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Everything posted by JarlenaFan2024

  1. Does anyone know how to keep Pluto from opening "muted" when you go to the webpage?
  2. How old was Sunni Cranfill West when she made it as a rookie? She's always looked "older" to me but in a good way.
  3. Does anyone know why when I look at my notifications at the top of the pages and it says 1 (one) then I look down the page and there's "several" more topics that are bolded/highlighted that have new replies?
  4. Season 6: Angela said she had a "one year student work visa" and that "this is the only chance I would have to audition" (paraphrased). Can you not renew a "student work" visa?
  5. How many seasons was Crystal Trevino on the team AFTER Trisha retired and did she get cut or retire herself?
  6. There was a date in April that's been floating around the media. Can't remember what the date is or why it's important. Hmmm.... That date might just be something relating to local stuff where I live and I thought it was a national date or something. Who knows. TOTALLY random but has anyone else tried the new Kellogg's Pretzel poptarts?? https://www.kelloggs.com/en_US/products/pop-tarts-pretzel-cinnamon-sugar.html MMMM!!!!!
  7. Looks like DCC haven't changed audition dates. Were the other ones that have been postponed before that magical "April 5th" or whatever date? What exactly is the deal with that date in April as it relates to COVID-19? Where was the job posted? This is the first I've heard of it. Would this be a job like that Miko person (or whatever her name was that ratted out Meghan Flaherty for being "rude") did/does?
  8. There's still video clips on cmt.com I'm thinking they're just shifting the past episodes to Pluto (wishful thinking)
  9. Watching the last couple episodes of season 6: There was a blonde TCC that I didn't recognize practicing and I never saw her get cut but I know she doesn't make the final team. That years rookies are: Alexandra Gandara, Alyssa Torres, Amber Lea, Amelia Smith, Angela Nicotera, Brittney Schram, Cassie Dyson, Colleen Brent, Courtney Cook, Emma Dutton, Holly Hubbard, Jenna Brooks, Kamilah Todd, Katy Fink, Mackenzie Weeks, Meghan Phillips, and Veronica Lind. Anyone know who she might've been?
  10. I know this is the wrong forum for this. Sorry but I just had to vent. I was supposed to go to a concert in Indiana next weekend and now that entire tour has been pushed back until August 😞
  11. Thanks! I thought so. If I knew she was on Mavs I'd forgotten. A little stressed out right now 😞
  12. Not a problem. I knew I'd heard or seen she was a stylist at some point but couldn't recall where!
  13. I could swear I heard somewhere she's a stylist now. Gonna do some research ETA https://tangerinesalon.net/tobie-huff
  14. Does the first brunette in this video remind anybody else of Dayton & Shelly Bramhall?
  15. Ouch poor Kaitlyn! I was expecting something along the lines of just flat out quitting or being cut for something mid-season. Thanks! Morgan Jordan was cut for almost missing her interview at auditions (or at least that seemed like the reason to me) right?
  16. Does anyone remember what happened to Kaitlyn Phillips (made it the same year as Morgan Jordan and didn't come back as a vet)? She's the one that Kelli chewed out for tanning when they emailed the girls not to tan. Kelli or Judy one (I think it was Kelli in a talking head) called her a "dingbat".
  17. Thanks for posting these. Can someone tell me which group is who? Thanks.
  18. Can someone pls post the 4 group pics and/or point me in the general direction of a previous post of them? Thanks.
  19. Watching episode 710 when Jordan Daigle missed the bus. Did they say something about a halftime performance that game or was I hearing things? I thought Jordan got to dance the pregame then had to sit out the 4 quarters and there wasn't a halftime performance for that game. Watching Episode 711: How many cheerleaders besides Sydney Durso have cheered more than 5 years during MTT? Wondering why Cassie Trammel didn't go for more than 5 years. Injuries? Team dynamics? Thoughts?
  20. I forget. Where is Megan Carcioppolo coaching now (moving this discussion to proper forum)?
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