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Everything posted by JarlenaFan2023

  1. First off, WHY when I opened this editor to post something new was I presented with a draft the last post I made in this topic??? Second, here's the football teams Pro Bowl picks (I might be behind posting this but I just saw it): When will we get the announcement of the CHEERLEADER that's going to Pro Bowl???
  2. Who is/was the statue outside of the old Texas Stadium? Tom Landry?
  3. Does anyone remember what episode in season 3 Cassie got winded and had that "asthma attack"?
  4. Watching Ep 208. How many times did that girl Kimber say "sucks" when she was being interviewed by CMT? IMO she should have been cut way before she was. Also do you guys (and gals) think that Kelli wanting to "reevaluate" Kelly Jo and Loni's kicks was a "setup" and they had already decided on the final squad?
  5. Most annoying commercial on DCC:MTT Pluto: Tosh.o or James Franco? I can't pick. They're both equally annoying/distasteful for me.
  6. Another irritation.... WHY do they have a CMT camera in the LOCKER ROOM? That should be a private/safe place. And I swear if I see that James Franco commercial one more time......UGH
  7. Current season on Pluto: What is the point of having "alumnae" critique the TCCs (besides another chance to shove Cassie Trammell Loftin down our throats)? Might as well have them teaching Training Camp.
  8. Forgive me if I'm behind but did we know Miranda is engaged? And it looks like she's getting married in about a month. Another retiree?
  9. Who were Taylor's GROUP LEADERS that year? Just wondering. Those should have been the ones to call out her behavior.
  10. Gonna be interesting if no more than that retire!
  11. Dang it you beat me! Was just about to post this. So how many "confirmed" retirees do we have now?
  12. Mods? @kariyaki @aquarian1 @Drogo? Any word?
  13. Thanks guys. I've found the FB pages I think. Gonna check out the website above 🙂
  14. Does anyone know if there is an active message board/forum ANYWHERE for the 70s TV show "Emergency!"?
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