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Posts posted by OLynn33

  1. I enjoyed this episode a lot. The guys were so funny with Adriana in the mall and it was nice to see Kai able to be I don't know, not yelling at his father. I like the relationships on this series both personal and working. Everything is so negative in the world now it's nice to see a show depicting a family who are working it out. Jane and Alex are great as mentioned up thread. The Captain America line was funny. Just overall warm feeling with this episode/ show. 

    Edited to add: The girl who recognized Jesse at the bar, kept it to herself, then clobbered the bad guy was a gem moment I didn't see coming.

    • Like 9
  2. 29 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:
    31 minutes ago, OLynn33 said:


    I watched it again and again.  He looks to the camera and he's just SHAKING, and he almost shrugs in disbelief.  Producer asks "Are you happy?"  He squeaks out "Yes."  then in a firmer voice "I am happy".  😭  😭   😭 

    😭 My other favorite part that I rewatched was Luke's reaction the second he realizes the kid can sing. He's so genuinely happy he just starts smiling. Like in his head he was probably praying PLEASE let him be able to sing because the kid had the personality and was instantly likeable. 

    • Like 4
  3. 6 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

    Honestly I don't even remember most of the auditions, but just this kid's REACTION to getting a golden ticket made me cry.  I rewound it like 10 times!

    Same! Even the Producer was worried and asked him if he was happy 😭 My worry with him is he gets overwhelmed by everything. Glad his mom is going with him.


    1 hour ago, DietCokeJunkie said:
    14 hours ago, Vermicious Knid said:

    I was surprised the first singer went through. Her voice wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t particularly good either. I think the judges were drawn in by her dad’s reaction. 

    Her dad but also the song itself and that she had written it. The song is really good, and I always think you score some extra points especially on the opening audition if you go with an original song and it's at least decent. If her voice doesn't hold up she's an easy cut next round.

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  4. Whew man that was an emotional first episode. I'm drained. Like the kid's story wasn't enough about his dad, the song he picked and his delivery of it, the camera pans to Luke who is completely losing it. That was it. I was done too.

    A lot of talent for sure. Great start. Christian music singer is interesting. I think there's a lot more to her voice. What a cool moment for her. I liked the country kid too who sang Simple Man. Sweet personality and I like his voice. Kid from Canada was off the charts. Wow let's go season 21.

    • Like 4
  5. To add to the above with a minor nit pik, you're Jane Tennant former CIA agent now special agent at home with your kids.  Some random knocks at your UNLOCKED door and you casually say come in?? I mean even dude was like well you said come in when she looked shocked. Now I grant this show abundant leeway when it comes to anything realistic with respect to police procedures and especially the ridiculous fight scenes because I enjoy it, but this made my head hurt.

    • Like 6
  6. On 2/3/2023 at 6:58 AM, Route66 said:

    A highly trained dog like that isn't going to stop eating because Eliott tells him.

    I am/was new to this show. Wanted to find something new to watch in the Law and Order franchise.  This scene physically horrified me, like my stomach actually flipped. Not sure at this point I'll be back as I found a lot of the rest of the episode laughably dumb.

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  7. On 1/17/2023 at 6:03 PM, 12catcrazy said:

    It's kind of a weird thing how we now have a story arc about a bad cop (police brutality) and the show pretty much hand-waved away the thing about Killian stealing what was supposed to be a $30K baseball bat from a restaurant.

    The bat thing never made any sense to me. Still doesn't really. I thought maybe they were setting this character up to be a bad cop as he kind of has that look about him in terms of casting. There was also early on his rough interactions with Haywood. Personally I don't think the writers fully knew where they were going with this subplot.

    Agree with the comments regarding the casting of the Union rep. Perfect.

    How poignant is this episode now? Bad cops get protected by their union and good cops don't/won't/can't/ speak out against them.

    • Like 5
  8. This is for the episode "Second Chance Lottery." S12Epi18 Jerry and Bettyann. They seemed like lovely people but I didn't really pay attention to the houses because I couldn't get past the fact this guy was nearly killed on his motorcycle as in he's still recovering and he continues to ride Harleys. And without a helmet. I just...idk. I gave my bike up after a few close calls. 

    • Like 7
  9. I like Scott Caan.

    I don't like when they go to the alert noise.

    Sister and dog aren't buying fake Keith. 

    I can only suspend my disbelief so far. 


    • Like 4
  10. Jackson is the most mature person on this show. That kid is deep. You can see it in his face whenever they discuss the farm RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM. And speaking of the farm, Zach could of dropped Jackson off to spend the day with Chris if he couldn't get over himself to be there. 

    Lilah, I'm so sorry your parents are f**king idiots. That poor baby. My heart broke. Can't see, so tiny, probably terrified while she's doused with water and I believe clipped in the back of the head with an oar. 

    23 hours ago, Back Atcha said:

    It took my mom years to get over selling the house we grew up in and she still says she can’t ever go back because it’s too emotional. We loved that house and we still love that house

    Amy is NOT my favourite person but I too related to what she was going through. Every time she said it's so weird I knew what she meant and felt it. When my father passed two years ago now he was still in my childhood home. My brother and I had to pack it up and sell it. My dad kept EVERYTHING. I wasn't prepared for the level of grief I went through. I had repeated dreams of being in that house that were so real...I still can't drive by it. And to top it off all I wanted was a young family to get it and raise their kids in it which would have helped me deal but speculators got it because real estate agents are greedy lying pricks.

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  11. 17 minutes ago, Misslindsey said:

    I rolled my eyes at Frank's climate change line. Of course, Frank does not believe in climate change.

    Same. I wondered if it was on brand for Selleck as well. Would not surprise me.

    What everybody said about Frank's plot. I kept thinking I must have missed something. Why is this such a big deal? And then the ploy to get him to be there? Jesus. And speaking of, yes the chosen by god line was too much. I generally let the religious stuff go with this show because that's who these characters genuinely are but that line speaks to something else.

    This show is circling the drain.

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  12. I am enjoying the soundtrack to this series a lot both the actual music/songs and the fact that it doesn't overpower the dialogue like a certain other series that ends in dam. 

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  13. On 10/11/2022 at 8:36 PM, DanaK said:

    Wow, I figured he would never leave

    I was thinking he's long overdue to take a season off as I don't think he ever has but I was not expecting him to completely walk away. He's the reason I still watch so I'll have to see who his replacement is. Regardless, whoever it is won't make me laugh like he does. Will be interesting for future contestants as well since so many specifically gear their auditions towards Blake even the younger ones as many of their parents are fans of his. Also the fact that he's won so many times helps his appeal. Definitely will change both the dynamic and possibly the demographic of the show.

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  14. 21 hours ago, Ubi Kanda said:

    Alexis McLaughlin

    I sooooo wanted her to be good. I said it outloud even. I miss true rock voices and that was one of my favourite songs. Damn.

    I miss Kelly. I know her chatter grated for some. But Kelly's genuine omg you picked me?!?! moments were so enjoyable. I just love her.

    I've said this before but once again I'm shocked by song choice for some of the contestants. Don't audition with the song that "means" something to you unless it's also the song that best demonstrates your talents as a singer. The show is called The Voice not The Song. Later once you are ON the show let your inner feels come out.

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  15. 5 hours ago, ams1001 said:

    The audience reaction shots (which are probably fake) are completely ridiculous

    The WORST. And not just shots there are subtitles too. So distracting.

    I really didn't understand the set up with the girl. Would have been great if she just auditioned because she would have wowed regardless. This show is WAY too over produced.

    Even on the fastest speed fast forwarding I saw too much of that weird assed sh*t at the end.

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