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Everything posted by Doublemint

  1. Let's take a poll - "what would your last words to Julio be"? Mine are Fuck you.
  2. Here for the tell nothing special! Hate Julio. Hope everyone is fine. My eye has gone down quite a bit - thanks for all the concern.
  3. I'll be back tomorrow! Have a lovely Monday. Great snark tonight.
  4. Devin does seem to be somewhat neurodivergent - also computer guy with Anali.
  5. Rob's ring looks like a washer. He should have gone to Home Depot
  6. I've used dry tea bags for bleeding in the mouth - which I used to get. It works great for that. Not sure about the eye - will call the doctor for a second appt tomorrow. Thank you everyone for your support and kind words!!!!
  7. I thought that was reserved for fiances of people who bedded 2500 others.
  8. I have gone through 1/2 bottle of Johnson's baby shampoo. Saw eye doctor and have also been using antibiotic drops, and warm compresses. Get this every so often in the right eye. Doctor says I will get it, try to stave off with the drops at the first indication of anything.
  9. Geez, I'm so old I remember going bowling when there were pin boys setting up the pins - another job kaput.
  10. It's a business trip to the meth dealer - what else?
  11. Oh yes, I know musician parties, unless you are playing, it's a lot. Even when you are playing, it's a lot.
  12. Terrible week here - have a humongous stye for a week now. Took daughter for an iron infusion, she gets another next Friday. On Tuesday she is having an Endoscopy. I have 2 parties coming up - Weds & Thurs. If the eye isn't better, I can't go. Sorry for venting.
  13. I'm a piggy - made about 5 dozen cookies today! Gaaaaa.
  14. Well - I love the ONE hour. Everyone stay well and have a great week.
  15. I hate Tim on every tell all. I don't mind Kenny, and the way he spoke to Kimberly. It made sense and was sort of "Fatherly". She didn't curse him out, but seemed to consider what he said.
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