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Posts posted by Harvey

  1. 29 minutes ago, HazelEyes4325 said:

    I really enjoyed this episode, although so far I've enjoyed every episode.  And, yeah, I cried a bit when Wade found the recipe book.  I guess I'm a bit in the minority, but I really like Forrest and Delia (this is actually one of the few shows I watch where I like everyone). 

    I love Forrest and Delia too. Forrest is just so much fun and very dedicted to his wife, and Delia has many fun lines and I find it entertaining how their daughter is so good at everything.

    • Love 6
  2. 3 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

    My take was because the damn constructed with dishonorable intentions, the Forrest shielded itself from further meddling by the people of Arendelle (who’s king brought violence to the community). Given that nature always seeks a balance, the forces of nature did grant the new king and his wife (a person of the Forrest who acted to save her enemy) a daughter with magical powers (Elsa) who could bring peace between the two communities. The dam was just a symbol of the hostility that came before. 

    That is a nice explanation, thanks! Do you also know why did breaking the dam cause Elsa to return from the dead?

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  3. I watched this and there are literally SO MANY plot holes/unexplained things that I simply don't understand. Maybe the movie needed an extra 25 minutes to better flesh out the story.


    Like why did building a dam cause the forest to be shrouded in a cloud? Where is the correlation?

  4. 3 minutes ago, SomeTameGazelle said:

     Was she desperate for his affection once she knew he was Jason?

    Would anyone be? There is literally nothing appealing about the real Jason, he is stupid and childish.

    Since there are so few episodes left, suddenly giving Tahani a love interest might feel shoe horned in, so for that reason I can see her ending up all alone.

    • Love 1
  5. It was nice to see the house owner association ladies again, them grilling Louis with business oriented questions was a great way to kick off the episode.

    It was fascinating to see the early days of the internet with the Louis-Honey plotline, but he definitely pushed Honey too far with making her do that TV intrview and then the review.

    I liked the Jenny Jessica relationship in this one. Jenny never spoke so much english in an episode before.

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  6. What a great episode. I loved Mariah and Katy's dynamic with each other while working together. And Franklin's little conflict with Principal Ablin was fascinating.  Oliver ascending to favorite child status was also so cute.

    I hope the rivalry between Chloe Brown Mueller and Katie is not over for good. It's always great ground for comedy.

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  7. 3 hours ago, Rinaldo said:

    Is a person without a romantic partner "all alone"? The show seems to be dramatizing the value of a circle of friends who help and support each other. That matters more to me than getting everyone neatly paired off.

    Tahani was often depicted as being desperate to connect to Jason in season 1. She wants companionship as much as the others. Remember, in the 1 year on Earth experiment she was the one to actually get engaged to someone. The show just doesn't bother to give her romantic options most of the time, that doesn't mean there is some sort of virtue in her being alone.

    • Love 4
  8. 2 hours ago, iMonrey said:

    Where are these rumors coming from? I haven't seen anything other than speculation in this forum based on nothing but the fact that they haven't had a lot of scenes together. I think the writers just like pairing Karen with Jack and there really isn't anything more to it than that.

    They have been acting passive agressive with each other on instagram for months now. They take these subtle jabs at each other. A lot can be found about it online, not just on this forum.

  9. 2 hours ago, iMonrey said:

    But Mateo is just not attractive, at all. Sorry, he just isn't. He was fine for Jeff but Amy's brother is several numbers higher than him.

    Also Amy knows Mateo so she knows he is kind of a pain in the ass, why would she want her bother involved with all that. I know the answer is simply "because she wants to pawn him off to anyone she can" but that just makes her look selfish.

    • Love 9
  10. Quote

    Katie’s feud with Chloe Brown Mueller is reignited when Oliver discovers Chloe’s attempts to sabotage Katie’s lasagna business. Meanwhile, Anna-Kat and Franklin play matchmaker for Principal Amblin in an attempt to secure more privileges at school.

  11. 1 hour ago, Skyfall said:

    I'm done with this show. Just not funny anymore.

