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Posts posted by aemom

  1. I thought that Tyler had gotten the wrong number when he climbed up and that's why their math was wrong, but no - they had the correct number: 900

    I'm really shocked that they struggled with 900 * 0.8

    They must have been super tired to keep messing that up.

    J&J really do have nine lives.

    I guess karma bit Derek and Jaspal in the ass for Yielding (or whatever it was) the young ladies a few legs earlier.

    TyKat are clearly the biggest threat and if the other remaining teams are smart,  they will band together to try and get them out next.

  2. On 5/24/2021 at 8:32 PM, SunnyBeBe said:

    Was Kenton some kind of robot?  He sure did overpower and kick ass to be much older than the people he attacked, plus, he was a smoker.  I found that a little odd.  

    He is ex-military, perhaps a Navy Seal or something?  With that kind of training, he could still have a physical advantage over many people.

  3. The whole thing with Lyndon really bothered me.  We see that in all of the multi-verses, Lyndon dies and Katie walks away.

    When Katie was leaving, Forest reminds her that "Lyndon is in your car and you have this thing." So nonchalant!  Katie and Forest knew that Lyndon always died.  What was the point in killing her?  (Lyndon is portrayed by a female actor, so I'm assuming Lyndon is a she or possibly uses they?  The show is unclear)

    There was no reason for Lyndon's death.

    Forest also told Jamie that everything was going to work out for him.  Really!?

    I'm guessing that Lily destroys the computer and that's why they can't see the future beyond that point, but I am fascinated that Stewart is just hanging out by the door.  It's like he saw the future too and knows that shit is going down and wants to make a fast getaway.

  4. On 7/26/2023 at 9:47 AM, Lady Calypso said:

    Jermaine/Justin powered through their Speed Bump by shoveling the ice cream as fast as they could. At least Justin had a better attitude this episode, but I realize that I don't think I'll be getting over his quitting twice last episode. Plus, that Speed Bump was super easy. I mean, they're not going to let anyone actually get hurt by the tarantulas so unless someone has a deep phobia, it'll be easy to shove down ice cream in less than five minutes. I think of wish the bowl was twice as big, to add a little bit of time.


    21 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said:

    I knew (as likely everyone did) that Jermaine/Justin were not going home this week by the title of the episode. I don't know if I have ever seen an easier speedbump? That annoyed me. IMO the speedbump should have been at least as hard as one or both of the tasks they ditched. It would not have been hard to set up a task like the table setting one that required attention to detail and communication. Or at least take longer than the few minutes it took to eat ice cream. Ugh.

    I am terrified of spiders. When I saw that Speed Bump, all I could think was that I might probably have to take a penalty on that.

    The only way that I MIGHT be able to get through that would be not to look AT ALL and then shovel that ice cream like I've never eaten anything in my life.  I too would be screaming like a lunatic when it was all over.

    Lots of product placement in general, but it's the cost of being able to have the show, so I'm fine with it.  I recall when the production values of Canadian TV were so awful - it's nice to see that we can at least have good quality for our shows.

    There haven't been a lot of Roadblocks - just team things where they are separated.  I wonder why?

  5. 10 hours ago, marina to said:

    I know this was a long time ago, trying to make sense of why he wasn't being used, but I know said actor and for years he's made a living touring one-man shows across the country. He's adapted to the little vision he has, so a lot of filming would not have been the issue. Just want it on the record. 😉

    I read an interview with him a while back and he said that he knew going into the show that the intention was for him to just be on for the one season.

    So it was always planned to be that way and was not a surprise for him.  He wasn't fired or anything.

  6. I had mixed feelings about this episode. When I saw time travel in the description, I actually thought that there was going to be Gorn shenanigans to explain these Gorn as opposed to TOS Gorn.

    I enjoyed all the Canadian references, I liked Kirk better this time around, and I liked the idea of the story. The car chase, the hotel suite, getting over the US border - despite the border guard bribery comment - took me out of it a bit. Leaving the gun in Khan's room was just bananas to me.

    I did snicker at Kirk's Noonian-Soong comment. I see what you did there show!

    What I did really like about this episode is that La'an is finally able to make peace with her heritage, and we should be seeing a calmer, less angry side of her from now on.

    I am really missing Pike and Una - two of these first three episodes barely had them at all. 

    • Like 3
  7. On 6/24/2023 at 9:33 AM, Moxie Cat said:

    I'm also predicting now that Fergus's hand is the reason for the obit misprint, and it will be different from the book.

