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Posts posted by aemom

  1. On 7/10/2022 at 12:45 AM, Dani said:

    After. The Cage is set before Pike and Spock first appear on Discovery. Then they return to Talos IV on Discovery. 

    Holy crap, I forgot all about that.

    I was expecting a Talos IV episode to come at some point. I worry about myself sometimes...

    I'm also on the fence about this Kirk. He's not.... sparkly enough. He looks fine, but I was expect him to be a bit more gregarious and charming - much like Pike is.

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  2. 2 hours ago, hula-la said:

    Cassie’s comment about waiting 2 years to get pregnant, I wonder how long ago this cast was chosen, then had to wait until they decided to start filming the new season. 

    From what I saw in the media, they were getting ready to film in 2020, and everything was put on hold.

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  3. Driving around those carts delivering the hot dogs seemed a bit challenging for some teams.  I have a feeling that yelling the instructions of what dogs to get while they stood at the door was not exactly what the producers had in mind, lol.

    The 80's exercise class was pretty funny and I enjoyed seeing the town be very involved with the whole enterprise.

    The bike assembly vs the fly fishing - both seemed tough.  While other teams wisely helped each other for the fly fishing (that was a lot to remember), Cassie & Jahmeek were alone at the detour and wisely would listen to a bit at a time - go arrange those flies - and then come back.

    They seemed rather incredulous that they were eliminated, but that's what usually happens when you finish last.  I don't know how long they tried to assemble the bike, but you really have to think long and hard before you switch detours because it will often backfire on you as it probably did here.

    I don't hate anyone yet and the young guys are smartly milking getting help from everyone as long as they can before handing out those Express Passes.

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  4. Late watching this episode.

    The view at the mat was astonishingly beautiful.

    Everyone struggling to do arithmetic with the goats was kind of funny. When each team finally realized that they each had a duplicate numbered goat, you could almost see the light bulb go on over their heads.

    Enjoying the season so far.

  5. Really surprised to see that nobody has posted yet.

    First episode was not overly hard. Lots of teams, not too many stand out for me yet, other than the eliminated team (I am familiar with Jully Black and her music), and the friends where she is dying due to a terminal brain tumor (!). There are many POC as well as several indigenous contestants - I enjoy seeing a well rounded cast.

    Winners this season each get a pickup truck and a trip around the world.They share the 250K cash prize.

    First place in this episode got a trip to LA to see the Thor premiere, $2,500 each to spend at Michael's, and three Express passes (one for themselves and two to give out).

    I was a little surprised by the burlesque side of the detour. It was a bit sexy for what I always felt they pushed as a family show. The woman handing out the clues had quite the boobtastic top on - I thought she was going to have a wardrobe malfunction so many times. 😂

    Thor's latest film (yes, from Marvel) clearly shelled out money for this because two of the tasks were related to the film. Somebody's gotta sponsor them, so I'm not too annoyed.

    Glad to see the show back after three years.

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  6. On 6/17/2022 at 10:33 AM, cambridgeguy said:

    I'd rather see the Hemmer episode.  Whatever happened to him anyway?  I wonder if they realized the makeup is too expensive/time consuming, or if the actor was just unavailable.  

    The actor is legally blind, so perhaps filming is a big struggle for them, and their agreement with the show is that he is on more sparingly than the rest of the cast.

    I agree that once Angel revealed herself that there was too much mustache twirling.

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  7. 32 minutes ago, chocolatine said:

    It's not that hard to get a temporary tattoo, and we know that Grace was in Berlin at the same time since she worked both the outbound and return flights with Cassie, so that checks out.

    I just find that they threw a lot of stuff out there and left many things unresolved. 

    Overall, it was fine - nowhere as good as S1, but it almost seems like they were trying to give Kaley a vehicle to try and showcase acting out different types of scenes - especially with that whole mind thing, as opposed to making sure that all the ends were properly tied up for the story.

  8. I just realized something else that didn't make any sense.  Back in Berlin, Cassie saw her double having sex with someone and handing over documents through the window.

    She specifically spied on Grace in the shower - who didn't have the tattoo.  But they established that Grace was her double. 

    So - how did this work?  Did she have a temporary tattoo?  All of that whole thing in Berlin just didn't seem to fit with how everything finally ended.

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  9. On 6/2/2022 at 5:28 PM, cambridgeguy said:


    For those wondering about Enterprise bingo.

    2 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

    I didn't understand what Una and La'an were doing with the transporter and chewing gum. Were they expecting the flavor to have changed or not? Seems to me you would not want it to have changed at all, though I guess if you make repeated trips in a row there might be a "copy of a copy of a copy" effect.

