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Posts posted by BigBeagle

  1. On 10/16/2016 at 11:22 AM, Sarahendipity said:

    Who rides their motorcycle when the city is paralyzed by a snowstorm?

    You don't know many Harley riders, do you? :-)

    I will love "Blizzard" forever, for all the reasons mentioned. After this episode, I was totally hooked.

    • Love 2
  2. Finally went and saw it, and thoroughly enjoyed it. I thought it was easily the best of the Kelvin timeline Treks. It wasn't perfect, but it was pretty darned good.

    I don't know why, but, "My house is breaking!!!!!" is pretty much the line of the movie for me (well, that and, "So you gave your girlfriend a tracking device?").

    • Love 2
  3. Quote

    My new explanation of Arya is that the face thing really is magical rather than physical.  Yes, I know it isn't supported by the material but it makes more sense than her carting a bag o' faces along.

    I prefer to look at it along the lines as sausage-making ... Spare me the details, just let me enjoy the final product.

    • Love 5
  4. 14 minutes ago, InsertWordHere said:
    3 hours ago, Alapaki said:

    We had that shot of Theon looking at the Ironborn flag, now reduced to a small pennant on the back of the ship, whilst Yara's ships now fly under an unambiguously and unequivocally Targaryean Dragon Sail.  

    I thought the Greyjoy ships still had Kraken sails, just like the Tyrell and Martell ships still had their sigils on the sails. I think Theon was just waiting for the wind to change.  

    Having rewatched that scene for the umpteeth time, I interpret the looks on everyone's faces as realizing that shit just got very, very real ... there's no more talking about it or dreaming about it -- the war is ON. If some of the folks seemed disquieted about it, that's only natural.

    • Love 2
  5. 3 minutes ago, Haleth said:

    I'm going to be a contrarian here and say that I find Cersei subjecting Ulenna to rape and torture as revenge for getting her dignity bruised is appalling.  I also think blowing up a church with so many innocent people in order to kill one man is horrifying.  I have zero sympathy for her and the valonquar can't come soon enough.  (However, her outfit was stunning. LOL)

    Absolutely. Ulenna was mean, petty and got off on mistreating others, but she surely didn't deserve what she got. As far as Cersei, she's gone full Mad Queen territory, so at least I can cheer when she finally buys it.

    And that outfit was outstanding. A female friend was watching the episode with me and asked where she could get a dress like that.

    • Love 3
  6. Of course Tyrion is in at least a little bit of love with Dany. After all, she is one of the few people in the world to look past "The Imp" and see the impressive gifts he brings to the table. Not only does she understand this, she also appreciates it to the degree of naming him her most trusted advisor. Who wouldn't fall in love with someone like that?

    • Love 13
  7. I have a feeling the poor folks at King's Landing are going to think back on the reign of King Aerys as "the good old days."

    Even as a baby, Jon was a mopey little bastard.

    Like everyone else, I loved Dany naming Tyrion the hand of the king. Left to his own devices, Tyrion isn't such great shakes, but as a trusted advisor/lieutentant, he's in his comfort zone. He and the Breaker of Chains will be a great team.

    • Love 9
  8. 1 hour ago, Minneapple said:

    Jon's name is something totally crazy, isn't it? The opposite of "Jon." Not sure what that would be.


    So many excellent points made here; I just want to add a couple.

    First, the CGI in this episode, though more subdued than last week, was still incredible. The sight of all the white ravens leaving the Citadel, in particular, was beautiful.

    And Sam's scenes were just filler, but at least they gave the episode some light humor. Loved the guy at the Citadel going full-blown DMV clerk on Sam and Gilly.

    • Love 16
  9. Quote

    The Boltons are extinct. 

    For some strange reason, I don't take quite as much pleasure out of that as I anticipated.

    They were sick, sadistic, cruel so-and-so's, but they weren't boring.

    Of course, if we were talking real-life people instead of TV characters, my joy might be more pronounced.

  10. 1 hour ago, SimoneS said:

    You have to take anything Daario says about Daenerys with a huge grain of salt. He is in love with her. As Tyrion pointed out to Daario and Jorah, once she takes the Iron Throne their roles in her life will change by necessity. She will likely enter into a political marriage to cement her rule. We saw that she did just that with Hizdahr and how jealous Daario was. Daario isn't anxious for Daenerys to head to Westeros.

    Surely, you're not saying a guy would lie to a woman just to curry romantic favor? Un-possible!

