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Posts posted by Legalbeagle421

  1. 18 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

    Seeing as I've compared Monique to CT from RW: Paris and The Challenge, I've got to assume that Monique's goal was a lot like CT's during his iconic fight with Adam. When asked if he wanted to kill Adam, CT in the middle of his berserker rage said something like "Yes! I want to beat his face in, eat his brains, and piss in skull because I win every fight." A 15 minute attempt to cool off CT didn't work either.


    I wish I could find a better version of the back half of that fight.


    Omg, I remember preteen me watching this live. Thanks for the throwback memory. I used to love The Challenge. 

    18 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:


    36 minutes ago, drivethroo said:

    If they don't want to be seen as fighting violent black people or be around other black people that are fighting and violent, that's their business and it doesn't matter what or how white people see them as.

    Thank you for this. I identify 100% with Gizelle, Robyn and Wendy’s embarrassment. As a fellow Black woman, I wouldn’t want to be around this either. Has nothing to be with white and everything to do with the reputation I have built for myself that doesn’t include violence. I imagine these women feel the same, especially Wendy who spends half of her career advocating for Black people on Faux News. 

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  2. 11 minutes ago, RealReality said:

    The spoiler tag is hilarious and maybe a way to force a realization.

    LOL I actually think Robyn is my favorite HW on the show and always has been.  Not only do I think she is a cool person, but I think she is authentic.  I can see why Gizelle always tries to keep Robyn to herself.  

    Same! Love Robyn on the show. I would totally be her friend in real life. 

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  3. 5 minutes ago, drivethroo said:

    Or the blogs on YouTube.  All of them are "Monique was wrong BUT Candiace deserves to get her ass beat."  I attribute this to Monique's smear campaign on Candiace (and we know Candiace has a slick mouth but nothing we've seen on screen this season warranted the attack from Monique). Monique has been making the rounds for almost a year, contacting a lot of the popular YouTube RHOP/Pop Culture bloggers, spinning a story of Candiace attacking her and she had to defend herself etc etc.  Monique running her mouth to the blogs is why Gigi finally came forth to share her side of the story.  Candiace's mother had to put her IG on private last night allegedly because Monique fans started spamming her IG with hateful comments.  Ginning up social media against Candiace is what Wendy & Robyn are going to check Monique on in next week's episode.

    Honestly, I've never really minded Candiace. But then again, I really like Robyn, which seems to be an unpopular opinion, so maybe I'm just crazy lol. I can't wait to see Wendy and Robyn tell Monique off. Also, there's a preview on Bravo's website but 


    Gizelle also hired a security guard that she brought to the meeting. 😂 I died when I saw the title "Gizelle's private security".

    I can't wait to see the aftermath of this mess lol. 

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  4. 35 minutes ago, Boofish said:

    I did not marry a poor man and I don't care who knows it or what they think. I didn't live 53 years only to marry a man with no assets. Financial stability was on my vision board. I'm not about to struggle. Didn't struggle without you and for damn sure not about to struggle with you. If this was a 30 year marriage and sickness or something catastrophic happened that is a different perspective. But I sought out a man who had means. Not ashamed and wouldn't change a thing. Call it gold digging if you want *Kayne shrug* 


    Agreed. I get a lot of flack for this myself. I'm an attorney. I am not marrying someone who is not comparable.

    However, I think Monique is willing to put up with some things that I never would for the sake of money. Based on her actions last night, she is very insecure and that insecurity manifests itself by bring out the "hood" she desperately wanted to escape. 

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  5. Am I the only one who doesn't give a shit about any of this other stuff they're showing? Ashley and Michael--NO. Karen and Ray--NO. Gizelle and her children--NO. Robyn and Wendy have since disappeared. The convo between Gizelle and her dad was good. Otherwise, this is so boring following such a crazy start. 

    • Love 15
  6. 1 minute ago, loveaux said:

    so maybe im tripping or maybe i didn’t watch the same episode as Monique, but Monique started that and egged that fight on. she threw the first punch and regardless of how much shit candiass talks, i just feel like that fight was...unnecessary.


    but was that Karen screaming “MONIQUE LET HER GOOOOOOOO” like that LMAO

    I thought it was Robyn, but whoever it is my new favorite Potomac housewife. 

