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Posts posted by Mldyold

  1. On 10/26/2021 at 10:19 AM, sugarbaker design said:

    I don't know why.  Sexual harrassment and dating someone younger than you are two totally different things.  Not even close.  Not even on the same planet.

    I know they are two totally different situations, believe me I have handled them when I worked for a global corporation.  Few women were in top seats in the hallowed section and they measured their responses to what their fellow horn dogs were up to as to what fall out they would receive if they decided to report such activities.  Katie admits to gunning for her female competition and I don't think she is the type to support the hunted staff over her buddy Matt who seemed to have an in with the top brass for far too long.  It is every woman for herself at that level.  Sara probably had good reason to look nervous sitting next to her at the table.

    Sorry if I offended anyone but I have seen the seedy side of this behavior and the psychology in the decision makers responses before 2000 was demoralizing.



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  2. 18 hours ago, ifionlyknew said:

    When Katie was talking about Matt Lauer she said she didn't really notice anything going on because she had two little girls and a dying husband.  Her first husband died in 1996.  When the allegations against Lauer became public the earliest instance of any sort of sexual misconduct was 2000.   The more recent allegations were alleged to have happened in 2014 long after Katie had left NBC.  Makes me think Katie was aware of things that happened earlier than has been reported.  

    And am I the only person who thinks Sara looked uncomfortable when talking that time period at the Today show?

    I don't remember what year  Katie was with her toy boy but I imagine she would have gone mute about Matt in case anyone asked about her lust for a younger man...too harsh???  Perhaps Sara was thinking of previous conversations the staff had before this interview and wondering how it would play out.

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  3. I watched S.E. Cupp  and thought she brought fun to the table.  I then visualized the Way Back Machine when Elizabeth Hasselbeck auditioned.  She was the pick of the litter that year and all four co-hosts said she was the one they wanted to replace the irreplaceable Lisa Ling.

    I don't know when Hasselbeck turned into Medusa, perhaps after her first child was born, but she was a nightmare and I gave up watching for years after the final blow-up with Rosie.

    Long story short, I am not sold on these two days of S.E. Cupp knowing her past of "take no prisoners" approach.  From my post to the Universe "Ana Navarro for the conservative seat"!



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  4. I guess I am too shallow but Cindy McCain in the granddaughters birthday picture and Cindy that was sitting at the table today looked like she had aged backwards since the birthday party.   The makeup artist was a magician or the filters on the set are magic!

    Yes I am jealous as well as petty for bringing it up!


    • LOL 6
  5. 3 minutes ago, Bronzedog said:

    Not a fan of Rosie O’D, but, didn’t think it was necessary to kind of trash her, Whoopi.

    I had the same thought but was not surprised that she would have pulled Rosie into this new interview format.  I feel sorry for Nicole to have to address this question.  Perhaps Whoops new 4 year contract was a little bit of (needless) settling score victory dance.

    I like Whoopie as an actress but have been turned off from the get go of her attempts at hosting The View.

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  6. Well Alyssa Farrah has the pageant look down.   Another Hope Hicks mannequin.  I went in jaded this a.m. but wondered if there really is someone who thought going to the White House from the Defense Dept. was an act of a patriotism.  She certainly sounded more qualified than any of the other bobble heads who were holding court as White House Press Secretary. 

    I am loving Sunny reading the legal slap back  comments so far this morning. 


    • Love 13
  7. 7 hours ago, aghst said:

    All 3 of them, who probably are college graduates, were Pooh poohing college education.

    Then Bill talked about the poorly educated Trump followers.  So which is it, you don’t need college education or the poorly educated are politically unsophisticated?

    I would guess all the writers are on the show are college educated.

    You may not need to have gone to college to be a standup comic but would Bill be the same topical comic if he didn’t go to Cornell?

    In any event, the data is very clear, a wide gulf in earning power between college and non college graduates.  Sure there are some trades and routes to success without college degrees.  

    But they discussed it, 60% of those entering college are women and when they graduate, they increasingly  don’t want to date men without college education.  Even men who own their own construction or plumbing companies who make a lot of money.  Is it elitism?  Or It that some of these college-educated women want to know men with some intellectual curiosity or those who can converse on some topics?  Or maybe men who went through similar experiences going through college, maybe grad school, maybe did some traveling, etc?


    Then Taibbi with his nonsense about there was no collusion.  Um political campaigns can’t have ANY contacts with foreign powers, end of story.  If it wasn’t for Republican obstruction, Trump and many in his circle would have been prosecuted though not in the US.  France just sentenced their former president Sarkozy for a year.


    The libertarian chick — “libertarians are fun at parties” — with her nonsense.  She’s skeptical of FDA and CDC.  If it were up to libertarians, there would be no such agencies and there would be snake oil salesmen still.

