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Posts posted by Legalbeagle421

  1. Wow, that was super boring. I feel bad for Kameron that she lost her dog. I was a little “yikes” though with her saying she may never forgive her husband for what happened 😬. Um yikes!

    I’m inclined to believe Brandi isn’t a bad person and hopefully learned a valuable lesson for her ignorance and stupidity. But I do not need to see Stephanie, D’Andra and Kary minimizing her actions and saying that’s not who she is and what she’s about. I’m really over people who are not of the offended race trying to say how others should feel. She shouldn’t be “cancelled” and I hope things improve with her mental health. But we don’t need these other woman to tell us how people should feel or react.

    I like and dislike Tiffany. She seems very outspoken. We don’t need her and Kary and D’Andra. That’s just too much pitbull for one show. Can you imagine if we still had LeeAnne? That would be like happy Hunger Games. Tiffany needs to chill about how smart she is because people don’t watch these shows to watch geniuses anyway lol. But I liked her spiel on the impact and significance of covid, so bravo Tiffany. I also think I saw that her dog has since passed away, so seeing him in that scene was sad.

    Not much more to say. I came to follow Kary on Instagram and found I liked her way more based on that than I did last season, so we’ll see how she presents herself this year. People showing their vaginas to each other in someone else’s house upon first meeting is just 😂😂😂🤦🏾‍♀️. That’s all for now, folks. 

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  2. 7 minutes ago, drivethroo said:

    What we've seen this season is when Candiace actually does walk away and not engage, the viewers still want her ass beat anyway.

    Monique cries crocodile tears about going to therapy and changing but she still as of 2 days ago  is dragging Candiace on social media and said on this last episode she wanted to fight Candiace again for what Candiace said to Karen.  Monique will not change and neither will Candiace.

    A lot of victims of bullying are unlikeable people that nobody cares about.    Yes, we know bullying is "wrong" but we don't like that victim, they violated our societal norms in some way and they need to go away.  Bullying is the tool to make that person "go away."  It doesn't matter what Candiace does or what she says, the only acceptable way for Candiace to "accept responsibility" and "take accountability" is for Candiace to announce she deserved to get her ass beat by Monique and then quit the show and go away and never be heard or seen again.  

    The people who were full of shit at the reunion were as follows:

    • Monique, for feigning contrition on this last episode when she is not sorry at all and would beat Candiace's ass TODAY if she could
    • Gizelle, for feigning like she wasn't gossiping about Monique's baby for revenge on Monique destroying her relationship with Sherman
    • Ashley, for feigning like her marriage is "better than ever" and defending Michael when we've seen season after season him assaulting somebody or cheating
    • Karen, for feigning like she was neutral and "so concerned" about Candiace but went to BRAVO HR to get her fired from the show

    Candiace wasn't the one full of shit.

    Yes, the one who started the physical touching (Monique) is at fault.

    I love these stories about people claiming that's just how it is, if somebody is nasty to you then you hit them.  Stop it.  When your manager at work chews you out, when the checker at the grocery store is rude, when the drive-thru girl is rude, you're not fighting them.  Stop it.  You seethe about it, tweet about it and move on.  You're not fighting anyone.  You're not dragging anyone.  Stop it.  It's just puffery.

    The state of Maryland dismissed the charges because 1) this is a TV show fight 2) the only way charges would've proceeded against Monique is if Candiace had let Monique rip her wig off and let Monique keep slamming her head in the table without doing anything.  The moment Candiace swung the glass at Monique in self defense, it became a "mutual fight".  That's why Michael didn't punch/push Chris B. when Chris pushed him and started screaming "I BEEN ASSAULTED YOU GOIN TO JAIL".  He was trying to build a case against Chris B. and that case would've been dismissed if Michael had pushed him back (even though Michael touched Chris B. FIRST).

    What's wrong with society is people feel they should be able to be physically violent with no consequences and that's just not how it works.  There is a higher consequence for putting your hands on somebody than there is for mouthing off.  It's just what it is.  

    Monique and her supporters are upset that Candiace is not facing the same consequences that Monique is facing.  The fact of the matter is, being mouthy isn't a crime.  Being nasty isn't a crime.  It's just not.  Monique doesn't have a mouth and couldn't come back at Candiace so she used her fists.  That IS a crime.  Not one person on this forum, YouTube, social media or whatever is slapping up their coworkers for having a smart mouth.  You're not.  Because you know if you did, you'd be fired.