    And I agree with you 100%. Monique went too far and said she would kill her. Okay, psycho. I've never been a fan. 

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  7. I was too busy looking at Eddie last week to pay attention to his and Wendy's actual conversation. Upon rewatch, I am not looking forward to Wendy's inevitable on-camera conversation with her mom about changing career paths. Wendy is like 36/37 years old with a whole family. Who cares what your mom says? Also, we have enough mother/daughter drama on this show. Thank goodness Robyn and Gizelle have normal relationships with their mothers, but we don't see them nearly enough. Just crazy Dorothy and handouts Sheila (Is that Ashley's mom's name?). 

    • LOL 1
  8. On 9/23/2020 at 4:41 AM, Bossa Nova said:

    So is this show coming back ?

    Usually it premiers the new season in August, yes ?

    Understandably ,filming may have been delayed due to Covid quarantine .


    Anybody know whats up with Dallas ?

    They finished filming I want to say two weeks ago. I keep hearing they'll be back in December.

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  9. 1 hour ago, RealReality said:

    I don't think its at all rude to call Chris "big boy," he is like 8 feet tall and was a defensive lineman right?  I don't think you play that position if you're "average sized boy"  He has lost a lot of weight, but he is always going to be a big, teddy bear type.  I actually like that body type so I guess I dont see the offense.  

    I guess I say that because he was VERY offended by it. He also said it was demeaning because of the racial implications of Black men being referred to as boy, etc., which I understand. But you're right. He is a "big boy" lol. I'm gonna laugh any time Gizelle says it regardless. 😂

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  10. 4 hours ago, drivethroo said:

    The reason we know about the trainer rumor on the show is because of Gizelle telling us through the confessionals.  If BRAVO didn't want us to know about the rumors, then they wouldn't repeatedly show Gizelle saying "Word on the street is Monique got too close to her trainer and Big Boy found out".


    I know it's rude for Gizelle to refer to him this way and I know he did a whole Instagram Live with Monique in his feelings about her calling him that but this confessional makes me laugh every single time. She said it at Candiace's party too ("WHEREEEE is Big Boy?" 😂)  I just think "Big Boy" is hilarious and accurate.  But I just can't like Monique and Chris, even though it seems the general audience is Team Monique no matter what actually happened with this fight. 🤷🏾‍♀️ I tend to like the unpopular, so another day in the life for LegalBeagle, I suppose. 😊

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  11. 2 minutes ago, TexasGal said:

    My mom's hot take on the reunion, after being subjected to it by me even though she doesn't watch the show:

    1.  She THOUGHT that was the lady who was married to Charlie Sheen but she wasn't sure because she looks so different.

    2.  These women all have potty mouths.

    3.  Why are that one's (Kyle's) boobs hanging out?

    4.  Denise's interview clip where she says she said worse things about them than what Brandi had reported made her anti-Denise.  Also, she looks kinda crazy there.



    Your mom is spot on. I had all the same thoughts, as a regular viewer. 😂

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  12. 1 hour ago, angelamh66 said:

    I continue to be disappointed at these reunions.  It must be the trial lawyer in me, but I get so frustrated at the lack of anyone's ability to truly cross examine these people.  You have on the record prior statements from all of them that could definitely be used to pin them down. Give me 15 minutes with Rinna and/or Kyle, with the footage of their past statements and they would be toast.  I just wish Denise or freaking Andy would have been better at dealing with these bitches. 

    Same here! I'm actually watching my recording of the show while working and thinking how ridiculous the arguments are. And Rinna coming in with a print out of random text messages: inadmissible hearsay 😜.

    Unpopular opinion, I know, but Denise is lying through her teeth and didn't know if she was coming or going. I, like the majority of you, do not care what she did or didn't do with Brandi. I do think her husband is gross and I'm glad we confirmed the crushing of the hand weirdness. I watched Denise on her other show way back when and she always kind of goes into defensive/lying mode when she's called out. If I recall, she called a reporter a see you next Tuesday on camera for asking about the Richie Sambora thing. Denise seems like a nice person but I think she makes bad choices when it comes to decisions and people in her life. But again, none of my business lol. Lol at Dorit saying the breakdown of Denise and Rinna's friendship "hurts her". 😂 Yeah, I'm sure it does, Dorit.

