7 so in a weird way I'm not as bothered as I am when it comes to Alexis. She really seems to be struggling to make facial expressions. ANY  facial expressions.

    Okay, there was one thing that had me really excited! Besides the fact the trailer got me even more interested in both the girls' storylines than I already was, it managed to get my hopes way up about Rory/Jess being endgame. Which I had worked really hard not to happen. Damn!

  14. 1 hour ago, hippielamb said:

    I'm not sure if this is the best place for it. But I really wished we knew what was the final straw for Lorelai that made her bolt with Rory. She talked a lot about how crappy it was for her to grow up in that house and other times how unhappy she was. But what was the final push? Was it a fight with Emily? Her parents overruling her parenting? Both? Neither?


    On 14/09/2016 at 4:50 PM, Lady Calypso said:
    On 14/09/2016 at 4:02 AM, marineg said:

    Honestly, I've tried in the past to figure out this whole thing. I haven't yet. She left, and from "Dear Richard & Emily", it seems that it is a year after the birth. But in "The Ins and Outs of Inns", from what Mia says, it seems that Rory was just a baby (as in a few months old). That whole moment of their life is very confusing for me so if anyone has answers to this, please share!

    I just looked up the episode script, and the answer seems to be that Rory was about a year when Lorelai ran away and they had Mia overexaggerate the age (or they thought Lorelai had given birth at 17 instead of 16 before they changed that). As demonstrated in the flashback of Dear Emily and Richard


    EMILY: Lorelai, we’re leaving! Well, what do you know? She finally put Rory’s stroller away. It’s the first time in a year I haven’t tripped over that thing.

    I think Mia also mentioned that Lorelai was eighteen when she started working at the Inn, and Rory had to be about a year to a year and a half at that point. So my best guess is that Lorelai had plans to leave but she knew that she would just be dragged back if she was still a minor. Plus, the help with a new baby without Christopher probably was the best idea, as there's no way Lorelai could have taken care of a newborn by herself while working. At least with Rory being a year old, there's a little less dependence and Lorelai would have had a year's experience taking care of Rory while also being able to provide her with all of a baby's necessities. 

    Emily's stroller line is something I completely missed the first time I watched the show, and it's vague enough that I'm uncomfortable using it a timestamp. It's possible the stroller might have been laying around since they bought it during Lorelai's pregnancy, for instance.

    Also, the headcanon above sounds relatively reasonable and well thought out and one I've heard before around these parts but it doesn't quite does it for me? Frankly, I don't think it's insane enough for a teenager Lorelai, with all of adult Lorelai's ridiculous pride and none of her common sense. I have hard time picturing her after a pregnancy still biding her time for a full year until she lept to her freedom.

    So, I suppose my unpopular opinion is that I believe it was giving birth to Rory that made something click in Lorelai's head more than anything Emily might have done. And I have this very clear mental picture Lorelai leaving the hospital with her mind completely made up and staying with the Gilmore's just long enough til she was physically capable of running away.  Rory, of course, would have been one of those miracle, "easy" newborns because Rory.

  15. Quote

    If she really didn't want to walk away when she said "I gotta go" then why did she?  Is Lorelai so insecure/egotistical that she needs someone to plead with her to stay when she says she has to go? 



    YES! Sorry, but dude, what show have you been watching? S6 after April showed was basically about Lorelai losing her faith in her relationship with Luke.


    Luke listened to Lorelai and tried to base his response on what she said. 

    Cool! That's nowhere near the same as taking someone's needs into account and trying to meet them halfaway.



    Yes, Luke shot down the idea of leaving to elope that minute, and he was unhappy that she went to talk to Anna without his knowledge.  I don't blame him for either of those things.  When Lorelai said now or never, he very honestly said "I can't just jump like that."  He didn't say I don't want to marry you, he didn't say I don't love you any more.  Why couldn't she meet him halfway at that point?  Did she have to call all the shots?


    He also didn't say "My real name is Max, I'm a Alien". Whew! Sorry, roswell rewatch.

    The entire point of the fight was Lorelai having doubts over Luke loving her and his commitment to marry her given how he treated her during the past few months. The moment he was confronted with that, Luke basically chocked, completely failing to convince her of either, that's why she left. That's on Luke.

    That said, I don't think ultimatums are a good idea at all. And I think it's understandable why he chocked. 

    32 minutes ago, Smad said:

    You can make it easier on yourself. You don't actually need to use the quote function in the reply window. Just double click the text you want to quote (in the person's post) to highlight it and you will see a black/white 'Quote This' pop up. Just click that.

    Thank you, that's working for me!


    32 minutes ago, Smad said:

    How was he supposed to meet her halfway? Just look at his face the whole time she is rattling of her 'grievances'. He was completely blind-sided and had no clue what she was even talking about. The only things that he recognised during her insane rant were Anna and April. Everything else was completely new to him. Are you actually asking Luke to be able to connect the dots between the various jumps in topics Lorelai was doing? Especially since Lorelai has kept that all to herself for months until she explodes at him while Luke thought they were ok and Lorelai was ok with how he was handling things.

