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Posts posted by aemom

  1. I never thought that the waxing scene would happen the way it does in the book and I was actually surprised that they showed it at all.

    When people are lost in the woods or abandoned at sea or countless other scenarios where people do not have the comforts of home, TV or movies will usually depict the men growing facial hair, but the women always remain magically hairless. This has even been true on Outlander. We've seen Claire naked many times and her underarms are always hairless. So, they couldn't go with the scene the way it was written in the book. I do like how they used it to show how hard PTSD has been for Jamie to deal with.

    • Love 3
  2. The song with the band was hilarious and I cracked up even before that with Cam's red spiky hair and Goth lipstick.

    The look on Cam's face when the lyrics started and then Mitchell slowly slinking off the stage. Full marks to Cam for trying to sell his off the cuff alternate lyrics.

    • Love 6
  3. I was really surprised that Manjit the vegetarian seemed to be snuggling up in her coat. I don't think that I've ever heard of a vegetarian who thought it was okay to wear fur.

    Montreal (where the sisters are from) had a huge fur business dating back to the fur trade. That business has diminished over the years, but it's still going. I think that's why their business is doing well, because so much of the fur business is in Montreal.

    When my grandparents came to this country as immigrants, that was where they managed to find jobs. I've never been interested in fur, I really think it's kind of creepy. I would be okay with their business if they were just refurbishing fur (the animal is already gone at this point), but they're also doing new stuff.

    So, I can fully appreciate the outrage, but at the same time, the industry put food on my family's table, so I can't hate on it too much personally.

    • Love 1
  4. After Eugene's potential girlfriend was blown up, I was rather disappointed that it wasn't addressed in subsequent episodes. But I can see that they were winding up for the big reveal about a fair bit of time passing and how he wasn't coping well. It's these callbacks that really make me love this show.

    I still don't really see how the mechanical "dog" would have been able to run that fast at the park, but sometimes you have to suspend belief to enjoy a tv show.

    • Love 3
  5. I think that the two guys with the chessboard and the others sitting on the bench are producer plants to make the task more challenging.

    The first time two loons show up with newspapers and start measuring the bench, ok, but then when the rest of them show up, I move to another bench. Nobody ever moved, so I'm quite sure that they were part of the task.

    • Love 6
  6. My take on Ian telling Caleb his Mickey story was that for some people who've been through trauma, you might approach it with humour to make it seem less horrific. Honestly, the way he told the story, it seemed like he was just making it up entirely, because when you hear that, it sounds completely fictional. Caleb probably thought that Ian was joking, not that it was a real story.  That's how I saw it.


    Boobs.  This show loves boobs for no reason.  A few episodes back, Fiona wakes up, takes off her t-shirt, gets out of bed, throws on her robe, and starts going through the house to get all the kids up.  Who takes off their shirt to put on their robe, which could could flap open and flash the kids?  Nobody that's who, but this show must be like Game of Thrones with a boob quota or something.


    Finally, I am old enough to be Lip's very young mother, so maybe that's why I just don't get it.  When I look at Lip, I don't see "man that kid is smoking hot and I can see why an 18 year old would want to get into his pants."  Is he really such hot stuff that he always has these girls throwing themselves at him?  Or are these girls just so incredibly horny and undiscerning?

    • Love 2
  7. Just watched the repeat with my son last night who said "well if everyone starts wearing wooden bowties, then they aren't special and unique anymore."

    Nobody seems to want to do a deal with Kevin.

    As a Canadian, I watched him for many years on Dragon's Den where he was really horrible to some of the more pathetic pitchers. It also got to the point where nobody wanted to make a deal with him anymore.

    The most telling example of how, I don’t know, mean he is, was when a bunch of kids from a poor neighborhood, came asking for 10K to expand their salad dressing business Hope Blooms. Kevin did nothing, but the other 4 dragons each GAVE the kids 10K who have since really improved the sales. Kevin really is all about the money.

    • Love 1
  8. I have to say that I was impressed by Tyler. He seems to have his head screwed on pretty well, was not loud or obnoxious, and appeared approachable and genuine. The mom in me mentally tagged "he seems like a nice boy."

    The only others who gave the impression that they won't be mugging attention whores the entire race are the Roosters, the brothers, the dancers, and possibly the magic guy. So far Cole and Brodie are beyond aggravating.

    • Love 3
  9. I'm pretty sure that they went with the YouTubers this season to get more youngsters to watch.

    I watched with my 13 year old son and he knew the Frisbee guy, the magic guy, the videogame couple (and said their games were cool), and Tyler.

    So interesting that my young generation only knew 4 of them, so I wonder how famous they all actually are. Though, he would never watch makeup and hair tips.

    Cole, dear God, STFU. You are beyond loud.

    Is this the first NEL in leg 1? I can't remember them doing that before.

    I didn't like how lopsided the detour was - all the Mariachis finished before one firework team did. So far I'm not hating it, but Cole and the model chicks can go anytime.

    • Love 2
  10. Gus could sue Fiona for the ring in small claims court and he would win, because you have to give back an engagement ring.

    If she doesn't have the ring, then he can get the value of it and if he has supporting paperwork, she could be really screwed owing all that money.

    I think they will wind up in Yannis' place.

  11. I am very confused. What is the time lapse here?

    Carl was in juvie for how long? Fiona is pregnant and it could be Sean, or Gus or Jimmy/Steve? Hasn't it been a while since she's seen them?

    Once she finds out she's pregnant, then she has nausea and symptoms, but it seems like she could be further along based on the potential father list.

    Has anyone figured this out or am I dense?

  12. I am never quite sure what's going on with Sherlock's dad.  The actor plays it so well.


    I think the covered up strippers are due to the fact that network TV still has far more restrictions on nudity.  I would have never recognized Tom Wopat if I hadn't seen his name in the credits and was looking out for him.


    I truly love this show and the interactions between the regulars.  It's unlike almost anything else on TV.

    • Love 4
  13. Justin is insufferable when he's winning: loud, extremely obnoxious, and an endless braggart.

    Justin is insufferable when he's losing: he cries like a baby, complains that he could have done a challenge better, talks about how it's the worst thing ever, and treats his fiancee and the locals like shit.

    I REALLY hope he is served his comeuppance in the final leg, because he is one of the worst people I've ever seen on the race.

    • Love 11
  14. In season 2 of The Amazing Race Canada, we had a team that won 7 of the 11 legs and then lost in the final leg to a team that had never won a leg previously. Unlike Justin and Diana, they were not annoying at all.

    So I've seen dominant teams lose in the end. I have faith that Justin and all his arrogance will receive his comeuppance.

    • Love 8
  15. I speak French but I can honestly say that I didn't know the motto.

    However, they did say that prononunciation would count for the rap challenge and the contestants were making my ears bleed and were still being passed through.

    While the roadblocks were cool to watch, they really didn't offer much opportunity for the teams to switch places with the exception of the continually incompetent papparazzi team. I prefer shows where there is room for movement.

    • Love 2
  16. So, basically, there was this guy I was just dating even though we have a kid together... anyway, he attacks me with knives and 5-lb weights and nearly severed my jiggler but you know - I just love that man of mine!  A lot of other women want him too, and why not? He takes his pension money to buy a 14 year old car (so he can say he drives a Lexus) well, he bought half of it. I had to finance the other half. He can't have a cable bill in his name or buy his own running shoes but I'm happy to do that for him because, as I said, I just LOVE that man of mine, when I'm not in jail, that is.


    How did that train wreck end?  The episode airing in my area was interrupted to show the arrival of Pope Francis.

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