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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. They all came from nothing. A nurse, a hostess, a realtor, Ramoaner was poor before marrying, Bethenny was dirt poor until she worked hard then became a business woman. Most got money thru marriage, but now act like royalty, except Tinsley, who’s a socialite. I don’t get their thinking they are upper crust. BTW, they filmed last October. Why hasn’t the Countess had any cabaret dates, or has she? They usually show at least one.
  2. How about Dorinda too. She’s past due. I can’t even look at her anymore, especially on the talking heads. Who picked her for that? They must have been intoxicated too.
  3. Because we don’t know if it was real or for the camera. If it’s real, put Leah and Dorinda in the wagon too.
  4. Dorinda was trying to be fairly nice on this trip. Maybe she was told to STFU. She’s still a know it all tho, or thinks she is. She still butts in to correct everyone with her old sayings which I don’t know what the hell they mean. “I served it up warm”. Whatever that means in Medley lingo.
  5. O.k. Thanks a lot. We will be going when New Yorkers are allowed into the North. The Cross Sound Ferry also.
  6. Planning to go again. Are those shops they went to right near the water, or somewhere else? I remember going in a few shops, but not that many that were shown. Also, it was very hot and very crowded. That bridge going in is very high I remember. Yikes. The mansions were nice tho, and the gowns shown in the glass cases. Nice place to go.
  7. Guess I won’t be going there, lol. We went for one day and ate by the water. Then went into some mansions. Very crowded in summer, and a bitch to park. Then slept at Foxwoods Casino.
  8. But they say the truth comes out when you’re plastered. We'll see what happens from here.
  9. I’ve said that and everyone came down on me. Bethenny was no worse than these bitches. So she talked about her divorce and the boyfriend who died. Doesn’t Dorinda? At least Beth talked sensible and tried to help people like Dorinda. She made sense and never got crazy drunk. But, she’s into lots of things, is loaded with money and doesn’t need the aggravation. I really miss her thinking heads. She came out with the funniest observations you have to admit. That’s what’s missing here .. HUMOR. There is no humor anymore, only drinking and fights and Dorinda. I also have to say, I’m so disgusted with Tinsley. Why was she all over Dorinda, kissing and hugging her? I lost all respect for her after that exhibition. She gave in to that bully.
  10. I used to like Erika the most, but now, she walks around like hot shit thinking who she is. I don’t care for her that much anymore. Saying that nasty comment about Denise’s girls was below the belt. She forgot quickly where she came from and about her kid. Like I said, she got worse after Cabaret. Tom is a prominent lawyer, is immaculately dressed and a nice guy, but Geeze he looks damn old. She flits around him, fluffs up his handkerchief, says goodbye and that’s it. She probably has an apartment somewhere and does her thing while he is in his office or court. Nice set up. She has no right to talk about anyone. I thought she was smarter than that .. and nicer.
  11. That’s it! I no longer have respect or feel sorry for Tinsley. She bowed down to Dorinda and made a fool of herself. She has no guts or respect for herself after Dorinda made mince meat out of her. Lots of luck Tins .. you blew it. Now go kiss her ass again, you fool. Dorinda is not your friend.
  12. I also take my pillow everywhere. Even the best hotels have very hard pillows. I make my own as I like them squishy and don’t want to wake up with a stiff neck.
  13. Now I see why Leah’s Mother doesn’t want to talk with her. Elise was the only one who made sense and they didn’t like that. Anyone else notice that in daylight they all looked old? Ramona, Sonja, Dorinda and Elise. Can’t hide Father Time. This episode made me sick. Everyone kissy kissy. What phonies. If alcohol makes them all crazy like this, why drink from morning until night? It’s gotten very boring and went down the toilet. A complete rehaul is needed, minus a few.