    I'm curious if many others are feeling the same. I still like the show but the departure of the show runner is definitely noticeable. And this is like the 7th episode in a row where they do this "Amy does something bad and overcompensates in a crazy way"  plot.

    • Love 8
  12. The therapist continues to be one of the highlights of the show, his interactions with Bonnie are so funny and yet, different each time.

    The young chinese (?) person who asked out Christy for coffee was extremely handsome, I was happy we were going to see more of him, but then it all went bad...well I remember there was a person in one of these threads who felt very strongly that Christy should not date, so at least they will be happy.

    • Love 4
  13. 1 hour ago, AnimeMania said:

    If Bob's siblings are not going to take care of the family business and plan to spend all their time hanging out at Bob's house, it is not unreasonable for them to spend some time taking care of their mother. Bob shouldn't have to give them a pass on both obligations. Bob's siblings were not even hanging out in the same room with their mother, they were having minimal engagement with her. Bob was out rewarding his employees for doing something that he didn't even think that he could accomplish. Bob's siblings could at least hang out in their mother's room while Abishola is there and pretend they are learning how to take care of their mother and try to keep her spirits up.

    I don't know how reasonable this is, they insisted on sleeping in the same bed with their mom even when she protested and then played cards with her. I don't think it's the end of the world that they went out of the room to smoke pot, it's better than making their mom smell that. Overall, I think they made as much of an effort as they could while still keeping the tone of the show light - this is meant to be a comedy after all.

    • Love 5
  14. 28 minutes ago, aradia22 said:

    It's terrible advice but after talking to Gloria, I'm interested to see how Patty takes control. This season is meandering a bit. A lot of stuff is happening but it's not being developed.

    It all comes together in the season finale.

  15. 6 minutes ago, aradia22 said:

    But it's inferred from everything the show has told us about Brent. I could have assumed more but I didn't. I feel like they couldn't detail everything or he would seem completely irredeemable. But Brent is not just some hapless privileged guy who could have been a better person but was a little elitist with some retrograde views. That Brent would be a liberal almond milk Brent. A guy who thought he wasn't such a bad person while not doing much to help anyone else. An Undercover Boss kind of Brent. But that's not who they wrote. They wrote a Brent who is in some kind of materials business, who has complained about "political correctness," who thinks of Janet as a secretary and sexually harasses her, who repeatedly ignored how his behavior was hurting others until Chidi finally snapped at him, etc. And it seems like the writers' are taking out their frustration about this specific politic moment in the show. 

    You have to remember, the 4 humans the bad place brought in had to be on the same general level of badness as the original four. So while yes, Brent mentions burying HR complaints, by that rule there should be some lines he didn't cross. Like sexual assault.

    It's like how Eleanor did that dress bitch fiasco and sold fake medicine to people, but she never physically assaulted someone.

    • Love 3
  16. 12 hours ago, The Ringo Kidd said:

    I recently saw the woman on the plane as a bad date on the new show with the Mike and Molly guy where he wants to date a nurse.

    I guess she is the new go to girl for bad dates.

    She was funnier there.

  17. On 11/16/2019 at 1:39 AM, SnarkEnthusiast said:

    Going from Karen flirting with Samira Wiley to flirting with Patton Oswalt has to be the biggest downgrade in history.

    And the worst part is since we are in the final season this guy will probably be her end game. And it's like...ew, please no.

    • Love 3
  18. 3 hours ago, clack said:

     And wasn't John, when push came to shove, still a tattletale? Why did he get so much points?

    While screen time was limited, we did see Tahani try and try again with reforming John, making him more compassionate and less mean-spirited. They show adressed that his behavior stemmed from feeling left out, he needed human connection to improve. Think back to this dialouge from the show:


    Eleanor: Anyone interested in a status report?

    Tahani: I win! I mean, I’ll start. I have made massive progress with John.

    Eleanor: Great. Is he gonna join Chidi’s class?

    Tahani: Philosophy may not be his way forward. Genuine human connection shall be his course of study. And first up on the syllabus, he and I will be unironically watching the Britney Spears movie “Crossroads” together. And you’ll have to trust me, this is a huge step in the right direction.

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