    They addressed that in the book.

    It was something about the printer missing a letter or something to put in the press, so they put a different month figuring "who really cares." It was not Fergus who printed that obituary but some other random printer. 

    • Like 3
  8. On 6/22/2023 at 10:54 AM, dwmarch said:

    I have to wonder about the set design. Why have a courtroom where the judges are separated from the lawyers by what appears to be a giant hole in the floor? Has Starfleet's JAG office had too many people rush the well? Are we seeing the consequences of the Bailiff Revolt of 2205? (I think they may have re-used the Starfleet Command set from Discovery which had a similar giant hole in the middle of a meeting space)

    I'm pretty sure that they were still under Covid restrictions while filming these episodes, so that was certainly a great way to keep distance between the actors.


    On 6/23/2023 at 10:28 AM, jah1986 said:

    I really enjoyed this episode. But, as has been mentioned, I don't understand Starfleet's rule against augments. Illyrians aren't human, are they? It can't be that Starfleet doesn't want to admit beings that are physically stronger than humans because that would keep out Vulcans, Klingons etc. You're part of a united federation of planets, how can you discriminate on how another planet lives? It's just such a frustrating law.

    It's not about not wanting stronger beings, it's about genetic modification.  People being able to genetically modify themselves opens a whole Pandora's box with all the slippery slopes that comes with it. The Federation wants no part of that.


    I really enjoyed this episode a lot. Acting was excellent and I liked how they resolved Una's situation 

    • Like 2
  9. When Bree was sitting on the beach and Roger came over to talk to her - you can see how bad Sophie Skelton really is.

    There is just no subtlety, no inflection, no nothing in her performance.  She just recites her lines like a wooden doll.  Everyone else on the show is just so good, that it really magnifies her shortcomings.

    • Like 3
  10. On 5/9/2023 at 5:54 PM, AngelaHunter said:

    I got different cases than Seacliffsal did.

    The first was the piano woman who hired def. to transport her piano to its new owner and he was 1 1/2 hrs late and his workers were devoid of anything needed to actually get the piano into the truck and damaged her door while wrestling with the thing. This case was butted into for me by urgent, breaking news that simply could not wait I did catch the end and P was awarded $1475 to fix the damage. Doug lightly spanks def and yells after him as he's leaving some advice about better planning! Plaintiff looked and sounded like a perfect central-casting pick for "Piano teacher", although I don't know if she did that. She was quite delightful.

    Then we had an uber-pontificating windbag condo owner. JM allowed him his 15+ minutes, and seemed to find him charming while he spouted an endless, rehearsed, unfunny comedy monologue, referring to the governing board as "incestuous" "idiots", and other derogatory terms all punctuated with a zillion drawn-out "Umms" and "Ahhs". Anyway, it seems his unit got flooded due to a blockage in the pipes. P orders his upstairs neighbour, who I believe he referred to as "Tickle Me" to stop using water, but alas, the idiot or moron actually used his water gain. 

    P wants all kinds of money, including for the cleanup of his kitchen which is denied since the mess wouldn't have been so bad had he called a plumber right then.

    I really couldn't take the P any longer, so don't know how much money, if any, he got.

    I listened to JM and JJ discuss what they would have been had they not gone into law.

    Judge John says he would have been an English professor and I can see him in that field but -Yes! JM says she originally wanted to be a therapist but someone tactfully informed her that she may be a better talker than a listener.

    I'm picturing JM as a psychologist:

    JM: "So, did I tell you about what happened at my wedding when my husband wanted to leave because his "stupid" Mustang took off on its own? Yes? Oh, well then you need to know about our three wonderful, beautiful, talented, SJW, perfect daughters! Did you know they missed their graduation ceremonies because of that stupid COVID? Try and imagine how devastated we all were. I told them we could hold the parties later, but you know it's just not the same! And..."

    36 minutes later: "I dearly love those perfect beautiful daughters but I get annoyed when they steal my clothes and jewelry and I have to yell at them. My husband has no say about anything in our home, so he just slinks off to the garage to play with his cars and I'm left to hand out the discipline. One time..."

    45 minutes later: "I don't really know what my incomparable daughters might do but both my husband and I hope for them to be professionals, hopefully in law so they can follow in their mother's footsteps. Did I mention that one of them drew on the walls when she was a small but perfect child? I did? But did I tell you that those circles she drew were absolutely perfect! "

    50 minutes later: "My oldest lovely daughter is a grown woman but I'm sure you'll understand that I treat her, and all of them, like little babies who need my constant supervision and protection. If it were up to me, they'd all be living at home with me and..oh, yeah, their father - until they're at least 35, and... on another topic, my whole family are contractors and try and imagine how much it annoys me when anyone thinks I don't know about construction!"

