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Dora Suarez

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Everything posted by Dora Suarez

  1. Hm, I read McKean's acting the opposite way; I thought he looked guilty rather than compassionate. I think most people would like to know the last thing their parent said before they died was their name, whether they were in the room for it or not, but maybe that's just me. (As a practical matter, nobody can be at somebody's bedside 24/7, and there's no way to know when these things will happen. I don't think I would feel more than a twinge of guilt in a situation like that).
  2. Do we know when exactly in time Saul & Chuck's mother died? I had thought that Chuck's resentment of Saul for being the favorite son (despite Chuck having done so much better in life) was the center of his relationship to Saul, and he was bitter enough about it even to conceal from Saul that their mom's last words had been to ask for him. But I also thought that happened during the period when Saul was working in the mail room, which would have pre-dated the karaoke episode. FWIW, I agree that the Slippin' Jimmie's slip & fall scam was all about scamming upscale stores on State Street and Michigan Avenue, especially since the present of ice would mitigate rather than enhance a driver's responsibility in the case of an accident (whereas stores are solely responsible for maintaining ice-free walks in front of their establishments).
  3. FWIW, Polynesian cannibals called human flesh "long pig." The more you know ...
  4. Finally, Ava is getting somewhere on the cell block. I really thought she should have been better at jail than this up to now; a woman who kills her husband with a shotgun then takes up the thug life with his brother is about as bad-ass as anyone else in women's prison, really. I blame the loss of Elmore Leonard for Ava's weakened character this season.
  5. Ha, I was just noticing he was looking kind of hot on the episode before last (haven't seen the latest one yet), when my husband said, "He's kind of imitating how Olyphant stands and moves now, isn't he?" My Olyphant crush is large enough to contain multitudes, apparently.
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