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  1. Yes, if there's one thing we know for an absolute fact, it's that NO one wanted to sit next to either Spencer or Tasha at the end. Those two needed to be eliminated ASAP. It's just stupid to even entertain the thought that either Kass or Woo would have kept Spencer over Tony. Come on, you're smarter than that.
  2. Tony's bluff about the idol ended up NOT mattering to the vote at all. That was the tribal council when they voted out Spencer. Even without an idol bluff from Tony, no one would have voted out Tony over Spencer.
  3. He stopped Hook from killing her in bug form.
  4. I'm also curious about the "when" portion of the time portal. Why did it send Emma and Hook to that time? Zelena wanted to go back further than that, and she was the creator.
  5. I know nothing about Frozen and haven't read any spoilers (if there even are any regarding next season), but what if this is a tease for Narnia? There was that icy queen woman in that film...
  6. I mostly enjoyed this episode even though I'm not a Captain Swan fan. I really loved when Emma finally called her parents "mom" and "dad". I didn't like the changing of Snow and Charming's past. What made NO sense to me was that the stranger ended up being Marian. This would mean that Marian was still alive at the time Tinkerbell brought Regina to Robin, which is homewrecking awfulness. It also means Regina killed Marian without Robin knowing about it, which is confusing. I also just out-and-out disliked that it was Marian just because it was nice to see Regina happy. But I guess that couldn't last. I wonder if Robin will have any emotional struggles between the two. I was expecting the stranger to be our next Big Bad.
  7. Yeah I know, but at the time I thought it was planned for her to act like that so the storybook would be in Snow's closet. Maybe it wouldn't have been there otherwise, since it originally didn't show up until Henry felt like crap.
  8. It was great to see Baelfire/Neal again, but that scene didn't make sense to me. 1) Why was Baelfire able to separate from Rumple's body? What we had known previously was that Rumple's body would MORPH into Baelfire but still be the same body. AND Baelfire needed Emma to use her magic to separate them, as it was something he was apparently unable to do himself. 2) In that scene, Baelfire was aware of everything that was happening when Rumple was the one "in control". What we'd been shown previously was that Baelfire would "take over" but have no recollection of anything that had happened while Rumple had been in control. When Emma yelled at Henry, was I the only one who thought that was on purpose? The previous scene, it was said that the storybook had appeared when Henry was feeling lost or unloved or something... so I thought Emma was trying to make Henry feel like sh-t so that the book would reappear in this curse. But then Snow was all "you yelled at Henry, that wasn't like you", which blew that theory.
  9. That was two weeks ago, not last week. Last week, votes against Tony counted. It was Tony vs Morgan at TC. At the spa reward, I was expecting an idol clue to turn up. Surprised there was nothing. Tony's my fave, but he does piss me off sometimes with his stupidity. I agree that the LJ boot was too soon, and I especially felt bad for LJ after he spent the whole episode talking about how much he trusts Tony and is loyal to him.
  10. Sounds like my blonde-haired, blue-eyed niece who was given up for adoption as a baby but was passed around different foster families for yeeeeears. I think she was at least 8 or 9 by the time she was finally adopted.
  11. You misheard. When Spencer read the note, he said that you can play it after the votes have been cast and before the votes are read and stated "this is a regular idol."
  12. How can you say that? I think his accent is super-hot!
  13. This is basically the greatest post in the history of forum posts. Encore, encore.
  14. Amber only won because Bobby put together a "riskier" course, not because she actually had any idea what she was doing. Jamie was the best of the season, the most consistent and always a joy.
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