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So the showrunner says the love triangle is finally over. Thank god. This episode, even though he was part reluctant, Ben grew up. Bonnie was right. Danny put up with a lot for Ben. I don't think Riley will say yes so soon but she will want to date Danny first. Brad looks so good in a tux... and out of it.
David doesn't know his fate but due to his guilt, has convinced himself that William died out there. For some reason he imagined him killed by a shot to the back of his head, instead of the more likely outcome, being mauled by 8balls. (I don't think William's dead. No body is found yet.) It's been a long time since I watched the movie but Michael didn't choose him, right? Alex was still an unborn child at that time and the other 8balls were after his mother. They were all just drawn to her. If it could have been anyone, then why did Michael and Jeep not able to read the tattoos when they were on their bodies? Gabriel just didn't want to accept thimgs, I think.
So Pete really was exorcized? Julian is a dyad what now? That angel minion that Gabriel possessed to hurt himself, what's his number? He was cute. I thought last week's angelwing punching through a grave, was the coolest thing ever. This week's angelwing punching though a door comes a close second. Imaginary William is so sassy, sad to see him go. Needs more Michael.
Brad and Danny are canon. The most body-beautiful couple ever. Certainly the healthiest relationship on this show.
Laurel is shady. So quick to accept Michael's sacrifice because God told her it's OK. All this while, when she says God speaks to her, I didn't think she meant it literally. I may have let out a little whimper when Gabriel felt Michael's pain/death. Now go look for him because their interactions are the best.
I think in the finale or something, they will revisit this town later to learn about the fire and alleged prophet. Michael will probably be bringing Alex with him. Since it's in Missouri, I want to see Michael flying in, with Alex dangling for his life. Just because. Haha, me too! He was there when Claire married William, did he think Alex would wait around? Loved Riesen's face at the end too; it screamed 'whatever'. Yes, he's such an annoying villain and should be easily taken out. Let the angels be the only bad guys. At least they are cool. Damn, it never occurred to me but you are so right. That was why Gabriel struck down his minion in front of Julian and Julian was so taken aback by the execution. Gabriel has no chill, this magnificent bastard. I love it.
I thought Danny knew Riley was in love with Ben since they were in high school. How did I miss that the reveal only took place in season 1?
I could be mixing up my winged creatures shows, but if I remember correctly, last season you could see slits on Gabriel/minion's shirt/armor.
I kind of chuckled that Mason could have used all of Hannibal's body parts but he passed his face and chose Will's instead. Even for a serial killer, that had to hurt a little bit no?
That guy wasn't anybody. Either Gabriel was sincere in ending his soldier's suffering or he just wanted to show he was a crazy badass. It worked; Julian looked shaken up. edit: Oops, reading comprehension fail. I don't know who Will is. 25 years ago, a bunch of 'tame' 8balls met a bunch of humans and decided to live together. How did that happen? Why are there that many of them? Why are they against Gabriel? They also capture the normal 8balls alive, for what reason? In hopes they will repent and go 'tame'? So many questions. This season actually makes me be interested in Alex's story. Heaven(!) forbid, I am also starting to like Alex. No more whining. More action. Gaining a sense of humor. Being imprisoned by Gabriel did him good. Michael should have just locked him up in the beginning. The Vega stuff, though, is still a drag. They were better than last week, but I think their plot can't go anywhere interesting. No angels, no care.
http://youtu.be/loOgfXNs-VI Hannibal gets phonecalls? Ok, show. Zachary Quinto calling it like it is. Of course, Richard Armitage bringing it. The lisp, the tattoo, the dentures, everything.
Will wanted to kill Hannibal. That was his plan all along. Chiyo realized that and wanted to stop him so she could do whatever she wants with Hannibal. Popular fella that cannibal. I think he was doing his own investigation and went to one of the victim's house for clues. The name on the buzzer looked familiar.
It's been a long time since I watched season 1 but here's what I remember. Claire did get married to William. Due to a sequence of events I can't recall right now, he was exiled by his dad. Michael was betrayed by his human lover (and by extension, humans who he had been protecting). She found out about one of the undercover angels who were neutral, but under Michael's protection. She did experiments on him to find their weaknesses. He was tortured in a lab. Michael found out, killed his lover and went on a rage killing everyone in the lab. He then fled. Alex witnessed all this and I guessed he freaked out that Michael killed people. Since there were no more angels protecting Vega, he sought out Gabriel to make a deal to protect Vega and his baby. Re: Magic Pyre. That was interesting. It didn't kill archangels but it targeted low level angels. I wonder how it will deal with higher angels like Norma and some of Gabriel's minions. They are sort of in between in terms of angel hierarchy. Did Michael suddenly grow gray hair in these past few months? Appreciate the cleansing scene at the beach though.
That musical bit was cheesy as hell but Brad looks so hot in that suit, damn! Oh and obligatory Brad/Superman/thirst comment.
Hannibal Saturn's acceptance speeches for Best Network Show, Hugh Dancy and Laurence Fishburne. Bryan Fuller joked about the irony of receiving a Best Network show award. Aaron Abrams went up on behalf Laurence Fishburne and he was all cheeky. I'm glad they are able to joke about their cancelation.