    Monique actually beat a woman up and managed a social media bullying campaign against the woman she beat up and got away with it.  The average everyday person talking about "Talk shit, get hit" or "I grew up in the streets" or "Back in my hood" won't.

    But only one of them put her hands on the other and that person was Monique.  it was only a mutual altercation when Candiace swung the glass at Monique in self defense.

    Robyn got engaged the same time I got engaged.  She's not married and neither am I and it's because of a thing called COVID-19.  I had to cancel my wedding (guest list: 3) because of COVID.  It's just not safe.  If you were planning a wedding in 2020, you got screwed.  2021 brides are going to be screwed too.  She might not have wanted to be like Cynthia of RHOA and have a super spreader wedding and expose her parents to the Rona.  She said she wanted to have a destination wedding but very few countries are opening their doors to Americans (with good reason). They're already living together so they can get married whenever they want.  The speed of Juan marrying her isn't reflective of Robyn's worth.

    I think Karen will be on the hot seat next season because I've been saying this for a while now, she was never neutral between Monique and Candiace.  Now we find out she was calling BRAVO HR to get Candiace off the show by claiming Candiace was violent and she felt scared.  We know she wanted Wendy off the show.  I still say I think Karen also wrote a statement against Candiace to the Montgomery Courts and I do think Monique, Ashley and Karen conspired to get Candiace removed from the show.  Most of the drama and tension this season was lowkey fueled by Karen.  Monique is gone, Ashley will get a pass for being pregnant but Karen's got a lot to answer for next season and the cast shouldn't let the BS vow renewal distract from that.

    But only one of them actually put her hands on the other FIRST and that was Monique. That was a crime.  Waving fingers in personal space is not.  Monique  crossed the line and only because she was on a reality show and her victim is unlikeable did she get away with it.

    I love everything about this post. I also figured Juan and Robyn were delayed in their wedding plans due to COViD. Robyn also just has a lack of urgency about her anyway lol. I never took them not being married yet as a sign of a problem. I have friends who have had 2-year engagements. Not everyone is in a rush, especially when you’ve already done it before and had two kids already lol.


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  3. 1 hour ago, Axie said:

    I know a whole lot of people don’t like Gizelle, but, what would this franchise be without her?

    I like her and Robyn. I wouldn’t want to watch a show focused on Ashley, Karen, Candice and Monique, so I’m glad Robyn and Gizelle are there. They are often wrong in how they handle things (I even disagreed with some of how Gizelle handled Chris S last night) but overall I enjoy those two the most. 

    • Love 16
  4. 14 minutes ago, LibertarianSlut said:

    Chris Samuels and the “plotting on my child.”  I can’t.  The only thing redeeming about that was Gizelle addressing her masked bodyguard in the shadows. 

    What I don’t understand though, is if Chris and Monique were the only people to discuss their baby’s paternity on camera, where did the footage of Gizelle talking about it (in really ugly glasses) in unaired season five footage come from?  It may have been edited out, but Gizelle speculated about the paternity of Monique’s child on camera.  I’m not sure how we get around that.  And I don’t care either.  I don’t think that’s below the belt when one signs up for this show.  Chris can get off the cross.  


    The scene with Gizelle was 8 days after Chris and Monique brought it up at their house to Gizelle. I think what Gizelle was trying to say at the reunion was she thought Chris and Monique had already discussed the paternity issues (which is why they then brought it up in front of her on camera), so that’s why she mentioned it to Robyn. But you’re absolutely right, it was discussed on camera by Gizelle. Chris Samuels continuing to talk about it for 90 minutes and in response to questions about other people, however, was all him though 😂.

    • Love 9
  5. I'm too lazy to pick up the remote that is sitting next to me, so I am rewatching this mess and I realized, Ashley looked absolutely miserable the entire hour and a half. And Wendy was a non-entity the entire time. Her husband is so cute though. "Heyyy Eddie!" I also find Chris Samuels' video about slapping the shit out of them or whatever to be pretty disturbing. 

    • Love 13
  6. I can't even pretend that I care about Karen and Ray. Though, 25 years is an awesome accomplishment, so good for them. I have no interest in seeing a vow renewal. 

