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Everything posted by katje

  1. I find it amusing that Suzanne acts as if the big, honking scale not being an actual scale is a big, scandalous secret. This is widely known.
  2. That finale just seemed aggressively boring to me. One thing I wish they'd return to for finales is bringing out the eliminated contestants in the order in which they were eliminated. Was there any rhyme or reason to the order of their appearance in this finale? Bob's outfit made me cringe. And since he couldn't claim any credit for having trained a finalist, he felt the need to blather about when Scott and Woody were both at Comeback Canyon? 'Cause they're such big, competitive manbeasts? WTH? Step away from the spotlight, Bob. I really thought Toma looked the best of the final three. I felt bad that Sonya didn't have a more flattering finale dress. Where's Tim Gunn when we need him?
  3. I'd also meant to comment on the "AV Club" interview with season-four Nicole (back on page one). She seems level-headed and fairly balanced about her experience on the show, even managing to avoid Bob-worship despite having been on the blue team. I liked her analogy that the trainers are like teachers--you might feel attached to a freshman-year professor, but then in sophomore year, you move on. That's a nice counterbalance to the "I neeeeeeed Bob" dependency other "blue" alums have displayed. During season four, I recall that Nicole mostly flew under the radar and didn't make much of an impression on viewers until near the end of the season, so that when she left, it was like, "Wait--where has this personality been the whole time? Just when we get to like her, she's gone!" It seems that this was because she didn't bring a whole lot of drama with her--she was single, not missing a spouse or kids left back at home during her time on the ranch, and she actually enjoyed her time there. The producers enjoyed wringing stories out of the people who found it all SO HARD.
  4. It seems as though Kai reappears in the papers every few years, and every time, it's reported as if this is the first time ever that this story has been told. How many times can reporters share Kai's story as if it were breaking news?
  5. Oh, God--you're right. He is so going to do that. "I just knew from that one week that we spent together at Comeback Canyon that YOU had it in you to be the at-home winner!"
  6. Count me in with those who despised Bob's smarmy "training the trainers" Crossfit-commercial segment. He was so incredibly smug and condescending. The show really needs to stop kissing his butt and go back to treating him as a trainer. Not Almighty Leader of the Cult of Bob. I was also exceedingly glad to see Woody go just because I didn't want Bob to have a chance to take credit if he somehow ended up winning the grand prize. (Even though he only had him for the one week at Comeback Canyon. As others have mentioned, he would taken credit so hard.)
  7. I've been dreading Bob's return with his Comeback kid all season. And the big "Bob is back" montage and his strutting around soaking in the worship make me feel entirely justified. The Cult of Bob lives on.
  8. Sheesh, he's so deeply into the "CrossFit" cult that he's dividing up his life into "CrossFit" and "Before CrossFit."
  9. When the teaser about Bob making a belated appearance first popped up during commercials, my first guess was that there was going to be a secret fourth team that Bob would show up with on the ranch, making a big, dramatic entrance and introducing a twist. I guess the "Comeback Canyon" thing could be okay, especially since it means that Bob isn't strutting around the ranch acting as though he's the Governor of Loservania (yet). Like others upthread, I am already tired of the whole fear/love thing.
  10. I've also migrated from TWoP. I was katje there, too.
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