16 -
33 Excellent-
These Spoilers Suck: Bitter Speculation About SPN Spoilers
desiresrisked replied to catrox14's topic in Supernatural
I’m not sure I’d go all the way with it proving that he’s happy with the ending. There are other factors to consider. Like he may have already resigned himself to the ending they created and since it’s already written he might not want to “make waves” by having it be rewritten with the other one thrown out which would be an obvious outright slam about Dabb and Co. There might also be an issue with not being able to nail down the writer(s) they WOULD prefer to write it so just taking what’s already been done. They might also have a time crunch that wouldn’t allow for them to have someone else write it. I don’t know, I just don’t think if they go through with this script that it necessarily changes how Jensen feels about it and I wonder if we will ever know or if he will keep it contained. -
As disappointing and terrible as I’m finding this last season, that article sounds like a lot of speculation and with only 2 episodes left to film I think there’s more of a chance they’ll finish it. Jim Michaels tweeted saying they would but I guess we will see. https://mobile.twitter.com/TheJimMichaels/status/1239724981103149057
These Spoilers Suck: Bitter Speculation About SPN Spoilers
desiresrisked replied to catrox14's topic in Supernatural
We only see the one shot of Sam in the promo but since the description mentioned both being in the game this back and forth about whether Sam is a great pool hustler could be all for nothing if it’s a 2 vs 2 game (Sam and Dean vs whoever the hell). -
I’ll admit, if anyone’s going to die in the finale, I’d prefer it to be Cas instead of Sam or Dean so those potential spoilers don’t bother me. But I’m also one of those who doesn’t want to see Sam and Dean separating in the end and would prefer an ending showing they’ll continue to fight evil but at a more manageable level in the sense that they get over the threats from these overarching religious figures and go back to being able to handle simple ghosts and monsters. I dislike the idea of some cheesy “happily ever after” of Sam settling down w/Eileen too so at the moment I don’t have high hopes for where they’re going with that. I agree that I don’t think they’d kill her again but I’d like to either see her walk away or for her appearance to have been some kind of long con from God/Chuck and not the win Sam thought it was. I’d find the con thing more interesting than her just being brought back as some boring love interest end game. I feel like I’m going to be like Jensen because the two endings I’d see him struggling with is the brothers separating and/or Dean dying, both of which I’d hate too so I’m assuming the worst for now.
These Spoilers Suck: Bitter Speculation About SPN Spoilers
desiresrisked replied to catrox14's topic in Supernatural
I know the writers aren’t necessarily the best at continuity but if we looked at it from a continuity perspective Dean wasn’t in a great headspace last episode and barely wanted to leave the bunker which would cause most people to be concerned if a loved one feeling like that would go out alone esp considering they know what can happen when you’re mentally/emotionally distracted. I saw it as more concerned than condescending. We also left off last episode with Sam telling Dean that Dean had saved him and that he needed his brother because he couldn’t do all this without him, it’d make sense that Sam feels the same way about wanting to be there for his brother as he feels he needs Dean there for him. -
The Js hit up a Canucks game last night and old season 1 footage was shown on the Jumbotron. No idea who these people are posting, was just linked to them for the footage. https://mobile.twitter.com/yearofmads/status/1202073716932276225 https://mobile.twitter.com/JAcklesCrew/status/1202082614762516481 https://mobile.twitter.com/aishwaryasodhi_/status/1202085847367081985
I think there were some people commenting on Danneel and Jensen’s latest IG posts/comments claiming that it was Danneel posing as Jensen in his comments on hers and the post on his because he was saying loving things about her in both places. I know sometime in the last month or so someone claimed that same thing in Danneel’s IG and she called them out then later deleted her comment for whatever reason. Maybe this time it put them over the edge since some of the comments were being made on IG posts that were about the kids. I’ve seen some speculation on the kitchen Jensen and Zep were in that it’s a new house and past talk about Jensen and Danneel selling the one they showcased and “what that meant” all of which is likely what he’s talking about in regards to the house comments. Plus people are always speculating any time Jared or Jensen aren’t wearing their wedding rings (not sure if it also has anything to do with people recently making a big deal out of Misha wearing one of Jensen’s old rings...which a friend of mine at Jaxcon said he told them Jensen had pulled out a bag of old jewelry asking if anyone wanted some and Misha and Rich has both grabbed things and that he seemed a bit uncomfortable with people trying to make that into something else).