    Yeah “read Brazilian studies on Ivermectin on your own and take them!” 


    Morons in Idaho are threatening to shoot doctors for not giving their relatives horse dewormer.  Individual choice?  If doctors gave that shit and their relatives died, there would be malpractice suits or maybe they carry out the threat to kill doctors.

    The covid pill they talked about is associated with birth defects so men in the trial were told not to have sex because the pill could deform sperm.  There may be other side effects.

    But this bitch says bureaucracy is going to block or delay the pill.  Vaccine is still the better choice because it reduces the chance of hospitalization and death by a greater factor than the pill, not to mention reduce the chance of infection in the first place.



    Thanks for this detail, I am going to erase it instead of wasting the hour. 

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  8. I was interested to see who was going to be the guest conservative today.  I held my breath when they said Mia Love but was pleasantly surprised that she didn't come on too strong.  I then remembered how other conservatives morphed into screeching banshees once they get comfortable in their contract and ruin the show once again. 

    Mia has an interesting background but I don't know how far to the right she is in the party.  I  am hoping for a rational conservative who can discuss like a mature adult when she disagrees with the other ladies.   Is ABC looking for intelligent adult debates or fireworks again?


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  9. 25 minutes ago, gatopretoNYC said:

    This Goodbye to Megabitch is gonna be a barf fest.

    Funny you should say barf, my DH walked into this kitchen when Megs was gushing over her bff Sinema and after 15 seconds he said "how can you listen to that and not puke!" 

    • LOL 15
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  10. 4 hours ago, Picture It. Sicily said:

    I don't want to hear what the catholic church has to say about any damn thing as long as we continue to uncover their mass graves at residential schools (Canada), Magdalene (slave labor) laundries and homes for unwed mothers (Ireland) filled with babies and children and keep hearing about priest being bounced from parish to parish to cover up their child rapes (Boston, Philly, everywhere else).


    I find it hard to believe that Ms. McCain was Polly Pureheart during her single years.  I do think that once she became married she reinvented herself into the perfect political wife that her husband would adore.  I quickly muted her as she was honking about President Biden's faith as I find her judging opinions just another facet of her ignorance.

    As for Drew, I caught a couple of segments of various shows and it appeared too juvenile to have a long run.  She falls out of her chair onto the floor over a comment a guest makes, fawns too much over her guests and sometimes her clothing or accessories are over the top.  More like a high school production than a grown woman hosting a talk show.  She is enjoyable in a movie just not an hour every day unscripted. JMHO


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  11. 3 hours ago, sugarbaker design said:

    I guess it depends on how one defines "no longer working".  Just look at the press The View is getting thanks to MM's antics.  Publicity like that cannot be bought.  I would hazard to say it's working all too well.  The View still has excellent ratings.

    I agree that the show is barely watchable.  I still record every episode but I wind up deleting all 5 on Saturday (along with Live w Kelly & Ryan).  If I want to watch 4 ill-informed women talk about current events I'll have tea with my mom and my aunties.  I listen to the NPR political podcast everyday.  It's about 20 minutes, the journalists are so smart and informed, they add so much to every story.  ABC doesn't want a well-balanced discussion of current events, they want a ratings monster that will sell a lot of View Your Deals.  They succeed.

    I record it too and most times just delete it.  This week Colbert had a cartoon of the/another MM meltdown and Whoopie trying to shut it down using cartoons of her thoughts.  The two cement trucks pouring concrete into her ears was amusing.

    • Love 7
  12. 1 hour ago, Haleth said:

    That was an awkward interview with Dennis Quade. It seemed like no one really cared about anything he had to say. 

    On my screen his smile made him look like the Joker.  Fillers gone wrong?

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  13. Didn't watch but did see enough commentary to be disgusted at how their story is being portrayed.  Although I don't remember Diana's interview the Royals survived that one and time will show us how this one will work its way through the collective memory.  In my view Harry is the biggest loser in this immediate drama.

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  14. 15 hours ago, Back Atcha said:

    I was trying to figure out her tone of voice (kinda sing-songy) and her FACE when she was actually reading her Telepromptor for  Oprah's clip of the Sunday night special with Meghan and Harry.  With whom does Whoopi have the problem?

    • Meghan?
    • Harry?
    • Oprah?
    • Teleprompter?

    First of all I would like to admit that I have strong family ties with UK and watch the news over there as much as in my own country.  I was disgusted by the lack of knowledge this panel has on exactly the issue with the "Meghan/Oprah whine and cheese interview" and the issue with employee bullying.  It is not about 5 am emails  more like Harry's orders to them that "what Meghan wants Meghan gets".  Markle has managed to make Wallis Simpson look like an amateur when you examine the brief time she was in the UK and the trouble she caused during that time. 

