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  1. Sad to see Kyle go but just a reminder (for those working out the stats) that his second individual Immunity win was a default, because technically Teeny and Genevieve outlasted him - thereby winning immunity for their whole team. Kyle won individual immunity from the losing team.
  2. Maybe. I think LaVoix is winning this season (The Vivienne and Ginger Johnson were not ingenues) and Kyran is speedily put on an All Stars / Vs the World.
  3. Like many of you sad to see Sol go. Rooting for Teeny + Kyle + Rachel but it's unlikely any of them will win.
  4. Yes Kyran slayed and that gorg runway presentation was so charismatic ! I really liked the song - have downloaded Dead or Alive by Dracula's Child for my gym playlist :) La Voix and CharraTee needed a proper horror styling for that performance though. I thought Zahaira looked lovely in the cherry blossoms but overall yes she is a bit undercooked for the show - her vocals were not great at all
  5. I'm really enjoying this season - best cast since Season (Series?) 2. Kyran Thrax is a star - I have not seen such an obvious front runner in a while - really confident and charming. That said I though La Voix was really strong this week and was surprised she was not in the top. Lil appears to be a fan favourite too.But that conflama at the start of the episode between Marmalade and Chanel O' Connor was a bit too drawn out.
  6. Yes I watched DR Sweden and for the life of me could not remember much of Vanity Vain but her quirks have been quite endearing this season. Also I found Tessa quite annoying on DR Germany but girl has been bringing it to the runways this season - quite a glow up. Also agree that they could have given Nellehenia the win this week although Kween and Kitty were more confident in delivery. So bye to Pythia (for now) - I really thought she'd make it to the end but she's a bit too reserved for Ru it seems.
  7. Hey so congrats to Lemon - was a fun enough finale but some of those lipsyncs were pretty close to call. (Is this the first So Many Men So Little Time lipsync on Drag Race?? ) And congrats to Eureka on winning Miss Congeniality too. Many fans don't like her but if you've seen We're Here she is obviously very much a mama bear to many girls. Enjoyed the portrait sessions with Rajah O'Hara (those royal costumes looked wow over budget for the production). They really tried some fun / different elements this season which appreciated. And I really like Sarain Fox - I think she's my fave judge on this panel. Overall a fun enough season. I predict seeing even more Fiercealicious in future seasons. :P
  8. Love Alyssa and she is the obvious viewer drawcard but it really makes the contest so lopsided. It's all very Miss Universe with everyone so congenial and there's not much drama and storyline. The very casual entrances of the queens in episode one (no reaction from Ru to meeting some of the queens) and the quick one minute talent show made for a very rushed/ haphazard start to the season IMHO and I would have shot the editors. My favourite performance was by Miranda Lebrão and am really rooting for Eva le Queen. Let's see how it goes.
  9. I think they liked that it was so unhinged and unpredictable (Kennedy). Alexis had some great lines though but they possibly didn't want to give her the win 2 weeks in a row. Otherwise I thought it was a fun episode. Interesting dynamic of having a 'read-off'. After being concerned that there were two many 'seasoned' queens on this season - overall I think the chemistry has been good with just the right amount of rivalry and shade without the meanness.
  10. I thought Eureka should have won and Fierce top 2 . Alexis's gown was fine but was giving me female Gremlin.
  11. Finally catching up and enjoying this way more than All Stars 9! was sad to see Le Fil go but she was not going to win. (Tynomi was giving nothing). Judging has been very fair and there has been a fun cast dynamic. My gut tells me Lemon is going to win the whole thing but the US girls and Cheryl are bringing it and Fierce is providing lots of spice. Eureka has a real glow about her - am happy for her too.
  12. The Jorgeous, Roxxy and Gottmik segment was the highlight for me in the Rusical. Angeria and Platique looked best on the runway. So I don't know who I would have given the win to. The tie was shenanigans though.
  13. That cat was such a casting coup! Ripley is a real psychopath !! All that blood in black and white!!! The architecture/aqueducts in chiascuro - really sublime!!!
  14. I would have given the win to Plastique and Gorgeous - primarily because their firefighter was so animated and they worked the best as a cohesive group.
  15. Sorry guys not feeling this cast or this season at all. The stakes seem low with no eliminations, and unlike All Stars 7 (All Winners) the talent is limited. I don't feel like I have a horse in this race for the first time. Regarding the paint ball - Plastique won it overall for me (But Gottmik's Munch dress was breathtaking indeed).As much as I don't particularly care for Gottmik she is possibly the most well rounded of this cast and she won that lipsync with better expression. (Who is choosing these odd lipsync songs ???) Also Roxxy Andrews is a star ( and I hated her on Season5). The rest IMO are all pretty one note.
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