    If Luke was less of a jerk, Lorelai's grievances wouldn't have caught him so off guard. It's because he's a jerk that he was able to spend months not treating her right, without ever stopping a moment to consider his actions weren't okay. Luke should be held accountable to his own actions, he's a grown man.

    Lorelai failed to communicate her unhappiness sooner and she failed to communicate it a propper manner by making an ultimatum. That's true. But that doesn't take away his responsability of keeping himself in check and being a decent human being and a decent boyfriend. He failed her on both those accounts after April showed up.

    • Love 7
  16. Quote
    Ok, before continuing the discussion, I want to ask if anyone else is having a lot of trouble with the post boxes or whatever it's called? Especially when it comes to "left over" quotes that are a huge pain to erase? But also, as you can see, I was unable to not only leave the quote box let alone erase it. So very ugly looking post ahead. Sorry!

    But Luke wanted to talk and Lorelai shot down that idea before they even got outside! 

    Oh, come on. Your fiancee is having a nervous breakdown if front of you and says, "I don't want talk about it" while clearly talking to you. You just go "Oh well, bye"? 

    I don't understand how Luke can be expected to stop her from walking away, let alone why. Does Lorelai not have free will?  Was he supposed to grab her arm and say no, you're not leaving until we talk this out?  I have no doubt Lorelai felt justified by saying now or never, but it was also her version of my way or the highway.  Without physically stopping her, I don't see what choice Luke had other than going with her to elope or letting her walk away. 

    How about by making the slightest attempt of not shooting down everything Lorelai is saying with no attempt to meet her halfaway? That's a thought. You don't even have to get physical to do it.

    While we're at it: what's wrong with "you're not leaving until we talk this out"?Hell, I'm sure Lorelai would have appreciated because it would have meant that Luke actually gave a damn about their relationship. Even her "I gotta go" was halfhearted; you can see her lingering as thought to give Luke a chance of talking her out of it.

    Why? Trying to consider the needs of the other person for a change is a good way of not losing the person you claim to love. But Luke sure learned that.

    I wanna say I totally respect those who think Luke was writen out of character, like Smad. But, from my perspective, S6 Luke/Lorelai is basically a variation of the relationship Luke had with Nicole.
    • Love 1
  17. Quote




    You know if she wanted out there was an easy way to do this. Just tell Luke there on the street it's over. Or don't say anything and just hand him the ring. It's so damn easy. And neither of those involve cheating. She could have still followed the same path afterwards if she felt she needed to sleep with Christopher in order for it to be over completely.




    I can't comment on the Friends thing because I never watched it, but I think we essentially agree that the right thing to do would have been for Lorelai to officially end things with Luke if she wanted out. Now, easy? That's a whole other game. IMO, if she felt she had to go to such extremes as to sleep with Christopher, than it obviously wasn't an easy thing to go through, for her.

    That said, a big part of me still has doubts over whether Lorelai truly owed to Luke anything at this point on the show. Yes, ideally she should have been less ambiguous about ending things with him. But when I remember how terribly he treated her after April showed up then I have very little simpathy left for him.

    Believe it or not, we're probably very similar in real life. I also don't like things messy. Clean breaks, all the way, baby! But recently I've learned not everyone cares to wait for an oficial ending before, eh, "moving on", and frankly, can you truly blame them? I don't think I can if we're talking about a couple in which the other party has checked out or if they've been essentially pushing till it breaks. Like how I feel Luke did in s6. You treat people how you want to be treated, and boy did he make his bed. 



    Owed Luke consideration before she sleeps with someone who isn't her fiance? IMO that's a must. And it's not ok whatsoever that just because you have been taken for granted that gives you the right not to be at least a decent human being and break it off officially before sleeping with someone else. If that's the yard stick we use then Luke should have been allowed to sleep with several women while with Lorelai considering that she has taken him for granted for YEARS.

    Do you mean that you feel Lorelai took Luke for granted while they were in a relationship together? Or you're considering the entire spam of them knowing each other? Either way, I wouldn't agree she has, but YMMV.



    So yes, the issue here is that there was no definite breakup in Luke's eyes. But for Lorelai, she made it clear that, at the very least, the wedding was off. There's no doubt both of them handled it poorly. It was the lack of communication on both ends. Both are in the wrong, for sure. Lorelai for not making it clear that she was breaking up with Luke. But I can see why she assumed that they were done, and why it wasn't cheating for her. She gave him an ultimatum, and he said that he couldn't marry her now, so for her, it was done. 

    Ultimatums suck. 



    Lady Calypso, I also went and checked the 6.22 transcripts because I always remembered that fight feeling very final and my impression being that Luke was letting Lorelai walk away. Possibly for good. But I think that's me looking at things from her POV.

    I agree that the fact the wedding was off, possibly for good was clear with the "Now or Never", but she never does says the words "We're over!". Hence why there's room for it being ambiguous for Luke. Tbqh, I don't think it should be ambiguous for someone who really knows her. But should, could, would. 

    Regardless, in my heart, I feel Luke accepted the risk of losing her for good when he let her walk away obviously in major distress without even attempting to meet her halfaway. Don't get me wrong, if he wasn't ready, I don't think he should have went along with the wedding. It was good that he stood his ground. But this was the time for a MAJOR sit down in order to clear the air and decide what next. 