    Whoopie's Con series should look into the other side of this debate. 


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  15. I opened my phone and it says Whoopsie is finally had it moderating the View.  Reading through the news drop it claims a tabloid says she is tired of "know it all Joy" and McCain's bulldozer attempts to monopolize a topic.   She is also not too fond of the others.

    We won't know until the summer if this is a subtle way of telling her panel that she wants them to back off or if it is a real plan.


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  16. 15 minutes ago, pachebo said:

    On Monday's show, both Whoopi and Joy said "CECILEY" instead of "CICELY". Joy only said it once, but Whippy said it consistently! Anthony Anderson said it as "CECILY" the first two times and then "CICELY" on his third mention. There IS a difference! Shades of KAmala, and KaMAla. The most unforgivable butcher was Whippy Goldstein who had all weekend to learn the name of someone she was going to pay tribute to.

    Whippy Goldstein, you made my day!!!

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  17. On 1/22/2021 at 10:27 PM, TheGreenKnight said:

    They're setting themselves up for a major fail down the line. Since I believe the ratings being where they are now is due to consistent rises since Joy came back in 2015 (and that's why they were in the toilet the first year she was gone), this show is going to be screwed when Joy retires. And that isn't a far-off possibility anymore, sadly. If there are many other viewers like me, they've been enduring McCain to see her, but that won't apply to a Joy-less View. Speaking for myself, I would have been willing to keep watching the show post-Joy depending on who they cast (like how I came back for Rosie O'Donnell), but that was before they enabled McCain to treat Joy and the other co-hosts this way for several years. It's pretty much severed any loyalty I would have to the show itself that would've come from having watched so long. Joy returning is really the only thing that would've made me watch after how Whoopi acted towards O'Donnell and Perez as it was. They don't have another ace they can call on to save them like they did then. Meredith will never come back to this show, Barbara can't, and O'Donnell wouldn't as long as Whoopi is there (if at all).

    As a long time on and off viewer I have had the same thoughts.  I got hooked when Lisa Ling joined the cast and enjoyed the level of conversation daily.  When they finally added Elizabeth it took a while before she turned the show into something unwatchable for me, like McCain is presently.  When Rosie took her first turn I went back to the show and left again when she had enough of Elizabeth and so did I.  The few times I saw Whoopie in the moderators seat I was not impressed with her attempt at being a moderator and did not watch again until Rosie returned.   I thought Nicole was a good addition as far as bringing a conservative viewpoint after Elizabeth.  Once Rosie and Nicole left I did not start watching until Season 18 when Joy, Abby and Sunny were advertised.  Now that Meghan is back I am finding it hard to watch and just read highlights from the web on many days .  Meghan is only going to get more angry as she probably has encouragement from her spouse and with the three branches not held by her  party.   Perhaps ABC is not interested in a rational conservative voice and are just looking for name recognition?

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  18. Yesterday I realized how much I miss Ana and Abby Huntsman.  The statement: "Conservatives, in particular, given that we’re the party of ‘family values’ and that everything about our ideology sort of stems from the nucleus of the family" uttered by McCain was a trigger for me.   It appears she had a come to the mountain experience from her pregnancy about family leave but her labeling her side as being the family centered party at this time in our country was inflammatory for so many reasons.  She is full on Elizabeth Hasselbeck these past two days.







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  19. 16 hours ago, LetsStartTalking said:

    Well, the poor guy did battle testicular cancer in 2003 and had a tumor removed. I would be tense waiting for the urologist, too. 😉

    Did not know that but I bet it was the same face.  I enjoyed the big smile he had at the end, wonder if that was one of relief that it was over.

    The recognition of the teacher and the musical tribute was a beautiful way to end the show.  I realize I enjoy that type of entertainment more than the old way of a live performance of a singer and musician accompaniment.  There is a lot of creative work being done this way on youtube.


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  20. 20 hours ago, TheGreenKnight said:

    Today was sooo good. Joy is just so much better at running things and Ana is able to bring some lightness to any topic. I was laughing at their mocking comments during the emotional support animals topic and how they kept circling back to Sunny's chickens. The best show they've had in a while.

    I enjoyed the show sans Whoopie.  I realized after watching Whoopie act in a NY police series last night that it is her acting talent that I prefer/enjoy, not trying to moderate a talk show.

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  21. 1 hour ago, AryasMum said:

    Is this around the time when Whoopi supposedly rolled out of bed and showed up without even brushing her teeth?

    I remember those conversations and I have been turned off since.  I would enjoy the show more if Sunny or someone of her caliber would be the moderator.  It seems that Walter's show has become Whoopie Goldberg's legacy. JMHO

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