    First line in the screeenshot is "Use transporter to reflavor gum."

  10. I enjoyed the Freaky Friday hijinks. 

    I'm actually really enjoying this series so much.  I love the cast and Anson Mount is killing it and I loved the green jacket as a nod to Kirk wearing something very similar. 

    The fight scene with the classic ST fight music had me cackling. I love how they try to hit so many nostalgic points, while at the same time giving us new things in these episodes.

    They may stretch canon a bit from time to time, but I'm willing to let that go because trying to fit everything into a very well established 55 year-old franchise makes it really tough if we want them to have the freedom to explore certain things in the show.

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  11. On 5/26/2022 at 4:21 AM, millennium said:

    What I can't manage to overlook or ignore or just let go, unfortunately, is the maddening insistence of the showrunners to inject MICHAEL FUCKING BURNHAM into a story that has absolutely nothing to do with her.

    Stop trying to make Burnham happen, show.  

    I believed that it was possible that Spock would never speak about Discovery and Michael's existence.  But Spock has been mind-melded so many times and NOBODY ever saw Michael in there? I'm not a Michael fan, but logic is logic.

    So when they started the mindmeld, I joked to my family she's going to say "Who's Michael?" And then that they ACTUALLY WENT THERE surprised me. So I have to give them props for making the mind-meld far more authentic. 

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  12. 33 minutes ago, aghst said:

    Yeah the obvious thing would be for Fuches to drop an anonymous tip to the cops, not their relatives.

    But apparently a lot of these relatives are willing to try to take matters into their own hands.

    Janice's father looks like one of those types, though he could notify his former colleagues still on the force.  BTW that actor doesn't look that much older than the actress who played Janice.  After all, she was dating Gene who's older, maybe around what her father's age would be?

    I was curious so I looked it up.  Paula Newsome (Janice) is 50 and Robert Wisdom (father) is 68, so they are cutting it close, but it's not as bad an age-range as I have seen in other instances.

    I did not see that ending coming at all, but I can't imagine that Barry is dead because the show is named BARRY and Bill Hader does half of the stuff on this show.

    The episode-direction was really interesting and had a lot of interesting shots.  This show really has so many ridiculous over-the-top moments, but they somehow work!

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  13. The whole thing with the Ferris wheel kept taking me out of the story.

    You shove your way past an entire lineup of people to get to the front and then get on the ride...alone?  It's not like you were catching up to your family because you had to make a pit stop or something.  And the ride attendant just lets you on?  Then when you're finished, you ask to please go again -- with a line up -- and they let you ride again?

    I've been to countless amusement parks and this behavior would never fly.

    Even the carousel earlier was questionable.  She hops over the fence and runs onto the moving ride and then runs off while it's still running back over the fence?  A ride attendant would have definitely had words about all that.

    A lot of this plotline has generated a lot of side-eye from me, but please, if you can't even get basic stuff to work into your plot, then maybe you need to rethink?

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  14. On 5/20/2022 at 9:00 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:

    Season Finale-Kevin Hart is the guest, with Kevin, Lori, Barbara, Mark, 

    1. Sea Moss-seller used to weigh over 500 lbs., went Vegan, and eats Sea Moss to get 90% of essential minerals humans need.   There are flavors, Banana, Mango, strawberry/banana, Elderberry, all flavored with Agave for sweetness.  The Transformatin Factory is his business, to sell the products.  Sales $3.4 million in a few months, 35% margins.  He was giving it away, until he hit 60 orders a week, then started selling online.   $24.99 a jar, but you only use 2 tablespoons at a time.  Product has to be FDA cleared, since it is produced overseas.   Kevin Hart says he bought it when it was an exclusive item, you had to know someone to get it, almost like a drug deal (it was funnier when he said it).   Kevin Hart and Barbara make an offer.   The other Kevin makes an offer.   Now Mark and Kevin Hall are talking working together.   Kevin Hall and Mark Cuban make the deal.   

    This one surprised me a bit.  Nobody asked him what his proof was that his product has 90% of the vitamins and minerals that we need.  At $25 for an 8 ounce jar, you're looking at a little over $3/day for that 2 tablespoon serving.  That's a pretty expensive vitamin.  He's doing well, and good for him, but the sharks complain about something one week and then buy into a deal with the same sort of thing the next week.

    The boxing gloves didn't interest me since I'm not allowed to box anymore (workout box, not real box).  The college athlete merch also didn't interest me since I'm not remotely interested in buying that kind of stuff.  The not-chicken is probably something that I will never see in Canada, so overall, a rather "meh" episode for me.

