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Posts posted by Maharincess

  1. 5 hours ago, QuinnM said:

    Well that is unfortunate.  Unless she found a loop hole or she was hoping her kids would let it slide ‘for now’ it’s a mess.  This leads me to wonder why she settled for so little from the Count.  He was the one that wanted to remarry.  She appeared fine just messing around.

    You're right, it's very unfortunate that a mother would cheat her own kids this way.  That's the only unfortunate thing I see. 

    Poor Luann, she cheated her kids, didn't do what she agreed to do and now she's been caught. How unfortunate. 

    • Love 4
  2. On 7/13/2018 at 6:07 PM, AnnA said:

    Maybe she figured the kids would inherit whatever she had anyway so it didn't matter if they had a trust owning half of her home or not.  She screwed up but so did the Count.  He should had made sure all this was settled when they signed the divorce papers.

    Or, maybe the Count trusted his kids mother to do the right thing by her kids.  I don't see how her ex husband is at all to blame here. He tried to do a nice thing for his kids and their mother again thought only if herself.  I sincerely don't see how any of this is the count or the kids fault. 

    • Love 13
  3. On 7/13/2018 at 11:06 AM, Tatum said:

    I got all the way to Molly Weasley before I realized these were all Harry Potter aliases.


    I'd still nominate Tom Riddle for Hottest Ever Fictional Character That Unapologetically Kills People . Too bad the actor that played him as a young guy got so ugly.

    I am completely and totally confused by this comment.  Am I just stupid? What does it mean? 

    • Love 2
  4. 15 hours ago, applecrisp said:

    Glad Someone said this.  I even kind of like Lu Ann. I guess because she can be entertaining. Since they all seem selfish I am not surprised

    I just really dislike the comments about her kids. They are entitled to the money left for them. It does not make them greedy. I know I would be upset if she spent all the money on what she wanted. I also don't blame the count if this was all agreed on. She messed up and should pay the consequences. 

    It seems people are giving her a free ride on this, Yet when the arrest happened people were quite judgmental of her as they should be.

    Maharincess you have a good memory, I recently watched some old episodes and she indeed was "going out" all the time the her husband was away on business.

    And of course Mozelle.


    The comment about the kids that bothered me the most was saying Noel is involved in the lawsuit because he'd rather have a house on the beach instead of a house in the mountains.  I don't see how anyone can blame anybody but Luann.  She's the one who didn't do what she said she'd do and cheated her kids in the process. I don't see how it is anybody's fault but Luann.  I would imagine they spoke to her about it before the suit was filed and she probably didn't care so they proceeded with it. 

    • Love 11
  5. I'm surprised to see so many people feeling bad for Luann and defending her, I'm even seeing comments blaming her kids and/or her ex husband.  From what I'm getting, this is Luann putting her wants ahead of everyone else. As usual.  She basically violated an order she agreed to and screwed over her kids. Again.   I don't mean here in particular, I'm talking in general. I don't do social media but I peeked at the Housewives Facebook and people are shocked and blaming everyone but her. 

    I for one (and I think the only one) am not the least bit surprised by this.   She always seemed like a distant, uninvolved mom. I'll never forget her son begging her to stay home for taco Tuesday and she just laughed him off.  Then he said she's always leaving and never home.  I don't know how long she was with them but I think Rosie did most of the raising of the kids.  

    I've never liked her.  I've always thought she was a snooty, snobby bitch.  I'll never forget her telling Bethenny to introduce her to people like the driver as Mrs. Delesseps, "you know like you do a child".  And now she's playing her "been to prison" card for all the attention she can get.  She spoke about being in prison, during an argument she commented that people in jail behave better than the ladies.  She was never in jail  and the closest she's been to prison is watching Shawshank Redemption. She was in a drunk tank for a few hours, slept it off, saw a judge and was released.  She's milking it and exaggerating this for all its worth. 

    Her cheating her kids doesn't surprise me at all. 