  18. Quote

    Lorelai: "It's not over until he took the ring off."Those were her words to Rory after the Dean fiasco. Now an engagement ring isn't the same but it's still a ring on her finger. It was still there when she walked away.

    Well, Lorelai might have take the ring off...

    Sorry, sorry. Couldn't resist! Lorelai wanted out of her own relationship. Rory got between two married people. Very different scenarios, imo.



    And her POV is the the last to consider here. First is the POV of the person who possibly got cheated on. From Luke's POV it was clearly a fight otherwise he wouldn't have been there the next day. I don't really care how much Lorelai was broken up with Luke in her own head. She should have made it clear either by giving him the ring or saying it's over.



    With respect, I don't understand that kind of thinking. Why shoudn't Lorelai's POV be considered? 

    I think it's important to note Lorelai didn't sleep with Christopher because of lust or love. She slept with him because


    "she needed it to be over"

    .She basically used him to deliberately explode her relationship with Luke. She never intended to two-time those men. She wanted out! For that reason, I find it very hard to even call it cheating, to be honest. Regardless, of what we call it, it was wrong and an incredibly hurtful think to do, no question.

    But I think there's an argument to be made over whether Lorelai really owed Luke the consideration of spelling out to him that they were over considering he had spent months taking her for granted and not showing any consideration towards her. 

    • Love 2
  19. Quote

    I think Lorelai just wanted to end it. She had been avoiding Luke because she knew it was over. Sleeping with Chris gave her temporary comfort and it also sealed her break-up with Luke. 

    Lorelai's reasoning for sleeping with Christopher straight away is very clear to me. It had absolutely nothing to do with him at all, but with the fact she had reached a breaking point with Luke. She was done with that relationship as it was, and she needed him to be equally as done .

    After the April reveal, choices were made from both sides that equated in that relationship becoming toxic for Lorelai. The cycle of Luke taking her for granted and not considering her needs, and Lorelai letting him, needed to be over and the only way she found at the time was for the relationship to end. Some might consider that extreme, some might not. I personally don't. It's incredibly easy to fall in the kind of pattern Lorelai did and my simpathy has always been with her during this storyline.

    Yes, both Luke and Lorelai made mistakes. IMO, Lorelai's laid in trying to be patient, selfless and generous with her partner and ended up anulling herself in the process, by not recongnizing her own unhappiness and communicating it to Luke. Luke's lay in being callous and taking for granted the woman he claimed to love. I find those mistakes are nowhere near in the same level.

    Ideally, Lorelai should have communicated, but I get why she was unable to. In not doing so, I think she failed herself. Luke, on the other hand, failed her. I believe the responsability in not being an asshole lies inherently with the individual and not with other people having to let them know they're being an asshole. 

    That being said, I think very few of us don't agree that sleeping with the father of your daughter as a way to end a relationship gone bad isn't extreme.  Doing it (heh!) was as effective as it was horrible because, IMO, it was a  deliberate decision to hurt Luke as much as she possibly could. I've always seen it more like retribution than simply a random act of desperation or weakness like most seem to see.



    Sookie's been pushing for them to have a relationship for years, it colours her opinion. I can't imagine having a best friend who defends the guy at every turn. It's a little sad because by the end of this season, Lorelai can't confide in anyone except Emily.


    That's the number one thing I hate in TV best friends : when they become a shipper of a particular couple. You can have a preference for a guy because you believe he would make your friend happier but there's a different between that and the overly invested so called best friends who activelly root for one guy over the other. It's not about you. It's not about the guy. It's about your friend.

    • Love 11
  20. 5 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

    But how interesting would it have been if Rory went against what her family and what Chilton would have wanted? What if there was a plot this season that replaced the stupid Francie one where Rory discovered actual journalism programs that weren't part of an Ivy League school? Imagine a scene where Rory sits down her family and tells them that she won't be attending Harvard or Yale, but somewhere like Columbia or Boston University. Imagine the freaking out between Richard, Emily, and Lorelai. 

    Since we're on this subject, it never felt completely beliavable to me that Emily and Richard would be so supportive Rory wanting to be a journalist. IMO, they're the kind of people who would seriously push for very traditional professions such as in Law, Medicine, Business or Engineering and nothing else. Surely, wanting to be a journalist would have seem completely impractical and downright preposterous. 

    • Love 5
  21. Quote

    They really could have had an interesting storyline where after years of dreaming of Harvard, Rory and Lorelai start considering other colleges. Looking at Yale, Princeton, or Columbia which has a Graduate school of journalism. Rory could have had fun thinking about going to Columbia, living in NYC, and interning at different newspapers. Or Princeton and wonder what it would be like to live in New Jersey. Maybe did her pro con list like she did when she was considering that newspaper job in Providence.

    Now that you mentioned it, doesn't Columbia seem like such a better fit for Rory? I never understood how she never seriously considered going to Journalism school. Rory only mentioned the possibility once and it was in a very mornful way. Surely that would have seemed like the obvious next step? I don't live in the US so I'm probably talking out of my ass.

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