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Posts posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. 12 hours ago, Halting Hex said:

    Cliff is a total dumbfuck, too.  Why on EARTH to do you tell Jack that his Alliance (that you're not in) is having a contentious meeting behind his back?  How can it POSSIBLY help you to help Jack repair things with the people who are plotting against you?

    The point of such a move Is to plant doubt in his mind about his standing in the Alliance or the loyalty of members. IOW, spark some paranoia so that the group will turn on each other sooner.

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  2. 4 hours ago, AnimeMania said:

    Does it have to be human brains, even a mixture of human and other animal brains might cut it, call it "Human Brain Helper". Most animal brains are not used for anything as far as I know.

    You'd probably be more successful with grabbing part of people's "second brain", the one in the gut that deals with digestion. It's the same kind of cells as the one in your head, but more expendable. It's also a lot smaller, but Ravi has never bothered to figure out how much a zombie really needs.

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  3. 6 hours ago, aradia22 said:

    Taking this seriously, since humans develop much more slowly than farmed animals, that would pretty much mean sticking to brain tubes, right? Because it would make more sense to harvest child brains.

    I think growing disembodied brains would be more efficient and go over better politically.

  4. I remember liking this show too. Hef's secretary Mary seemed to be something of a mother to the girls and took everything in stride, like there wasn't anything she hadn't heard before. I liked Kendra's mom too. She was cool with the arrangement since she considered Hef a big step up from the guys Kendra used to see (although being able to go to mansion parties probably didn't hurt). Can't say I recall much after the original three girls left. I wish they'd have put more effort into Bridget's travel series; it might have lasted more than the one season.

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  5. 4 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

    They lay eggs and the future generations of roaches will live in the BB  house forever.

    Then there'll be future opportunities to see unsuspecting HG's get freaked out by a 3-inch roach hissing at them? Production probably figured everyone was getting blasé about the ants, and decided to pick something that'll show up on camera better.

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  6. 31 minutes ago, Nashville said:

    Why, I absolutely can’t DReam of how Christie would ever spontaneously DRaw the conclusion that eavesDRopping on the Boat House door at that hour might yield such DRamatic results....  🙄

    I think Cliff just figured that since he wasn't going to be around long anyway, he'd have some fun messing up everyone else's game. Why monologue that stuff at all? Why use a speaking voice while everyone else whispers to each other so quietly production can't even caption it all? Anybody nearby probably would have heard him, although you could be right if somebody got impatient waiting for that to happen.

  7. On 7/13/2019 at 11:31 PM, Gramto6 said:

    My daughter has a pelaton, I was visiting last month and watched her exercise. All that yelling "encouragement" would make me crazy and I'd never get back on it again.

    I noticed in one of the ads that the guy in the video is yelling "Let's go, Pelaton", so the bike is essentially yelling encouragement to itself. Maybe it's something that a user can get used to since it's not yelling at them?

    • LOL 2
  8. On 7/12/2019 at 8:38 PM, possibilities said:

    I'm sure he plans to keep humans in a factory farm type set up and breed a steady supply.

    Or, he's the only one on this show to have bothered figuring out what zombies get from human brains and what could be used as a substitute eventually.

    On 7/13/2019 at 6:50 AM, AngelKitty said:

    Exactly! I got confused for a moment wondering just who's brain she ate, a private eye's or a mystery writer's.

    I presumed the writers were inspired by the Mike Hammer TV series, although I don't remember much about it.

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  9. 2 minutes ago, Katy M said:

    Wouldn't it be "woman cave?"

    Probably. Somebody floated "girl grotto" for a while, but it appears that "grotto" has an unfortunate slang meaning. I suppose you could have a "shawty chalet". or "shawty shanty" depending on whether it's decked out or something modest (substitute "shorty" if you prefer).

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  10. 36 minutes ago, gingerella said:

    I would have said, 'A You Tube wannabe' but why split hairs?

    In googling this episode, I noticed her finished video from this show on reddit. All video and audio processing. Any reasonably attractive person with picturesque surroundings could have done the same (so it really was important to move the boat).

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  11. 1 hour ago, funky-rat said:

    I think some of it is that to me, sheds are purely utilitarian, and not a place that I would want to spend extended time in, no matter how nice it was "fixed up".

    The most fitting term for what Sheryl had is probably "cabana", but since she wants to rebuild better, maybe she can have a chi chi she chalet.

    • LOL 9
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  12. 27 minutes ago, langford peel said:

    They are in France and French Food is among the greatest cuisines in the world. Why have we not seen any French dishes this season?

    Since they are in France, the French food the guests could get onboard wouldn't equal what they could get on land, so they probably didn't include it in their preferences. They did include Mexican.

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  13. 1 hour ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

    Add me to the list of those who doesn't understand the draw of prestige brands.

    The idea s that people will think you are successful and be impressed if they see you with expensive items, so it appeals to the status-conscious. The reality is that a lot of people will just think you're careless with your spending.

    On 6/29/2019 at 12:17 AM, friendperidot said:

    My sister seems to think that a celebrity putting their name on something makes it somewhat better quality, I think it's just adding to the price.

    It's more like assurance of a certain level of quality, depending on the celebrity. George Foreman is no longer associated with clothing at Walmart (just branded "George" now).

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  14. 19 hours ago, scrb said:

    But they don't leave it to chance.  They probably have a good idea of what will cause tensions, confrontations and they know they can edit these situations in such a way as to draw in viewers.

    It helps that they can mix and match footage, so if you see a cut from one place to another that seems like a "meanwhile...", the second scene may not have even been filmed the same day.

  15. 18 minutes ago, Ray Adverb said:

    No.  It was established in one of the earliest episodes that if a zombie goes too long without eating brains, it will turn feral.  At that point, no amount of brains could help.  Possibly a zombie cure would help, but this has not been proven.

    But that possibility might mean the General could still have his daughter back, while killing her will free him to decide it's okay to nuke the place once he finds out. Good thing there's also a heavy-handed plot for a last-minute cure.

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