    • Love 17
  6. 3 hours ago, chenoa333 said:

    Anyway, I'm anxiously awaiting the return of Below Deck: Ben and Kate style!! ❤

    Didn't Ben quit the show?  I don't have any kind of social media so I don't follow anyone out side of here. I swear though that I read here that he had left the show. 

    • Love 1
  7. I'm sorry if this is the wrong place to ask this. How old are these characters supposed to be?  Somebody once told me that they're supposed to be in their 50s (obviously not Sophia) but that can't be right. I'll be 53 in a week and they all look like they could be my mom.  I've tried so many different wordings on Google to find out the character ages but all I can find are the actresses ages.  If I were to guess, I would say that they were all mid 60s, maybe late 60s.  

    I never really got into the show, I've watched maybe 10 full episodes of the whole series so if they said their ages, I missed it. 

    I do have to say that it's really nice to see a show with older women who's faces actually move.  I love watching older shows that were made before every actress had botox, fillers, and bad plastic surgery. 

    • Love 1
  8. 1 hour ago, geauxaway said:

    Just maybe not high high.  Like she has dialed it back enough to kind of put up a front, but is still not living “unassisted.”  She’s got it together a bit more, maybe?

    On another note,  the pool.  I’m not tying to be all Debbie Downer, but what about Ally (or whatever her name is)?  Sorry but them little legs couldn’t save her if she tried.  One stumble and then what?  I’m all for pools but for some reason this thought scares the bejebus out of me.  

    Yeah, she doesn't seem to be as bad but if she's an addict then it's just a matter of time before she's really had again. A lot of addicts seem to think that after a few months sober, they can control their drug intake and just be a casual user but it never works.  I hope that's not the case and she's not using again but my opinion is that she is. 

    • Love 10
  9. Aw, yay!  Goats make GREAT pets and they're so funny to watch when they play. I have 2 named Lucy and Ethel and I adore them. It's great when my property needs mowing. I have a big, portable fence and I just fence them in for a day in the section that needs clearing. I haven't had to have the property mowed or weeded since I got them. 

    I would much rather see Chelsea have these animals than any of the other morons. At least she loves and takes care of her pets. 

    • Love 11
  10. Damn @guilfoyleatpp, I'm so sorry you have to deal with that bullshit. 


    I never told my kids to not have sex before marriage, one, because I don't believe in that and two,  kids don't listen to that anyway.  I did teach my kids how to be safe when having sex, I taught my daughter to not fall for any BS lines from a guy wanting sex. And I taught my son how to have respect for his partner and to not put the birth control thing on her, it's equal responsibility.  I think no sex before marriage is ridiculous. I also told my kids to live with someone before marrying them. It's the only way to really know someone. 


    Edit: Oh my god you guys, I can't stop crying!  I heard a whiny, crying sound, I looked out my window and there's a tiny baby deer in my yard and the mama is nowhere in sight.  I want to go out and help him so badly but I know if mama is around anywhere she'll attack me if I get too close.  The crying sound is breaking my heart. Every time the baby cries, I cry.  I'm such a soft, mushy marshmallow when it comes to animals. 

    Edited to say, I saw mama and baby together at the trough I use to give all of the critters water.  Then an hour later baby is alone and crying again.   Mama looks really young so I don't think her mothering instincts have totally kicked in yet or something.  Haven't heard any more crying and the fruit I put out for them is gone. I hope he found her again. 

    • Love 9
  11. My daughter had a few removed from her face, one of them was pretty big. She had scarring right afterwards, but she had them removed about 18 months ago and you can barely see them now.  The big one left a scar that you can see but it's very easily covered with makeup.  Most of the time she doesn't bother to cover it and you can still barely see it. 

    I'm with you that I would take the chance on a scar instead of the giant mole. 

    • Love 4
  12. 2 hours ago, queenanne said:

    Well, I’m guessing that you are photogenic, and don’t have myriads of photos where you think, ‘Man, what a stupid smile I have and how unattractive it makes my (insert facial feature here) look,” like me and the others in my family, three of whom practiced attractive facial arrangements in the mirror for hours recently before they were going to be asked to take pictures at a formal event.