    53 minutes later: "Well, enough about me. Let's talk about you and make it fast. Time is nearly up!"

    Okay. I'm just goofing around. I really adore JM!

    So.."what happened was" I was trying to figure out who the condo def. reminded me of - some rock star, or minor celeb? I did admire his perfectly placed and streaked locks. Help me out, people.



    tpc- Google Photos.png


    Very late to the party as usual, but I thought the same thing, and my vote was Kato Kaelin from the OJ Simpson trial:


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  11. So in my mind, this show would randomly throw what I thought of as puzzle pieces onto a table - that seemingly had no connection whatsoever.  Then as episodes progressed, you would see them tying them together and they would start to make sense.

    Then they would throw more pieces down.

    Overall, I really liked this a lot.  It was nutty and different and the actors sold it 100% of the time, which was essential to making the show work.

    I liked how they resolved all of it.


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  12. On 4/26/2023 at 4:03 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:

    Just hearing the start of the composting case, I decided that plaintiff was trespassing, and having others on defendant's property is leading to liability for her.     I don't see how defendant should be required to allow community composting on her property, or allow him to store his tools on her property.  

    I'm glad I watched long enough to see the vile text messages from plaintiff, and to hear about his years in the slammer for a Ponzi scheme.   I'm guessing that's federal prison.  

    I'm not easily scared by anyone, but plaintiff scared me.  

    I just saw this episode and I can't believe that none of you mentioned that Doug was IN THE HALLWAY.  For real!  Doing the Halterview in person!

    This was an interesting case in that it wasn't about a woman trying to buy a man's love, a pet being attacked by another pet, or some slumlord/wretched tenant trying to keep/get back a security deposit.

    As for the recent trend of one-case-only shows, perhaps when the show was cancelled, they didn't know yet if they would have any budget to film more episodes and were trying to make due.  But from what I saw on the schedule, I think that they are filming more, so hopefully we'll get more episodes with more than one case.

    • Like 4
  13. On 5/19/2023 at 11:15 PM, bilgistic said:

    I hated Tucky and the woman hawking it. Cropping versus tucking just isn't a problem people have.

    So true! I really disliked her and her dumb product and I can't wait for crop tops to go back out of style again. 


    On 5/20/2023 at 8:11 AM, BusyOctober said:

    The Eye-Wris Dad was very charming.  Loved his opening story about buying the wrong versions of groceries because he couldn’t read the packaging.  Been there too many times myself and came home with Mac n cheese with jalapeño.  But like already mentioned, wouldn’t those readers get scratched up really quickly, being banged up as users rest their arms/ wrists on counters, grazing against objects as they go through their day?  

    The wrong grocery story was hilarious. Maybe you could make them with an anti-scratch material, but for me, the big problem is that the lenses are touching the skin on your arms. They are going to be smudged all the time.


    On 5/20/2023 at 8:21 AM, seacliffsal said:

    Loved the HBCU presenter and the father/son duo.  Just like Lori, for whatever reason there were a few tears in my eyes when the father spoke about his time being over.

    I kept waiting for him to say that he was dying of cancer or something! Glad to hear that wasn't the case. 

    • Like 2
  14. On 4/5/2023 at 8:06 AM, vadare said:


      Reveal spoiler

    where it turned out he was a 'toon all along.

    All in all I'm enjoying this season. I understand ratings have dipped, but I really think it's because people are waiting for the whole season to drop so they can binge it.

    I totally wait for entire seasons to drop. We have family TV nights and watch 2-3 episodes at a time of whatever series we're currently working on.

    Enjoying this season so far.

    • Like 1
  15. On 3/30/2023 at 3:36 PM, MissLucas said:

    Zeb was a main character in Star Wars Rebels - other characters from the series have already been cast to appear in Ahsoka. But a lot of folks did not believe that Zeb would make an appearance in live-action tv due to his looks. Hence the excitement. I doubt that he will make a regular in Ahsoka as he's all CGI but it's still neat to see him around.

    We're currently watching Rebels (well into Season 1) and are now sliding episodes of The Mandalorian in, so there was definitely a shout of ZEB! at our place.