These Spoilers Suck: Bitter Speculation About SPN Spoilers
desiresrisked replied to catrox14's topic in Supernatural
While some of the criticism may go overboard, I think part of the problem is the writers have become too involved in social media esp twitter. The guy who wrote this coming week’s episode, Berens, and I think Meg Fitz especially have been complaining about fan criticism all the while basking in any praise that comes their way. Fans know it too hence part of the reason you’ll see shippers esp flock to those accounts to gush over their work in what is a blatant attempt to influence the writers- surely they’ll award them for their praise by giving them the story they want to see (commonly Sam paired off and Dean & Castiel playing my two dads into the sunset) and honestly it wouldn’t surprise me either. The writers are so busy patting themselves and each other on the back and painting anyone who disagrees as someone too negative and judgmental that they truly don’t appear to see any issues with the story. -
I’m not seeing a concave stomach...but in any case, it’s definitely a mix of the angle, body positioning, and fabric/cut of the T-shirt. Unfortunately for many guys who have any sort of real definition to their pecs, this is how it’s going to sometimes look under a shirt depending on the type of shirt and how he’s holding himself esp with the kind of shiny, fitted look of these type of polo shirts. Plenty of guys in my line of work wear these type of shirts for certain jobs and that’s a common issue even...and sometimes especially...when you’re a fit dude with muscled pecs (I also have a pic with Jensen from nearly a decade ago where it looks like he has a similar problem under a sweater). Jared’s chest is pressing forward more than his stomach due to his lean and with the way the shirt is cut and lying on him maybe that’s where you’re seeing what you do with his stomach? Anyway...outside of us analyzing these dude’s bodies, I’m enjoying seeing them out playing golf together for the start of their week off.
These Spoilers Suck: Bitter Speculation About SPN Spoilers
desiresrisked replied to catrox14's topic in Supernatural
I don’t know if it was this scene for sure but a friend of mine went to a m&g where he referred to a scene that he had a dream about and presented the idea of actually filming it to the writers. ETA: I can’t help but wonder if the reason Jensen’s been a bit more likely to mention the idea of a reboot or a movie or something is because he still isn’t satisfied with the ending and is thinking how he doesn’t like the idea of them just ending it there...wherever there is. -
I do think Jared will have to deal with the consequences (hopefully not jail time and will no doubt be able to handle any fines) but some of that is also dealing w/judgement on social media. Might balance out with support/love coming in too but the negative comments can still get to a person. I’ve literally read some people tagging him on twitter telling him that his family and friends would be better off if he killed himself. There seem to be gross extremes said on both sides with the middle road being people recognizing that he messed up, he will deal with the consequences, then life moves on and hopefully he learned to watch how much he drinks if it causes him to lose control. Personally having grown up as a military brat and now military myself, I’ve been immersed in a fairly aggressive environment all my life where there are a lot of “alpha” dominant personalities and a heavy drinking culture so I’ve seen (and unfortunately been involved in at times) a good deal of fights. Its actually more rare for me to go out and not at least witness one so it does tend to throw me when people say fights are a rare thing. Clearly I’ve become desensitized to it. So while I don’t think it’s right and I do think he needs to control himself better and it sucks for those who got hurt, it also actually seemed pretty tame to me. Very minimal injury on one dude (none recorded on the other), a punch or two (one that his drunken mind may have thought was reflexively defensive if he thought he was deliberately shoved to the ground which is just a guess by me but having fight training myself and reading the affidavit it would be what I’d likely instinctively thing when drunk), and a slap. I guess once you’ve been knocked out by a beer bottle (I was only out briefly and it was after a buddy of mine was drunk and swinging at someone else who ducked...), I’m probably a lot more forgiving about this type of thing. Again I’m not saying it’s a good thing and as Jensen even said, Jared has to deal with what happened but I guess it’s hard for me to get as worked up about it because most dudes I know just pick themselves up after a punch and get back to drinking or call it a night. Probably says more about the messed up environment we live in in but it is what it is. Buddies of mine have prob been lucky that usually they just sleep off the bruises in county lockup if they’re even brought in instead of getting splashed all over the tv. Even the ribbing Jensen & crew gave Jared about it didn’t seem to me to be them saying Jared was right to do that but rather supporting him as a friend knowing that people make stupid decisions/mistakes sometimes (esp when alcohol is involved), then they deal with them, and move on and if you can give your friend a hard time about it while still loving him then all the better.
I apologize if I misread what you were hinting at and I understand the desire not to get in trouble w/creation. It was just knee jerk reaction to other speculation I saw on twitter about it being related to a romantic/sexual awakening and ending up about a ship instead of Dean himself. Since you’d only discounted the speculation going around about it being Dean using Cas, I mistakingly assumed you meant the other speculation was accurate given your comments on Cas being important to Dean. Anyway- Episode 10 sounds fun, I think Dabb mentioned something in an interview about that episode being one where the Winchesters have to confront what it means not to be heroic anymore or something like that. Other speculation- people dying but not permanently, I’m going to guess that’s Cas going to the Empty then being rescued (or maybe that’s where he runs into Jack and they come back with Death). I hope it doesn’t include Rowena because I thought she actually had a good death scene.
These Spoilers Suck: Bitter Speculation About SPN Spoilers
desiresrisked replied to catrox14's topic in Supernatural
This is what concerns me. I usually agree with much of what Jensen thinks about Dean, the brothers, the other characters, the show and the arcs in general, etc. So if he wasn’t into the ending and had to be talked into it and still doesn’t know if people will like, that says to me that he’s still not sure about how he feels about it even if he’s trying to reassure people. The way he said he doesn’t want to let anyone down makes me feel he’s afraid this ending will because it’s not integral to the characters and instead is too much about the fan service...since he said Kripke told him to step back and think of the audience. But which audience, we all have very different views on things and some of the loudest people in the writers’ ears aren’t necessarily speaking for us all.