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Posts posted by CrinkleCutCat

  1. Whilst some/many viewers might want to see a ‘fan’ reach the final stages of this ‘competition’, I’d say most would prefer it to only happen with decent judging not producer-induced DRAHMA. I wish there was blind tasting sometimes!

    I’m a passenger on the Send Montana and Daniel Home Train. Choo Choo!

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  2. If two dishes are equally good… in a time challenge…. I don’t think you should choose the best dish based on the one you would go back to and eat again and again (Jock)… surely you choose the one that was the best despite the amount of time the cook had? Billie had less time than Julie yet had a great dish 🤷‍♀️

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  3. Katisha: mentioning her restaurant (or is it multiple restaurants) in India needs to be part of a drinking game.

    jeez, we would all be off our faces!

    Julie still on the Cinderella arc edit. Wasn’t Alvin’s dish judged favourably? He just isn’t on the producer’s radar.

    • LOL 1
  4. The producers seem to be leaning toward Dan and Julie.
    - Dan gets the rags to riches narrative arc (rise): he gets to demonstrate the influence of this ‘experience and journey’… look at how much I’ve learnt from being on MasterChef! Who would have thought my cooking could become this refined? 

    - Julie gets the Cinderella arc (rise then fall then rise): Getting Julie on this season was quite a coup and I love her inclusion, but I am uncomfortable about the show taking advantage of her vulnerable mental state for its own agenda. Julie also allows the show to reflect on it’s own glory and success.

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  5. 3 hours ago, Aerobicidal said:

    @CrinkleCutCat Yes, I watch the UK version, which I think it significantly better than the Australian one. But I don't read or post about it here. Over the past few years I reached my message board saturation point, but I've been reading this particular show's threads for so long that I try to join the conversation sporadically.

    I prefer the UK version, especially the Professionals iteration. I hadn’t watched the Aus version for years…. I got too sick of the producer induced DRAHMAH, which is non-existent in the UK show.

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  6. S14 E42 Pressure Test

    Dan? Again? I just can’t get on board with him but I don’t know why! [need to think on this]
    I would have chosen Mindy and Alvin or Keyma … no one tonight wowed me though.

    I missed the pressure test having that really high bar of fine dining execution. 

    On another note: So glad to have found some people (not enough though!) to share thoughts with on MasterChef! I’m a long time Primetimer but with different shows. Anyone else watch the UK version?

    • Love 3
  7. S14 E42 Pressure Test

    With everyone told to bring their recipes written down I was expecting and HOPING they would have to cook someone else’s recipe… like a ‘Pressure Test’ typically is: replicating someone else’s dish. Missed opportunity MasterChef!

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  8. 3 hours ago, ppl said:

    The judges' decision to send Michael home was the wrong one. If Montana didn't meet the brief then she should have been sent home. I remember the old judges kicking people out for not following the rules of the challenge.

    There were lots of social media engagement today from Facebook, Twitter and other places that vilified the decision or posted sad tributes to Michael's departure.

    It's these decisions that people will remember and end up changing the channel. It might not happen in the short term but next year, when people decide on whether to watch it again, they might think twice about watching Masterchef.

    I’ve just started to watch the next episode… and yeah, I’m resentful about seeing Montana in the Top 10 instead of Michael. That decision to send Michael home has really soured this show for me, especially after ‘Top 10 Daniel’ thanking Michael for teaching him so much. Michael’s dish (even with some slightly over cooked fish) evoked the memory he described way more than that sad roast chicken dish Montana served. I think a major ‘didn’t meet the brief’ should be upheld over a slight execution issue.

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  9. I’m needing an angry reaction button for goodness sake! There are things these heifers make me angry about and I need to react appropriately!! For example: every post here about Erika… I need to be able to label my opinion with an angry reaction. Why oh why has that option been taken away?

