I agree it’s a punishment, it’s not suppose to be a vacation or a place to be put when you’re hungry because you’ve spent all your money on drugs and can’t afford to feed yourself! They need to be up at 5 am and do labor for 8 hours a day, then when they get back to the cell and have to do the chores to clean the area, after all they make the mess. They should have to work to pay for the room and board they are getting!! If they had to put in a hard days work you know they wouldn’t want to come back! I also don’t think the prisoners should be the ones to dictate where they bunk or who gets a bunk, they should be assigned a bunk. They should not be allowed to enter anyone else’s cell. I see the enclosed cells a problem, they should all be in an open area like the overflow are in day area. I think the bathroom should be stalls with a drain in the common area where they can be seen by CO’s via cameras. The inmates shouldn’t be allowed to dictate who and when others can relieve themselves. I say get rid of enclosed cells and slap in bunks everywhere. No cells, no place to hide and do criminal activities.