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15 Good
  1. Jessica....... you need to get off the SAUCE!!! You can’t handle your liquor and I feel so hard for Mark. You seem to be the only one worried about your age so far......... and give it up with Barnett he was only interested because Mark really liked you, Barrette likes the chase, when you stop being interested he will draw you back in to dump you again. How many times does he have to tell you he’s happy with Amber before you’ll get it???? He chose Amber!
  2. There needs to be a lights out! They should be in their bunks when it’s lights out no congregating and partying! So what do the CO’s do all day? Not their jobs that’s for sure. The prisoners should be safe when doing their time . They are their to do their time for the crime committed, they have cameras for a reason, use them! Who is monitoring the cameras ? Are they even paying attention? If the prisoners break the rules there should be consequences, it shouldn’t be swept under the rug! Do your job you are getting paid to do!!
  3. They talk about contraband and drugs in prison..... well caffeine and nicotine are both drugs even though they are a legal and “privilege” drug on the outside they should be banned from prison! Cigarettes and coffee are a luxury NOT a necessity BAN THEM!
  4. I agree it’s a punishment, it’s not suppose to be a vacation or a place to be put when you’re hungry because you’ve spent all your money on drugs and can’t afford to feed yourself! They need to be up at 5 am and do labor for 8 hours a day, then when they get back to the cell and have to do the chores to clean the area, after all they make the mess. They should have to work to pay for the room and board they are getting!! If they had to put in a hard days work you know they wouldn’t want to come back! I also don’t think the prisoners should be the ones to dictate where they bunk or who gets a bunk, they should be assigned a bunk. They should not be allowed to enter anyone else’s cell. I see the enclosed cells a problem, they should all be in an open area like the overflow are in day area. I think the bathroom should be stalls with a drain in the common area where they can be seen by CO’s via cameras. The inmates shouldn’t be allowed to dictate who and when others can relieve themselves. I say get rid of enclosed cells and slap in bunks everywhere. No cells, no place to hide and do criminal activities.
  5. Why do they have a remote for the television? It should be put on the History channel or something Educational and left there with no way to change channel, that should be controlled by the facility. Maybe then they could learn something. Back to commissary.... sugar is a toxin to the body and when that’s all they are consuming of course it’s going to effect their mental abilities. If you have to have commissary items make it healthy choices without sugar. I noticed most of the participants come out fatter than when they went in , I think they should weigh them and do blood work and get the overall health before they go in and see where they are when they come out. What you put in your body is what you become, nutrition plays a big role in their mental status. There should be cameras EVERYWHERE! They have no rights remember they left those behind when they committed a crime!! If you don’t want them to come back make it a place they don’t want to come back to! Again it’s just a big party 24/7 in there for them why not go back!!!!
  6. I think they have to much freedom and are running the facility. If they had to rise at 5 am to be shackled and taken out to do 8 hours of work cleaning up the roadways or some kind of work somewhere ( does anyone remember the chain gangs?) to earn their keep maybe they wouldn’t want to go back. They shouldn’t have more rights than the people who are out in the real world, they shouldn’t have access to E-cigs, or sweets or all the commissary that they do.... this is prison, not a vacation or a place to go because they are hungry. They should be put in their cells not free to roam and party and do drugs, form clicks and fight. If they can’t be put on a work chain they should have to do educational studies with homework expected from them... mandatory. It looks to me like just a money making environment for the owners of the facilities to get rich via commissary, commissary need to stop completely. The inmates should have to keep their cell and day room spotless at all times and it should be inspected daily... they make the mess they should clean it! Did everyone forget they don’t have rights like everyone on the outside, they are there for a reason! With no structure they will just come back repeatedly. Don’t make it a place they want to come back to. Take some tips from the prisons in Arizona they have to work for what they want to eat. The jail system is a joke these days. There isn’t consequences for their actions at all from what I’ve seen.
  7. It blows me away that anyone( in today’s world) would think that our government can’t be bought. They were simply paid off to dismiss EVERYTHING...... Everyone has a price. It’s sickening to think but wake up, with that many witnesses and David Miscavige was never charged with anything?........Sounds like a payoff to me.
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