    Believe me when I tell you that I am the LEAST photogenic person ever.  I've only ever looked good in one picture and that was taken when I was 15.  I don't care if I don't look perfect in pictures. I'd rather look happy with my big, toothy smile then to look like I have a fake, practiced smile.  I'm a smiley person, I smile at everyone I come across. I honestly couldn't imagine practicing a smile in a mirror.  That seems very conceited to me.  I'd rather look happy then fake.  But I respect your opinion. 

    Even though I'm not photogenic, I've never thought I looked stupid in pictures, I think I look like I'm happy and having a good time. Anything else is fake to me. 

    • Love 5
  13. 2 hours ago, TheRealT said:

    It's amazing to me that after all of the crappy choices that Kail makes, her children appear to really love and respect her. In pictures and on the show there seems to be a level of comfort there that always surprises me. ( I wonder how long it will be before they recognize how manipulative and self serving she is...) It is a stark contrast to Jenelle with her family. Jenelle's kids always seem either distant or scared when around her.

    Even young kids who are horribly abused by them, still love love their parents. A lot of times they'll defend their abusers because they love them.  I do think though that as they get older and realize what she really is, their relationships will change. I don't think they'll have any respect for her at all. 

    • Love 6
  14. Just now, ghoulina said:

    I'm with you. I think it's a fun thing. There's always going to be some circumstance where SOMEONE feels left out. It sucks, but there it is. If my daughter's school was hosting a dance like that, she wanted to go, and my husband was out of the picture for some reason (this is all very hypothetical, since we homeschool) - I'd have one of her awesome uncles take her. I'm sure the school doesn't insist every girl bring a literal FATHER. Maybe just a father figure - grandpa, older brother, etc. 

    I definitely don't see anything sexual or odd about it from a relationship point of view. Quite the opposite. Little girls learn how to allow men to treat them based largely on what they see from their fathers when they're growing up. I like the idea of dads taking their girls out and showing them a little chivalry. Bring her flowers, open the door, just be polite and courteous. I think it means a lot. 

    Yep. My kid's biological father died when they were 1 and 3. I never had a problem with the schools doing things for father's day.  It would have been selfish as hell of me to complain.  And if they'd cancelled it because my kids had no father, I would have felt guilty. You can't and shouldn't cancel something for one kid and not care about disappointing 30 other kids.  It's too ridiculous to even think about. 

    • Love 17
  15. Sexualization of the father daughter relationship?!  Wow. I did not see that at all. 

    So, if people think that they shouldn't have these dances because of girls who don't have dads. Does that mean that kids in school should never make mothers/fathers day cards because some kids don't have both parents? Or that kids shouldn't celebrate their birthdays at school with cupcakes (which I did with my kids every year) because some kids might not celebrate their birthdays? Should they abolish holiday parties and Halloween parades because some kids don't celebrate?  Should no child be allowed to eat peanut butter and jelly because some kids are allergic?  I could go on but I think you all get my point.

      Isn't Aubree in a private school? My kids went to public schools and I was disappointed that they didn't have father daughter dances. I think they're adorable and I would imagine that the kids who don't have involved fathers just don't go.  Kids are often not able to do certain activities and they get over it. 

    • Love 17
  16. 7 hours ago, queenanne said:

    My takeaway: Jinger is one of those people who needs to calm it down on the tooth-baring when smiling, maybe practicing into a mirror for muscle memory.  Otherwise I think she's quite pretty.

    Practice smiling? Why would someone do that? A smile is a natural thing, if "practiced" it would end up looking fake.  What's wrong with a big, happy, toothy smile?!   I'm not trying to be an ass, I'm just super confused about why anyone should practice smiling.  I'm a happy person and my big, toothy smile reflects that.  

    • Love 22
  17. Why does Briana get all of those ridiculous plastic surgeries but has never had all of those moles removed? And why doesn't she do something about her horrible skin?  I would be taking care of that shit instead of having balloons inserted in my ass. 

    Edit, I just watched the video above. So Briana is referring to Nova and says "I'm going to take her a shower".   Holy hell these women are stuoid. 

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