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Everything posted by JarlenaFan2024

  1. Watching the 2nd to last episode of season 11. Did they take 37 this year? I can't remember and I may not be able to watch the rest of the season tonight. WHY did they allow Yuko to miss so much TC and cut her slack for it and not extend the same courtesy to the Minchews (even though we all know they were just in it for the "exposure")?
  2. Random rant Season 11: WHY do they wait until the last few TC rehearsals to teach the field entrance??
  3. Watching Episode 308: K&J told the girls on the practice field that they would join them in the studio after calling some to the office. I know they "reveal" the locker room to the girls after the squad announcement. Wonder what happens if one of the ladies has to use the restroom or something while they're "waiting" for K&J join them in the studio. The locker room is being prepared for them while they're rehearsing so if they go in there they would "spoil" the squad announcement.
  4. Season 8 (in general): Does anyone know if rookie Paige Elaine dumped her husband for that football player or vice versa (he dumped her then she started dating the player)? I know she had just married someone in the military when she moved to Dallas and auditioned. How many times did Kelli pick on Kim during this season? WHY did she seem to have it in for her?
  5. I know I'm skipping ahead in what's being shown on Pluto right now. Does anyone remember what Colin Sarvis wound up getting cut for? Was it her solo (I remember Kelli or somebody saying something about her taking her hair down)? UGH Chelsea Chaney in current episode "I'm supposed to be here"....I wonder if they shouldn't have cut her right then and there. That "staged" visit to the coffee house with Jasmine, Danielle, Emily, Collin, Ashley F and I can't remember who else.....ugh
  6. Episode 706: Looks like the cheerleaders are in a spare locker room for stadium practice. Wonder why they're not in the regular cheerleaders locker room (maybe they have to "earn it" like Charlotte said about the players in the stadium tour?)? I know the locker room was ready because they showed it on the tour.
  7. Thanks. I thought the lead singer looked familiar but I couldn't figure out who it was. I've actually never even heard of that band.
  8. Watching Ep 406: Are all of the TCCs/Vets allowed to stay after and wait in the studio with the people called into the office? Noticed that Abigail Klein (sp?) I think - was waiting with the TCCs that were called into the office and I don't ever remember her being a group leader or 2nd. Episode 407: WHY did Kelli not cut Zoe or whatever her name is right on the spot for not knowing who the freaking HEAD COACH of the football team was? She waited until the end of the rehearsal. I think I'd have told her to go wait in the office. That's just unexceptable!
  9. Episode 1210: Who was the band that was performing with the show group at the stadium!?
  10. Can someone please repost that video of that guy dancing to Thunderstruck? I can't find it anywhere! I need to add it to a playlist on youtube. Thanks!
  11. Yeah I think I found that list too, Like I said, daydreaming. Couldn't afford it if I wanted to even though the round trip flight would be $11.20 (rewards points with Southwest). Was daydreaming about going to a game and staying @ the hotel @ The Star (ha!!!).
  12. Does anyone know when the 2020-21 Football Schedule will be released? Daydreaming about booking a trip to a home game and staying @ The Star.
  13. Watching Ep 708 when that nutritionist crashed Jennifer and Kim and Nicole B's refrigerators. If it wasn't a "planned" ambush wonder why Kim and Jennifer were both in Cowboys shirts? Nichole B looked a little more "surprised" and wasn't wearing a cowboys branded shirt. These visits were supposed to be surprise ambushes and they both really looked "staged". I'm not gonna be able to watch the rest of the episode right now but I just saw a preview of show group rehearsing with Big & Rich for an event and I think the rehearsal outfits they're wearing are probably my favorite. Random thought: They're performing at the STADIUM and not in their own locker room??? Rant: WHY do people call the cheerleaders "The Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders"??? There's more than one Cowboy!!!!
  14. Episode 603: There's really no reason for Alyssa Torres to not know the first dance combination if she's paid attention to her sister at all. Also no reason for anyone that's auditioned before (and I can't remember if there's anyone in this rookie class that had auditioned before) to not know it.
  15. Watching Episode 602: WHY did Charlotte have it in for Ann Lux? For some reason this is the first time I've noticed her getting Kelli's attention while Ann was dancing and shaking her head "No". HOW did Ann make it to Training Camp after that?
  16. Putting this here since it's about Dayton Bramhall who previously auditioned: Looks like she won't be auditioning again. She's moving to Houston.
  17. Season 10 rant: WHY do they penalize/cut the TCCs for not doing a guest choreographers routine well!? Was the year that Angela didn't make show group and later got called out for "having a bad day" (her excuse) her last season with the team?
  18. I didn't think Dr Doubleday (we'll see who's been reading these posts :-)) was whiney
  19. Season 10 rant: (and any other season(s) they take the rehearsal out of Valley Ranch/The Star/AT&T Stadium or Texas Stadium) WHY do they have to have rehearsals places like the Gaylord Texan's Glass Cactus or Gilley's? Can't they have Show Group Auditions in the dance studio or stadium??? Product placement??
  20. Anybody that knows anything about kicklines: Watching the finale of season 6. Mackenzie Weeks is really short and should have been on the end of the kickline. Ashton Torrres was on the end. Was it because Mackenzie was a rookie?
  21. Not sure if this has been shared here before and I'm not going to share the IG link because it's private. I googled former TCC Kalli Fullerton and found this was her name now: Kalli Fullerton Doubleday, PhD. Did NOT know she was married OR had her PhD. I'm pretty sure it's the same Kalli cause she's followed by Cassie Trammel and Kelsey Bond. Is this really little Kalli that auditioned for DCC if so, this is NEAT!
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