    Also, I feel like Chris S's batteries need to be changed because he's just repeating this nonsense about a plot over and over. Goodbye Big Boy. 

    • Love 9
  7. 3 hours ago, TexasGal said:

    So say we all.

    Brooks made some remark about it being so great or groundbreaking or something that both of his names end in “ks.”  I’m an old, does that mean something?!  What an exhausting person he is.

    He said that and I immediately became excited about what the commentary would be on this website. He said it was “killer” or “stellar” or something stupid. I don’t think I’ve ever rolled my eyes harder. 

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  8. 3 hours ago, drivethroo said:

    Jamal Bryant addresses Monique and her binder

    This is the whole video, not the DJ Richie Skye remix.  I watched it so you don't have to:

    • *Invites everyone to share the video with everyone in the viewer's sphere of influence and grabs his binder, Xmas music in the background*
    • Gizelle asked him not to respond but people were coming for him on social media so he didn't want his silence to equal consent
    • Says he's never said anything about RHOP since it's been on the air, doesn't like reality TV & didn't support Gizelle being on the show
    •  Agreed to appear, regrets participating and will never appear on RHOP ever again
    •  Re: Photoshoot, says he was flying in from South Africa but got delayed in the airport in Germany & the producers knew he was in Germany
    • Says his daughters were adjusting from him moving to Atlanta and says he has a healthy relationship with the girls
    • Didn't address Gizelle's dad because he's old & he wasn't going to disrespect his elders.  Says they've never talked about how he broke Gizelle's heart and have rarely interacted with each other in the past 10 years
    • Flips pages in the binder, then says you can't bring receipts if he has the cash register
    • Says he did date the lady who contacted Monique, it didn't work out, he's not married or engaged so he couldn't have a mistress
    • Says the lady lives in New York, has never been to Atlanta, his church or his house.
    • Says if you're gonna show text messages, show ALL the text messages where she was begging him to be brought to Atlanta, begging to be put on at the WORD network, begging for a job at New Birth and accusing him of sleeping with the lady who eventually got the job
    • Says Monique needs to show the text messages where he rejected this lady
    • Says show all the text messages where she sent the story to 27 bloggers but only 2 were interested
    • Says she sent the text messages to BRAVO and everyone on the cast except Gizelle
    • Says the only person who paid it any mind was Monique
    • *turns to the Monique tab of his binder*
    • Says he's never met or interacted with Monique but she's running his character down with hostility and he don't know her
    • Says he's not sleeping with anyone in his church, doesn't have any babies in his church and is not having inappropriate relationships in his church
    • Says Monique teamed up with the deceased blogger to gin up a story on him to deflect from the trainer/baby story coming out on her
    • Says Gizelle had nothing to do with it, they need to look at Gigi
    • Says Monique's anger is misdirected because she lives in a house with a man who needs anger management
    • Says he has receipts on Chris' violent ways
    • Invites everyone to watch this Sunday's episode of RHOP where they can watch Chris Samuels try to run up on Gizelle and Robyn & attack them
    • Says security had to subdue Chris
    • Says Monique might have his phone number but he's got Monique's address
    • Tells Chris to take care of his CTE & says Chris' teammates reached out to him about the CTE
    •  Says Chris had an outburst on a black lady at the Safeway & he's got video footage of that
    • Contacted Chris & Monique's pastor so they can get the help they need
    • Says Monique fans were coming for him and attacking him on social media using Scripture
    • Says don't come for him unless he invites you
    • Ends video saying he may live in Atlanta but he's from Baltimore

    The problem with Monique's little binder is now people might be sending pages on Monique to the other cast members to fill up their little binders.




    I feel like he’s full of shit about his personal dalliances. However, I wouldn’t be surprised if some of this stuff regarding Chris and anger are true. I’ve seen small bits of some of the Instagram lives he would do with Monique and he did seem like he could be easily pressed. I would also not be surprised if he tried to run up on Gizelle and Robyn, as we see in the preview he’s racing around talking about people trying to ruin his family. Not sure if it’s CTE or just a short fuse like his wife but Yikes!

    • Love 6
  9. 8 hours ago, GonnahearmeRoar said:

    I’ve raised these girls to be strong and be smart. And to understand that—and I think every Black mother has said this to their child—in order for you to succeed in this country, unfortunately, you have to be twice as good. You have to be twice as fast, you have to be twice as smart as the white person standing next to you. Or you cannot advance,” said Gizelle. “Hopefully one day that won’t be the case. But right now, my kids know that they have to be better, smarter, stronger in order for them to make it in this country.” 