    I follow some of the women on Instagram and I remember when the women went to watch Erika on Broadway. I wondered where Garcelle and Denise were. Now, we know lol. I typically like Teddi a lot (another unpopular opinion, I know) but I thought it was lame and stupid for her to give them--especially Denise--a hard time for not going to New York with them. 

    • Love 10
  13. 7 hours ago, Brookside said:



    What kind of stupid name is Chrishell?  Especially "paired" with that giant pair of fake knockers.

    It’s actually a funny story of how her mom came up with the name. She’s from humble beginnings in Kentucky and I believe a man named Chris helped her mom at a Shell station while she was in labor. Nevertheless, she lost both of her parents to cancer within the last year and her husband dumped her in a pretty humiliating way, so we should give her a little bit of grace here for putting herself out there. However, if she keeps dancing the way she did last night, all my votes are going toward Vernon, AJ, and Jesse lol, even though I’ve been a fan of hers since she was on soap operas. She seems like a genuinely nice person. 

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  14. 24 minutes ago, LibertarianSlut said:

    Monique was really chewing the scenery when Gizelle and Candiace didn’t want to immediately film at her bonfire.  She is coming off a little bitter this season and needs to relax.  She was being such a bitch about Michael.  Sorry Monique, Michael cheating is not a personal affront to your vacation.  Ashley’s marriage has nothing to do with Monique’s marriage.  Robyn had Monique’s number on that one.  It’s not guilty by association.  Whatever is going on in Monique’s marriage is not because Michael wasn’t faithful to Ashley.

    I totally believe that it was true that Michael was creeping around at the club, and I think it was important for Candiace and Gizelle told it to Ashley in confidence.  If her husband is cheating, she has to know so that she can make choices for herself and her son.  I also thought Ashley took it incredibly well, and this is clearly something she was aware of.  Sad for Ashely, but this has been an issue since season one.  She’s not brand new, and I give her credit for not acting like she is either. 

    I looooove when they drink on this franchise.  It’s always so funny and entertaining, not dark.  Karen was turnt.  Spill allll the tea on Ray.  I’m living for that.  I just wish Robyn stayed up drinking with them.  Robyn’s drinking is gold.  

    I don’t know if Chris Samuels is just being given a weird edit this year, but I still don’t like him.  I don’t like how he walks onto the scene and demands attention.  I don’t like his entitlement.  I don’t like his diction and enunciation, which he has the power to adjust.  Maybe I just had a bad taste in my mouth from the “previously on” where they showed him scolding Monique that she better not fall asleep when he does it to her.  That’s not “country.”  To chalk that up to being “country” is not fair to rural people.  He’s stupid and gross.  And, yes Chris, a vasectomy is “bullshit” if it’s just all about you.  If he would take his wife into consideration as a woman and not a brood mare for one second, I might like him again.  

    I would rather Monique just tell Candiace she is going to drag her again than to drag the audience through a whole episode about the fire pit.  People are allowed to have private conversations on vacation, Monique, as much as your bonfire was a once in a lifetime event.  Monique has lost her mind.  

    Robyn’s floral jumpsuit was so pretty.  She is really bringing her A-game looks-wise this season.  She’s making up for some of the other women <cough Gizelle cough>

    Wendy’s back story is so much more interesting than her 444 degrees.  She should have led with that instead.  

    White Chris’s impression of Candiace was the only one that got me to crack a smile.  Ray looks like he’s right on the cusp of a heart attack and Eddie’s impression of Wendy had no character.  He was too safe with it.  Not even going to go there with Chris S.  “Don’t be yawning while I’m talking”????  What a prince.  He and Monique were such assholes this episode!  

    Michael is such a punk bitch that I don’t have very much to say, except I’d bet dollars to doughnuts that “document” he was reviewing was a dick pic.  Oh, and when I see those headlines and hidden camera footage, I’m reminded of that old Tammy Wynette song “D-I-V-O-R-C-E.”

    You never cease to make me laugh (in a good way, of course) with your on-point commentary. I very much appreciate it.

    I was really grossed out by Chris when he barked at Monique "don't fall asleep while I'm talking to you" or whatever he said. Chris and Monique are relatively religious, right? He gives off that "the Bible tells us women must submit to their husbands" vibe that makes me run from religion 🏃🏾‍♀️.

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