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Mrs. Landingham

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Posts posted by Mrs. Landingham

  1. 3 minutes ago, Suzywriter said:

    She hates him. Hates. She looks like she has been played, but he did so much grandstanding that now it's an embarrassment for her to walk. It's a common narcissist trick, to get enough of an emotional and power investment out of their victim that the victim looks like the fool if they walk. 

    Tatiana is a bitch and a manipulator. 

    And she despises Bile’s ex because that lady had the courage and brains to walk away. It’s good old fashioned jealousy.

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  2. 1 minute ago, Baltimore Betty said:

    It is sad that Kobe and Emily will not have sex due to worrying about getting pregnant, if only there was some sort of way to avoid pregnancy.  They are both dim bulbs when it comes to common sense.

    She said he doesn’t want her to use birth control and something tells me he’s one of those men who think condoms are unmanly, so here we are.

    Imagine happily being with someone who orders you not to use birth control. Emily and Kobe are disgusting.

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  3. 10 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

    She is a barnacle, does she realize the horses on the farm serve more of a purpose than she does.

    Kobe could have worn a condom (twice) and could be enjoying life with a nicer woman, I will NEVER understand the total disregard for birth control on either end, they hardly knew each other in China and then went and did it again.  The both know they have no income but they don't seem to care, is their financial plan to be on the government dole?  

    That’s exactly it: they’re grifters just like so many on this show. They intend to rely on government handouts and family members’ money. I’ll bet you Emily is the type to whine and bleat “it takes a vIlLaGe!” when what she really means is “I expect everyone to raise my child for me but I will not reciprocate or contribute anything in return.”

    Kobe gets a lot of sympathy but I think he’s as shitty as Emily. He was perfectly happy being a parasite on his in laws knowing neither he nor Emily had money of their own and knowing the in laws had already been raising his son. And he arrogantly assumed his father in law would hand over his business to him. That’s not a cultural thing, that’s ignorance. He also thought four grand was a fortune. He did no research - nor did he apparently ask his friend Temperature - on what kind of money it takes to live in the U.S. That obviously doesn’t make him unique amongst 90 Dayers, though.

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  4. On 7/25/2022 at 1:53 PM, magemaud said:

    I'm sorry his mother is dying but meeting her should be a huge red flag to Thais. She came off as mean, nasty, small-minded and "it's my way or the highway." Hardly the person to give marital advice after chalking up four ex-husbands. I can understand why Patrick has been out of touch with her for a long time and maybe just now reconnecting because she's guilted him into it.  John not going on the trip also makes me wonder if there's still bad blood between him and his mother. Tiffany seems to be the only one who stuck around Boston and may be a younger version of her mother. The only likeable sibling we have met seems to be Matthew, the baby of the family. It wouldn't surprise me if he's estranged from his mother due to his being in a same sex marriage. 

    I thought the same thing. And I’ll bet you the mother refuses to acknowledge the marriage and probably refers to her son in law as “my son’s roommate” or something. 

    On 7/25/2022 at 3:52 PM, magemaud said:

    I can picture her in a corner of the neighborhood "bahr" pounding back Sam Adam's and expounding on the world's problems while hooked up to her oxygen canister. 

    edited to add: with her makeup smeared all over her face

    Oh this woman has definitely ranted about pronouns and such. 

    Family Patrick is utterly vile.

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  5. On 7/25/2022 at 12:10 PM, gingerella said:

    These two need to break up. Or more realistically, she needs to go back to Brasil and grow and find a nice guy local to her. She's not going to be happy living in the States with her family so far away and unable to see her. And she's not going to enjoy the ever increasing control that Roid Dude has over her. Plus, now that she sees what a fucking prize his family is - the mother, the sister, the older bro - the only decent sibling seems to be the younger brother and he's nowhere near where they live. So yeah, damaged family. She needs to go home.

    On 7/26/2022 at 11:17 AM, gingerella said:

    Yeah, I think Patrick, as together as he likes to portray himself, is very badly damaged from his upbringing. And I think he thinks Thais is his new family. Except if his blood fam is as fucked up as we've seen, you don't bring your fiance around that rotting shit pile of judgemental idiots. They're all saying how they're worried about Patrick, they're concerned Thais is going to leave him heartbroken again, blah blah blah fishcakes. I think they're just worried their emergency gravy train will turn his attentions to his new bride/family and won't be available for emergency bail outs. Not that we've seen that on the show, but they all give off the whif of hangers on to me.

    I agree 1000%. I really hope Thais is being diligent about birth control. I wouldn’t put it past Patrick to sabotage it in an effort to get her pregnant and pressure/bully/intimidate her to stay in the US with him. If she does that, she’s in for a life of misery and control. She needs to go home to Brazil, now.

    • Sad 2
  6. 16 minutes ago, Spectator said:

    When Emily took Kobe outside, proceeded to insult him, then got annoyed that he got upset instead of offering her reassurance, I wanted to throw my shoe in her face. Man oh man oh man. She only cares about herself. Her family made her the center of everything her whole life, catering to her every whim, so now everything in her world is about her and it doesn’t even dawn on her that her words and actions can actually affect other people. She didn’t care one bit that Kobe was upset, she just cared that he wasn’t catering to her and her needs. Wow. She’s unbelievably self absorbed. Poor Kobe. 

    And then the parents acted dismayed that Emily has developed zero life skills, responsibility, or financial acumen. Her failure to launch is partly their fault thanks to all their enabling. They never should have allowed her to move back in. Now, she’ll never leave. 

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  7. I just caught up on the Instagram posts and Reddit. Hooooo boy. Mo is a scum bag but Yve ignored all the giant waving red flags about him. I can’t decide if the girlfriend is as horrible as he is or if - as @Frozendiva suggested - she’s someone who’s doing a service for Yve. 

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  8. 1 hour ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

    You snarkers complete me! You are my soulmates! Let’s get married! But I won’t leave my car for you. Have a great week, everyone. Stay strong, be safe and live your best life.

    You won’t leave your car? What a blow you’ve dealt us!

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