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Posts posted by Maharincess

  1. I don't understand calling someone pathetic or a tool just because they make their living doing reality television.

    Johnny does have a legitimate job. THIS is his work. How is what he's doing any different from what an actor does? He's actually making better money and getting more gigs than most actors are really. It's not his fault he doesn't have to wait tables between work. Instead, he gets to travel a lot and do charity work with Hannah, and in between has the challenge and other appearances to generate some good income. I think a lot of people would love to be in his shoes.

    He's made a lot of money from this gig and has plenty of connections for when he's ready to settle down and get a job away from the cameras. Why would he want to stop now? I really don't get it.

    Agree completely. How is this not "real" income? He isn't living off the government, he's making his own money and having a great time doing it. I don't see anything pathetic about that at all.

    Why should he be sitting in a cubicle somewhere just because somebody doesn't think he has a "real" job.

    He gets to travel and see beautiful places while hanging out with his friends and making good money.

    In what world is that wrong?

    • Love 5
  2. Yes, I understand what bigotry is, thank you. I said "I consider" what she's said to be bigoted, because its my opinion and what I took away from her comments.

    If Shanna or Jessica had said some of the things Andrea has said but replaced the word white with the word black, I think they would be called bigots.

    I didn't miss Jessica at all this episode. She can stay gone as far as I'm concerned.

    I understand Nicole in regards to Jessica. Nicole is probably basing her opinions on her years and years of friendship with Jessica. I like or dislike people based on how they treat me and how good of a friend they are to me. Nicole must see something good in Jessica that nobody else can see,(she sure keeps any good parts of herself hidden).

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  3. I wasn't paying full attention so I may have this completely wrong but did Andrea say, in a roundabout way that she didn't ask Shanna to be a bridesmaid because her black friends wouldn't like it?

    All I heard was her saying that her black friends would say "who is this white chick".

    Drea has said a few things about white people on this show that have been what I consider bigpted.

  4. Today she thanked Lifetime for watching her stupid "hot topics" and taking her idea to make an Aliyah movie. She's an idiot. Does she really think that Lifetime got the idea from her stupid show?!

    She's got to be the most insecure person I've ever seen. The way she talks about relationships is just insane to me.

    Men can't have any female friends, can't visit her friends if she's not there too etc etc. If you're secure in your relationship, that shit wouldn't matter. I point out good looking women to my husband all time. Shit, I even bought him a lap dance.

    She's so insecure about her marriage.

    • Love 2
  5. Miranda was always my favorite. I've liked Cynthia Nixon since she played Sunshine the hippie girl in Little Darlings.

    I know that a lot of people hated this from the second movie but I was happy that Miranda realized that her family was most important and left her job.

    She can always get a job but Brady will only be young once and I'm happy she realized that

    And now I feel weird talking about these people like they're real.

    • Love 3
  6. I'm so happy to see familiar names. I lurked over at the "other board" for years. You guys don't know it but you got me through some really hard times.

    I'm hoping to join in more over here. I miss watching our show! I wish some network would pick it up and show it again.

    I keep checking Netflix hoping they've picked it up but no such luck.

    I'm more of a crazy dog and cat lady. I have a rescue Border Collie that came from a horrible abuse situation. I have an 18 year old chihuahua, she's my pound puppy, also abused.

    And I have my Kitties.

    I could never answer when somebody would ask if I'm a dog person or a cat person so I just say I'm bi.

  7. My UO is that I absolutely *hated* it when Sandra Bernhardt was added to the cast as a regular. For some stupid reason, TIIC decided to get rid of Crystal as one of Roseanne's and Jackie's BFFs and replace her with Nancy. Big mistake.

    Even though Nancy was supposed to be self-absorbed and obnoxious, the way SB played the character wasn't remotely funny or entertaining, and IMO she dragged down every scene she was in.

    What is TIIC?

    • Love 1
  8. I actually really enjoyed the episode.

    I'm still interested in April/Jackson. I still think he can learn to not mock her faith and she can learn to stop pitying his lack of it and they can find a way to give the kids exposure to religion in a way that works for them. I will admit that in some ways atheist/believer is more complicated than two people who are from different faiths. I thought it was nice to see Owen trying to be supportive of her. Was too bad there wasn't more time for an April/Arizona scene.

    I'd never seen Amelia before. I really like her. Don't entirely buy that Zola could/would do all that damage in a day.

    Overall I thought it was a solid hour.

    I liked the episode too. I've,actually loved every one of them except the musical one.

    Maybe I haven't gotten sick of it yet because I just discovered it about a year and a half ago after I was laid up for months after a spinal surgery. I saw a few reruns and ended up marathon watching every season.

    I agree about April and Jackson. I was widowed when my kids were still under 2 so I raised them alone. They didn't know that I'm an atheist until their late teens. My son wanted to go to church with his friend when he was about 9 so I took him and got him involved in a youth group there.

    Both kids are atheists now too.

    I totally believe that Zola could do that damage in one day. I believe she could do it in an hour. If she's anything like my grandkids she can.

    • Love 2
  9. Giblets for Murray is my favorite episode, followed closely by the one where Jaime and Lisa switch purses.

    I get so mad at my cable company. They bring this show back for a few weeks, I get into watching again and they take it back off.

    I wish it was on Netflix.

  10. Nene must have turned into Meryl Streep when I wasn't looking. She's so.full of shit that she's "leaving millions on the table". I can't stand her.

    I think tonight was the most real I've ever seen Kenya. I lost my dog recently and I felt her pain. I still don't like her, but I felt for her.

    And that concludes my first post here! I see a few familiar names.

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