    So, I guess he makes it through Rebels 😀

    • Like 1
  16. 2 hours ago, Tom Holmberg said:

    Being a stupid male, I don't understand how she wouldn't have already been aware of this issue?

    One of two things happened.

    1. She went to the interview without nursing pads in which case it was a dumb plot hole by the writers.

    2. She was wearing them, but she still leaked through anyway. 

    • Like 1
  17. 21 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

    There are lots of places like this. There are generators for power, cell phone service comes from satellites now, and internet can come from a tethered phone. Probably a sceptic tank instead of sewer.

    This is very interesting and all of it fits, except for the generator.

    Generators are loud and you need gasoline to run them.  Keeping a front porch light on would be a huge waste.  Big miss on that for realism in my book.  We should have heard the generator on at least some of the time - and perhaps someone filling it with more gas.

    This show has always been good about a lot of things, so I'm going to hold them to a very high standard to make things believable.

    • Like 2
  18. I did not really like this episode because I kept waiting for someone to wake up/stop hallucinating.  We've already seen Barry hallucinating many times with scenes in the desert, and this did not look like a real way to live:

    A house quite literally in the middle of nowhere.  How are they getting electricity, internet access, and cell service?  How far does Sally drive into town to get to her job?  It seems like such a fake scene and they are both so awful to John, that it was very hard for me to become invested in any of it.

    But wow - full credit to Sally for her commitment to this whole life being an act.  Not only does she wear her dark wig all of the time, but she keeps dying the hair underneath it blonde.

    Wondering what happens next.

    • Like 7

    Natures Wild Berries: I guess the idea for these is to try and train people who really need to improve their diet to guide them towards eating healthier foods.  Then maybe over time, you can slowly drop the amount of berries that you eat as you become acclimated to the tastes - sort of like slowly reducing how much sugar you put in your coffee over time.

    See the Way I See: She is killing it, and good for her.  I'm also not sure why her designs are so popular because they seem rather basic.  I suspect that it's because there is a good community built up and because she only has the merch in drops, FOMO kicks in and people order it. 

    Noshi: I felt really sorry for this guy.  I'd like him to do well, but I'm not convinced that this is the business to support his family with.  I also raised my eyebrows at the price - I would not spend this much for that stuff on a regular basis, and honestly, at some point, kids have to learn to eat standard food, or just not eat it.  I really hope that he does well.  He was a guy that I expected to tear up about his hardships, but he didn't.  

    You Go Natural: I'm not their target market, so I really couldn't comment, but they seemed to be losing a lot of money, so I don't know...

    Update was for the shirt collar company and I didn't understand why this was so popular at pitch time, and I'm really shocked at how well they are doing now - but hey - good for them.

    • Like 2
  20. I've always liked Lea Thompson and I enjoyed this series.  It's a rather fluffy show - not as hard-core as a cable drama series, which is sometimes all that you want for an evening of TV watching.

    I was surprised with some of the swear words that got past the sensors - I guess Canadian TV is more liberal than the US networks.

    They've definitely set things up for another season, so hopefully the show will be back.

    • Like 3
  21. On 4/16/2023 at 2:22 PM, Llywela said:

    He only wants IG-11 because Din hates and mistrusts droids in general. IG-11 is the only droid he feels he can truly trust. That's why he wants him. He could, in fact, use any droid to scout the surface, test the air, etc. But he doesn't trust any old droid. He trusts this droid specifically.

    If my favorite droid went all "Terminator" trying to kill little Grogu, I might stop trusting droids again, especially this one. I would be unconvinced that a reset would work.

    Since he took the other droid to do the job of checking the atmosphere, I'm not sure what he still needs a droid for?

    Good setup for the season. I'm happy that my favorite odd couple are back.

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  22. I've been ruminating over the last week to decide how I felt about this episode and the season overall because I'm always so happy to get new Trek, that it takes me a while to decide how good/bad it is?

    It was great to see the whole cast together again.  I have heard many times how they all love each other - even still after all these years - and that shone through in the season.

    They did tie up some plot lines from years ago and they did mess a few up, but it's really hard to please everyone.

    Overall it was well done, and I would be very interested in watching a show with Seven as Captain of the Ent-G.  When Jeri Ryan started on ST:Voy, I rolled my eyes like many others, but I soon had to admit that she is a very talented actress, and I enjoy her very much. I don't have the same level of hate towards Jack as others, but I will agree that he doesn't look 20. I'm up for ST:Legacy or whatever they want to call it.

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