    In all seriousness, that's a really good point, SimoneS.  I hadn't considered that Daario was still smitten.

    • Love 1
  11. 3 hours ago, SimoneS said:

    Of all the potential rulers of Westeros in the Game, Daenerys is the best and the common people, especially will prosper under her rule.

    My mind keeps going back to what Daario said earlier this season, words to the effect that Dany was a conqueror, not a ruler. So far, at least as the show has shown, that seems to be the case. But I do agree that the potential is there (compassion for the weak and exploited, listening to her counselors, etc.) for her to be a great ruler.

  12. On Sunday, June 19, 2016 at 9:01 PM, dizzyd said:

    Gods, let us be done with Essos after next week.

    How many times over how many shows have how many people said the same thing? Get thee to Westeros, Dany!



    The Iron born need a new motto. I don't think "We do sow" will work.

    How about, "We don't want to sow, but our boss has dragons?"

    • Love 2
  13. Quote

    I get that but can he not see FrankenMountain standing right there??  Doesn't he know about the dead Faith guy?  He is just asking for it with the unnecessary insults.  (Deserved but unnecessary.)

    Bevan must think his rank, name and position make him more or less bullet-proof. That's a distessingly common mistake characters make on this show.

    • Love 2
  14. 9 hours ago, truelovekiss said:

    Speaking of Cers, I hate to support her in anything, ever...but damn I have to say I pick her over hypocritical, overzealous religious lunatics. And it just makes me hate the High Sparrow and Co. even more for making me side with her.

    I can never side with Cersei ... if it were her vs. the Night King for the survival of humanity, I would side with Team Ice Zombies.


    Like many others on this thread, I was skeptical about Arya's healing powers, then I remembered this show features resurrections, dragons, magic, characters hundreds of years old and, of course, ice zombies. So, quick healing became a small nit to pick.

    • Love 9
  15. Quote

    Honestly, I think it's a mix. LF is still in love with Cat while simultaneously wanting to get revenge for her turning him down. Him losing to Brandon was only his greatest humiliation because Cat didn't want to be with him. Just like when Cat turned him down AFTER Ned died--he was upset again and hellbent on turning the world over. He's obsessed with Cat and since he couldn't have her (or her daughter), he wants to burn everything and everyone and make sure they are more miserable than he is. 

    I keep remembering Varys' words to the effect that Little Finger would by perfectly happy to see Westeros burn, as long as he could be king of the ashes.


    After finally watching this episode....I agree with everyone about Arya and the Waif...this is the final test and nothing better happen to my girl Arya! I just want the Waif to get beat and beat badly!!

    This Sunday on HBO ... Braavos Thunderdome! Two girls enter! Only one girl leaves!

    • Love 4
  16. 3 hours ago, Bad Example said:

    I can't believe I know something. I think this calls for a cookie. 

    As a non-bookwalker, I have this feeling all the time.

    Some random thoughts:

    * As despicable as Walder Frey is, I'll take two hours of screen time for him over any random minute of Ramsey.

    * I'll give Daddy Tarley this: It takes a special kind of man to take such obvious pride in being an asshole.

    * Everything came up crapola for Jaime this episode, but at least he's getting away from Cersei for awhile.

    * Dany definitely is channeling the Mad King ... but at least the dragons didn't end up with her brother.

    * Anything that gets Arya away from the black hole of Braavos will be a very good thing indeed.

    * The episode actually INCREASED the number of Starks ... has that happened, like, ever?

    • Love 9
  17. 7 minutes ago, peggy06 said:

    After the scene with Loras a couple of weeks ago, I'm certain she is going along for this very reason. Remember she told Loras they had to be strong. I'm sure Margaery is acting a part, with the High Sparrow and with Tommen.

    When I saw how her facial expression changed when she was hugging Tommen, that's when I realized Margaery had something up her sleeve. I don't think it will end well, but what does on this show?

    • Love 6
  18. 14 hours ago, Calamity Jane said:

    I think every time a character on Game of Thrones is killed we should say rest in peace.

    Except, of course, with Ramsey ... I think a simple "rot in hell" will suffice.

    • Love 5
  19. 24 minutes ago, DollEyes said:

    Bran may very well be the worst villain of the story.

    Depends on where he goes from here, really. The other Big Bads you referenced never learned from their mistakes or (worse) were unable to admit they were mistakes. If Bran follows that same path, he'll put Ramsey to shame, as far as total body count goes. FWIW, I don't see that happening, however.

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