Cool Breeze
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It was Carter's plan to take over FC by slipping himself in as manager of the LLC. 100%. But once he presented that plan to Hope, she became an accomplice. She was all for it. And I don't think we can ignore the fact that she was aware HFTF would be returned to her. Not saying she was manipulative or using Carter but she knew she would directly benefit from this takeover. And ever since he sat in the big chair, it's been "we". Hope actually said to Daphne today: "When we took over FC."
Ah. Gotcha. Thank you very much.
What did Echo do to Fisk? (I couldn't make it through that show.)
I actually don't think Hope is Lady MacBeth yet but, to be fair, while Carter did conceive of the LLC plan all by his lonesome, as soon as that plan was executed, it became "we". Both Hope and Carter immediately started using the plural when talking about FC's new leadership. With Steffy (and presumably other executives) reporting to her. Even though Hope has no title other than being Carter's Main Squeeze.
But $Bill is a retconned kid. When Bill Sr. was onscreen, he had one daughter, Caroline, on whom he doted. Later, shock-twin retconned Karen showed up. But never a mention of a son. It would make sense, however, if Bill Sr., chauvinist that he was, tracked down his illegitimate son to take over the company simply because he wanted a man at the helm. But beyond that initial revenge-on-Eric bs, we’ve not heard anything about the relationship between the two Bill Spencers. I’m guessing part of the point of $Bill’s bonding with Luna is to flesh out his backstory a bit.
I understand. My point was had they used an actual paternity test, the results would have been much more interesting instead of the "one line for yes, two lines for no" COVID/pregnancy test facsimile they used. But, I guess they had to go that route so that Li would be full of tearful forgiveness for her sister, having for years wrongly suspected Poppy of interfering in her marriage. Then, shock-of-shocks, it's not Li's husband Poppy slept with, but her son! Betrayal all over again!
Absolutely correct. And those much more in-depth test results would show that Jack is not the father but is biologically related to Luna. That would have been a much better way for this SL to unfold. Li, so certain Jack is the father runs her own test and the results show Jack is "sort-of" her father?! Related to Luna? How could that be?!
Jerry Jones was actually pretty good. A highlight of the episode. Taylor Sheridan can write the hell out of some dialogue. His story plotting is nowhere near as good.
I'm sure I'm in the minority here but Eric not backing Brooke is something I'm enjoying. The Brooke-Eric relationship is one of the most one-sided on this show. Stephanie was mean to you, Brooke? Go to Eric for support. Need a man to pretend to be the father of the baby you're having with your son-in-law? Go to Eric for support. Brooke uses Eric. They're "friends" when it's convenient for her. The "Slut from the Valley" and most of the other epithets uttered against Brooke are off-base and mean. But if someone called her out on consistently using and manipulating Eric, I would cheer.
How and why does Monty think Rebecca is a "shrewd negotiator"? She's mostly bluff, wildly delusional about how the law works, and she just got her ass handed to her by a college dropout who was in the oil business for exactly two days but managed to increase the compensation to the relatives at a rate four times higher than what she offered. Yeah, she's a real genius.
Electra being fired without explanation is so BellLA. Katie (who is head of PR and HR?!) doesn't inquire as to the source of the pics, nor does she make any effort to determine whether the pics are real. It'll be real embarassing for FC if Electra learns what happened and goes public with the fact that she was a victim of revenge porn/deep-fakes. FC could have gotten ahead of this by putting a spotlight on this timely issue of manipulated images but, instead, they just terminate a young girl with no explanation. Dumb.