  14. No men again .. just them taking another close trip to drink and cause trouble. Kiss ass Ramona kissing Dorinda every minute, and what’s with Tinsley talking to Dorinda again after what happened last week. Leah drinking to oblivion and acting stupid. Is this going to be her the whole season? Can they all go away for once without drinking? I think they all need AA and therapy. Embarrassing to watch. I’m disappointed in Tinsley giving in to Dorinda. I’m disappointed in Leahs craziness. Sonja just keeps drinking and eating anything that isn’t nailed down. Guess she figures she’ll never get a man, so eats. So is Dorinda off the hot seat? Damn.
  15. Somebody should ask Rinna where her husband lives. Not with her.
  16. I agree with everything you said. My girls said they learned many things relating to sex in a health class at school. I said they could ask me anything, but they said “ thanks Ma, but no thanks”, lol. And that was that! They had everything covered. Good.
  17. Why do these women have to worry about the paychecks? What about the husbands? What does Denise’s husband do?
  18. For some reason, I’m very surprised they asked Erika to do Chicago on Broadway. It’s just so different than what she does with her guys from what I’ve seen.
  19. Such a great post. These days, talking about blow jobs and threesomes are the norm i guess. Not in my world tho. They are all so desperate. What’s next? 😍 Oh, and I forgot “Happy Endings”. My daughter is a licensed massage therapist and I wouldn’t dare ask her about that! I’m very close with my two daughters, and we never talk about that stuff or sex in general.
  20. Blah, blah, blah. Same ole shit. I never knew what a threesome was until a few years ago, lol. I have girlfriends from grammar school still, and close friends over the years and we never ever talk about sex with our husbands ever. We talk in joking, but never about our sex lives. Maybe it’s the new norm .. I don’t know. These women sure pile on the makeup. Last week, Kyle looked horrible with the bangs, glittery earrings, and that suit with her tits hanging out. This week, she looked much better with her hair back and plain with little makeup. Why is she always crying? She has everything. What’s her problem? Tonite was boring as usual. All talking the same shit. The only thing I liked was the food the lady was making. Denise in the hot seat again with her kids and the endless sex talk. Why don’t they talk about a good book or a great movie they saw? And their hair pulled tight back all the time gives me a headache. Dorit .. I can’t even look at .. Teddy is boring .. Rinna is Rinna, I like the new blonde so far, Erika a little more conceited since Chicago and who else I forgot. Tomorrow n.y. .. another catastrophe. They all are running out of ideas.
  21. Sounds reasonable, but I doubt she would sell. The grandfather and great grandfather built the foundation or something, so to her, it’s something to keep in the family. It does seem to be a drain on her tho and seems too big for her use. Too many rooms for one person, and the inside looks like a museum. Plus as one poster said, who wants to entertain at that age. She should turn it into a bed n breakfast and go up there the weekends she wants. Some people would like to go therefor a weekend just to look at her stuff. Maybe it would be something for her to do and get her mind off all the nonsense. A Bed & Breakfast in the Bezerkshires.
  22. So, who knows what people think when it comes to wills. You would think he would let Dorinda and Hannah stay in the townhouse, and his two kids go with their Mother, wherever she lived. Maybe he figured he gave her Bluestone Manor, but I doubt Dorinda and Hannah Would make it their only home. They are city girls. She would have loved the Brownstone uptown. I’ll bet that was a blow to her, unless I’m getting the wrong reading from this. Who knows what he was thinking at the time. My Father left his house to one sister and me, and left the other one out. I told the lawyer I would probably give the left out sister a share, but he told me “ no” my Father was very firm with that. I think he may have been giving her money all along. People have their reasons. My sister never said anything, so I guess she did get over the years.
  23. Talk about the translation device. After seven years and who knows how many Americans, the girl doesn’t know one word of English? This baffles me. She knows how to throw on the makeup tho.
  24. Geeze, they filmed in the fall before Christmas. It’s May now and we’re in this virus. I wonder how she is faring without John and her drinking problem. Maybe her daughter is living with her in the city; she can’t live in Bluestone as it’s probably under construction. Anything on Page 6 in the Post?
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