It was great to see Baelfire/Neal again, but that scene didn't make sense to me. 1) Why was Baelfire able to separate from Rumple's body? What we had known previously was that Rumple's body would MORPH into Baelfire but still be the same body. AND Baelfire needed Emma to use her magic to separate them, as it was something he was apparently unable to do himself. 2) In that scene, Baelfire was aware of everything that was happening when Rumple was the one "in control". What we'd been shown previously was that Baelfire would "take over" but have no recollection of anything that had happened while Rumple had been in control.
When Emma yelled at Henry, was I the only one who thought that was on purpose? The previous scene, it was said that the storybook had appeared when Henry was feeling lost or unloved or something... so I thought Emma was trying to make Henry feel like sh-t so that the book would reappear in this curse. But then Snow was all "you yelled at Henry, that wasn't like you", which blew that theory.