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  10. 2 hours ago, QQQQ said:

    From the mods:

    If you hover over each one it will tell you what it is, but for clarity here are the intended meanings:

    Heart = Love

    Thumbs Up = Like

    Clapping Hands = Applause

    Flames = Fire (aka 'That's fire/on fire')

    Mind Blown = Awesome/Amazing/Astounding

    Primetimer color stripes = Thanks

    Wink = Winking

    Teddy Bear = Hug

    Laugh = same as before

    Useful = same as before

    No angry emoji? I suppose we aren’t allowed to be angry about anything anymore? Anger is cancelled! I used the mind blown one incorrectly on a post today thinking it meant angry/cross! 

    Dammit, with Erika still on this show I need an angry emoji. 😡😡😡

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  11. 26 minutes ago, Chicklet said:

    So will Erika mention that Tom was disbarred and ordered to pay restitution in the millions? Of course that just happened today and I don't know if they are done shooting this seasons. Of course Tom is guilty but Erika is innocent I tell you!

    And I don't get any emojis, it's blank (sniff).

    New emojis: Click onto the white heart in the grey circle and they all pop up for you to select from.

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  12. 6 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

    I think its the fact that Sutton and Crystal (by crystals admission) worked through it and it should have been dead ... Crystal bringing this up to a bunch of women who had no reason to know any of this and who dislike and are looking for any reason to attack Sutton is beyond wrong and was really throwing her under the bus (like they said) ... she knows they will just want to use whatever it is as ammo against her... 

    Erika REALLY wants to know what Sutton said! Her face just lit up at the possibility of ammo against Sutton.

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  13. 5 minutes ago, Cozytea said:

    I think Diana uses the "allergies" as an excuse to not go into stores and just have her shopping done in the comfort of her home. A service that is easy to get used to . I must say after 2 years of having all my shopping done by delivery or curbside pickup, I am spoiled and avoid going into stores unless I really have to.  Online shopping and home delivery is my best friend lol.  Unfortunately mine is just groceries and household products,  no designer clothing 😉

    Garcelle was herself stirring the pot. 

    Kyle was so drunk during the Crystal and Sutton conversation last season , she can't remember anything.  However the film crew was there and I'm assuming caught the whole conversation.  Sutton must have said something questionable, because she really dosen't want to talk about it lol.

    Why aren’t the producers showing us the footage?

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  14. 9 minutes ago, laprin said:

    Being genuine is not an excuse to be reckless. The context and weight of one’s words can negatively impact other people. I believe racists are genuine, does that mean they get to use racists language? If Crystal has agency to choose words that others take offense to, why don’t they have agency to say they are offended? Crystal can express herself in whatever way she wants, but she can’t then police how others feel about the words she chooses. I would personally feel mortified if someone accused me of violating them. I liken a word that charged to assault, usually sexual. That might not be what Crystal meant, but words have societal connotations. I would have every right to vehemently defend myself against this characterization. 

    Exactly. Words really are more than ’just’ words, as we are hard-wired as humans to react to language emotionally. Crystal can analyse a word, like ‘dark’ by how many letters and syllables it has but that’s being deliberately obtuse about the effect words have. Intention matters too. Some people just blurt out without much thought, but others intentionally and deliberately use words to hurt or manipulate. I think the focus should be on intention rather than specific words, which can spill over to being pedantic about word choice instead of focusing on the real issue at hand. Although, some people prefer that an argument/disagreement/conflict remains on the pedantic focus of word choice in order to avoid the real issue.

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  15. 1 hour ago, whydoievencare said:

    I thought the way Diana spoke about Sutton was both clumsy and hurtful.  

    I would hazard a guess that Diana having a multitude of paid sycophants over many years has enlarged her ego to a point where she can nonchalantly discuss another woman’s character, including what she perceives to be flaws… in front of her. 

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  16. 11 minutes ago, amarante said:

    I doubt she will get the EGOT but an Oscar for best song counts which is feasible but improbable.


    6 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

    there is also the possibility of producing something that wins an Oscar (which would still count towards the EGOT) 

    Ah, come on… let me picture Kandi trying to recreate a Meryl Streep scene!! Let me have my “no way, Kandi” moment!

    • LOL 4
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