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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. Watching for the third time. I just love them, plus I’m bored. I didn’t know as you get older, your age goes backwards. Ramona is now 60. Last year she was 63. I still don’t care for the new girl. She’s a little weird. Does LuAnn still have her house upstate?
  2. I just hope they don’t resort to being like Vikie and Tamra. I’ll be out. I heard Andy might bring Tamballs on for a few. N.Y. Was unique. Hope they realize that.
  3. That first taste she took convinced me that she is. “It tastes sooo good”. Does it really taste good, or makes her feel better? I wonder I’d she was still doing her act before this virus. Anyone know?
  4. I hope she goes back with Mario. He went thru male menopause. There are worse things in life. She still loves him.
  5. When my first went away I was beside myself. Ridiculous, but it felt like a death. Like a fool, I called her everyday. Took about four months to calm down. She had a blast. The second two, I didn’t blink twice. She’s married now and in the same situation, but not as nuts as I was. Thank goodness. I used to go look for the mailman for fear my husband would open the phone bill, lol.
  6. I think they all are scared of her. She may become violent. Ever see Ramona clam up when Dorinda is yelling at her? I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s the next jailbird.
  7. Aren’t they ashamed of themselves? I’m embarrassed for them. Could you imagine what old man Morgan thinks? Or whichever one is left. Or her daughter for that matter.
  8. Omg .. thank you, thanks everyone! We need a laugh desperately.
  9. The wheels have been coming off for years. She must be riding on the rims now, sparks flying down Fifth Avenue, lol.
  10. Thank goodness this series was filmed this past fall. They just made it before the virus.
  11. Dorinda is still pissed that Richard died. He was a “somebody”. Now, she’s just a woman living in the city and has a boyfriend who owns a cleaners.
  12. To you they may look great, but I doubt even one of them is happy.
  13. You probably look fine. They are all gussied up. Full makeup, hair done, extensions, makeup on their chest and arms and legs, fillers, Botox, designer clothes, you name it. I want to see them in the morning after drinking. Probably need an infusion of B12 in their veins. Have you ever seen beauty marks on their skin? All hidden with special plaster. Lol.
  14. She’s always patting herself on the back. Always crying how good she is, what a great friend she is, invites them all up to Bluestone Manor. All her “ goodness comes with a price. You have to agree with her at all times, tell her how great she is, how understanding she is, how generous she is, blah, blah, blah. I would NOT be friends with her if you paid me. Poor John. So she made lasagna .. so what? She’s a drunken bully. Thank goodness Tinsley gave it back to her. Oh, and to boot, you HAVE to tell her all your business, or else you’re dead.
  15. And they kept showing it. Don’t get me wrong, but I love dogs .. had lots of dogs in my life, but why are so many of them on every tv channel lately? They are all over the place, especially sleeping in the beds. It’s too much already and I’m an animal lover. In Sonja’s house, she’s always picking up crap, on carpets, on the patio, in someone’s house. WTF?
  16. If you saw them on the street without makeup, you wouldn’t look twice. They all look blah.
  17. I just watched a second time to hear everything. So, is Dorinda the leader of the pack? She’s the best cook, best hostess, party giver and everything else. Know it all much? She’s still the biggest mouth and vicious. What kind of pants was she wearing with that jacket? Skin tight leotards? Maybe her daughters. That was a nasty blow she gave Tinsley about the shoes. They were all trying too hard to be #1. Bethenny must have been laughing her ass off. Oh, and is Ramona really sleeping with that young guy?
  18. Yes, all her husbands were “somebody”. She strings John along like a peasant. Besides clothing, John is good for many things (cough, cough).
  19. New Chick on the wrong show. She belongs with potty mouth Denice Richards who talks about getting laid and masturbation 24 hours a day.
  20. Somethings different with her nose. It’s smaller or thinner. Either different shading or something done.
  21. Yes, I agree. Dorinda needs John more than he needs her. He supplies her with clothing, dry cleaning, and more. She cannot be completely alone without a man, especially on her arm and to go to functions. Seems like there is a shortage of men their age group. Same ole guys at the bars. I wouldn’t want any of them losers. Besides, if Ramona can’t find a guy, Dorinda can’t. At least Ramona behaves like a lady, not like a drunken fish wife who slobbers and goes for the jugular when drinking. .
  22. I posted at the end not reading from the beginning, but you are right about Tinsley. I posted that Dorinda was wrong for attacking Tins, but she was right .. Tins shouldn’t be on the show if she hides her private life. If she’s going to hide going with Scott and where she’s living, etc. what’s left to talk about? Either shit it all out like the rest of them, or get off the pot.
  23. Yikes! I should have worn my ear plugs. Too loud and too much fighting the first episode. Guess they gave Tins more air time. Where’s Scott? Just started and Dorinda is at it again with Tinsley. She feels rejected because Tins isn’t spilling her life with her? Too bad. Mind your business. Same scene at the bar with all the old guys. I’m not crazy with the new girl. I guess getting arrested also was a welcome start with the rest of them. I didn’t care for her cursing and masturbation remark so soon or at all. Who cares. Not too much nips and tucks that were noticeable. Good surgeons. Hope next week is quieter. Dorinda has to zip it a little or drink less. It’s very unbecoming.
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