    Also surprised that they didn't end the season with a deal.  A very lukewarm finale.

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  15. Actually, I think that the problem might be that he is basically blocking the medical transporter with his daughter.

    In theory, people die of certain diseases every day. There are likely rules about storing people in transporter buffers hoping that one day a cure will be found for whatever ails them.

  16. On 5/13/2022 at 12:06 PM, historylover820 said:

    So, I entered SNW both with excitement--I loved, loved, loved Anson Mount as Pike on STD, and I actually didn't mind Ethan Peck as Spock. And the little bit I saw of Rebecca Romijn was Number One on STD, I enjoyed--and with trepidation (I mean, look at my first paragraph).

    So far, I love this show. To me, it feels like old school Star Trek, a prequel to TOS, but with much better special effects. I was worried about season long story arcs that drag on and on, giving its viewers a little piece of the puzzle but then raising more questions than it answers until the season finale. But I'm digging the episodic feel, because that's one of the reasons why it feels like old school Star Trek. And I don't mind the stable through line of Pike worried about the vision of the future he saw, because that's relatable and feels real. And, frankly, even feels like Jeffrey Hunter's take on Pike--he's first introduced brooding about a mission than went wrong and some of his crew was killed, and he's brooding about having the power to determine who lives and who dies.

    But Anson Mount's version of Pike, for me, puts Pike just under Kirk as my favorite Captain. I love his warmth and his humor.

    Me too!

    When I saw these characters on Disco, I  loved them and said "I would watch the shit out of a show with them."

    And when I heard that I was going to get my wish, I was really excited, more excited than even for a show about Picard. And so far, I am very pleased. It also doesn't hurt than Anson Mount is VERY easy on the eyes! 😉

    On 5/13/2022 at 2:46 PM, Ottis said:

    Also, why bother putting colors on the exo suits that match the colors of the uniforms? That seems like an excessive detail. Can you not wear an exo suit just because it is the wrong color?

    I'm thinking that perhaps they each have their own suit that has been customized to fit them perfectly?

    On 5/15/2022 at 6:51 PM, salaydouk said:

    ... and I don't think Chakotay ever used Janaway's first name as well but I am not so sure about this one.   

    I forget which episode it was, but Chakotay and Janeway were left together on a planet and were going to have to live there for a long time, possibly forever, and she told him, (paraphrasing) we're not in Starfleet here anymore, so call me Kathryn.

    From that point on, even after being rescued, he did call her Kathryn from time to time.

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  17. I was touched that Glassman gave Shaun the family rings - and mentioned his late-daughter - but - I  realize that S&L seem to be winging this wedding, but did they not even have rings?

    I had to laugh that the rings happened to fit both of them perfectly.

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  18. I never imagined that there would be so many bagel posts here! 🥯 I've eaten bagels ever since I can remember, but Montreal is known for bagels, so no surprise there.

    The current storyline is somewhat depressing, but I also think that they are setting up for canon. The acting has been phenomenal and I'm sure the actors are appreciating the opportunity to stretch their acting chops.

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  19. On 5/10/2022 at 8:28 PM, KaveDweller said:

    Agreed, they would never wait until the last minute like that. I don't even think Lea could have gotten a dress that quickly, aren't there usually fittings and stuff? Plus they would need to hire someone to do all the catering and flowers and crap, and I don't think those companies could provide things in 24 hours.

    But it was dumb to agree to go on a reality show if you didn't really want to. 

    That was totally bananas to me as well.  That would have all been planned way in advance - even a week in advance would have been crazy-short notice


    22 hours ago, rmontro said:

    I thought it was selfish of them to an astonishing degree.  Not only did they screw over the producer, who had invested who knows how much into their wedding and the film, what about all the guests?  All those people who were invited set aside the day to get dressed up and attend their wedding, and bought gifts.  Now they're going to have to do it all over again.  Terribly inconsiderate.  All this shows me I'm still not a fan of Lea, even after all the trouble they've gone to try to rehabilitate her.

    What I thought was going to happen was Lea was going to change into the simpler dress that Jordan had referred to earlier.

    I also thought that they were just going to get changed and go on with the wedding.  Everyone was there!  Just get married already!  Geez!

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  20. I just watched this on Disney+ and really enjoyed it. The sci-fi stuff got very messy, but I really enjoyed the characters a lot. Excellent character development and it avoided many of the clichés. 

    I really enjoyed AT as the lead in S2 of Why Women Kill - which I know was filmed since this aired. I highly recommend that anthology series.

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