    I find Gizelle to be racist toward whites and teaching her children to see her narrow views. Don’t use a broad paintbrush and label an entire race. There are many underprivileged whites that have to work just as hard as the blacks to do better.  These conversations divide us. Gizelle references race a lot. 

    This is a reality though. I went to a top university for undergrad and became a civil litigator. I am still the victim of presumptions based on stereotypes and microaggressions. People have doubted me and acted shocked when I said I was an attorney based on nothing more than my skin color. What Gizelle said may not sound happy and nice but it's 100% the truth. Privilege does not mean everything is easy. It means you get to go through life without worrying about things that others are not granted the benefit of the doubt for. 

    • Love 20
  10. 3 hours ago, Neurochick said:

    Monique is so full of shit I'm surprised I can't smell her through my TV.

    She said that her family lived in a white neighborhood and the white kids didn't want to play with her.

    Then she said her family moved to a black neighborhood and the black kids didn't want to play with her.

    What is the common denominator.....it's Monique.  That's what a good therapist would notice.


    I just watched the clip you're talking about. Ashley looked like she was going to laugh while listening to Monique's nonsense. Apparently, Monique related most with her pets growing up because they didn't judge her...um ok 🧐.


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  11. Here are my random thoughts for this very random show:

    Did Jen have her aunt walk her to the door to Heather’s house and then leave her outside? 😂

    I felt bad for Heather when she was talking about her divorce but sounds like she got out of a pretty lonely situation. I can’t imagine marrying someone I didn’t love to please “the church”. But different strokes, I suppose! Has anyone else noticed Heather’s tongue is huge? It’s a weird observation but very distracting to me. Overall, I like her though. I hope she finds peace in her current station in life.

    Mary’s situationship is just so out there but I guess it works. Sounds like Heather’s (prior) marriage of convenience. I enjoyed watching her and Meredith together.

    I agree with Brooks that Jen was acting a fool but I highly doubt he actually saw anything. He doesn’t need to play hall monitor for his mom. 

    Jen is going overboard about the Mary/Meredith friendship. (1) who cares; and (2) the person who makes the noise about other friends is usually the friend who gets dropped. 

    This show is not good but I still find myself watching every week, so 🤷🏾‍♀️

    • Love 5
  12. 4 minutes ago, MaggieG said:

    I love Katheryn Winnick but I don't know what the heck kind of accent she's trying to do.

    This bugged me as well. It sounded like she was doing a Southern accent. I've never been to Montana, so I don't know what the typical accent and dialect is up there, but I can assure you that wasn't it. 😂

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  13. 1 minute ago, SoMuchTV said:

    I guess my confusion was not with the actual circumstances of the filming, but with how the show was treating the pandemic in its universe. Like, they acknowledged it was a thing, but nobody was taking any precautions about it. But I think I’m expending too many brain cells on this. I’m not even sure if I’m going to stick with it. 

    Oh, I'm sorry! That's what I get for skim reading lol. But I know the Good Doctor is going to show a post-pandemic world on their show after having the first episode (maybe first two? I only watch when I forget to turn the channel after Dancing with the Stars lol) focus on the pandemic. So maybe that's what they're going for here? They want to pretend it's over or not as bad as it actually is? 

    I agree with you that I don't know if I'll stick with it because I was watching for Ryan. However, I get the vibe that ABC is not good with these "smaller shows" that they test out for viewer interest. They only seem to know how to manage a show once it's a hit (a la Greys Anatomy, Good Doctor, etc.). I don't know if I want to invest like I did Grand Hotel and then watch the show get yanked. 

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  14. 6 hours ago, SoMuchTV said:

    What seemed odd to me is that characters mentioned the pandemic at least two or three times, but nobody was acting like there's a pandemic - going to diners and bars, shaking hands, not a mask in sight...  Or is that just how it is out west - big sky and all that?

    Ryan Phillippe mentioned during one of his promotional interviews that they shut down pre-production and then were one of the first shows to resume during COVID, so it sounded like they have filmed most, if not all of the show since the pandemic became a bigger problem in the US. However, I can't recall if he specifically stated when they started filming. I would assume some time in the summer. 

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