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Mrs. Landingham

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Posts posted by Mrs. Landingham

  1. 4 hours ago, greekmom said:

    First welcome back @Mrs. Landingham. Nice to see you back on the boards. 

    Nicola indeed is probably one of those ppl who thinks the website is their job (they make no money) and does nothing all day except bang on his computer keyboard (see what i did there?? ;-)  )   Of course he's going to do whatever it takes to excuse away anything Meisha has done or been in the past - i mean the dude is not only punching above his weight she can fund his lifestyle.  If I was mom, I would want to unload the freeloader as quick as possible.

    I have no sympathy for Amanda.  My take is that she went on line. This dude was a fantasy thing. Then she went to Romania and it's real and she probably had chats like "yeah when i see you i want to jump your bones!"  and "we are going to be in bed 24 hours a day)."  Now that it's real - she is changing her mind.   Add Amanda to that hate list above.


    Google says in April 23 unemployment was at 3.62%.  I am thinking - low !?!?  But a job will interfere with his website, prayers, etc.

    I said it in the chat and I'll say it here again.  Nicola isn't a virgin by choice.  

    Thank you, very nice of you! It’s good to be back. I agree - Nicola is not a virgin by choice. He has heavy incel energy, too.

    21 minutes ago, Shelbie said:

    I’d love to hear from Meisha’s former co-workers. She said she left her job but I wonder if she was fired because she refused to shut up and stop proselytizing to everyone she trapped into a conversation about her religion.

    She mentioned she was a big party girl so I wouldn’t be surprised if she’d had flings with co-workers, both married and single. 

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  2. 10 minutes ago, MrBuhBye said:

    Is unemployment high in Israel or is Nicola just a lazy fuck?

    Lazy fuck. I’ve only been to Israel as a tourist so I have no knowledge about the structure there, but if they have something akin to social security, I’m sure Nicola lives off his mother’s allocation. Or maybe he gets money for being her “caregiver” even though she does all the work in that house. 

    I’ve searched my pockets for fucks to give about Tyray and Carmella but came up empty. 

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  3. I hate to impugn anyone’s genuine religious epiphany (yours truly had a holy experience with Coldstone Creamery’s “Peanut Butter Cup Perfection”) but Meisha is so artificial and likely devoid of any actual principles or kindness. Was Nicola suggesting that his website is his job? How does he make money from it? And his weird insistence that Meisha’s sexual past is magically gone and she is a virgin means what, that he’s going to pretend her two daughters don’t exist? What the hell is this, a 90 Day twist on Flowers in the Attic?? Alarm bells were sounding frantically when one of the daughters said that whenever they speak to Nicola, all he does is essentially preach at them. He’s a fanatic. If he ever moves to the US, the daughters should move in with Meisha’s sister who seemed to have some sense. 

    @greekmom Indeed “my kids are the most important thing in the world!” But I will repeatedly and cheerfully ignore their feelings and their safety and lay a guilt trip on them if they express one iota of doubt about my sOuLmATe! 

    If Gino is stupid enough to keep shelling out three grand a month on that place, he deserves to be miserable. I haven’t a shred of sympathy for either of those two walking catastrophes. 

    Amanda has no business whatsoever being on this show when she’s still deep in the throes of grief for her late husband. Every scene with her was excruciating. 

    My most hated people this season will be Meisha, Nicola, and Riley. Riley gives controlling gaslighter vibes.


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  4. Wait. “Do you want to hold the key to my house” actually means just that? Disappointing. Thought it was a euphemism and we were going to see something actually interesting from these two.

    Amanda go home, ya bother me.

    She is not ready. She is morose. I’m actually depressed by this. 

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  5. 6 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

    Glad to see you back! I've been reading over some of the old chats and saying to myself "whatever happened to....?". Nice to see some familiar folks coming back into the chat fold!

    Aww that’s nice, thank you!

    Those potatoes have more charisma than Yeeno or Jasmine. Even the dog is embarrassed.



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  6. 9 minutes ago, kacesq said:

    Nicola is creepy. 

    He is creepy, smug, and has a fanatical glint in his eye. He wants to pretend that Meisha’s past is magically gone and she’s a virgin? Does that mean he’s wishing away the existence of her two children? What a charmer. 

    Long time no chat, everyone! This feels good. Missed all you beautiful people.

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  7. 4 minutes ago, LEILANI2 said:

    I would be annoyed if someone brought me a stuffed animal at the airport unless i was under 5 years old.

    He could have brought her his farts in a jar and she’d have soiled herself with joy.

    Liz is such a supreme mega sad sack. “Every time Ed hangs out with Rich, he breaks up with mmmmeeeeeEeeEeeeEeee!!1!one!” 

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  8. 1 minute ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

    So Yara is pissed at Mrs. Gwen because she needed a free nanny? Ummm, Gwen is entitled to her own life.

    “I don’t want Yara to be alone for three weeks!” says Jovi. How does he think military families live?? Also, he’s fooling nobody. The translation of his statement is: “I need someone to watch my wife while I’m gone to make sure she’s not out being a big whore.” Meanwhile, he’ll find the nearest strip club.

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  9. Good for Gwen refusing to be at her son and DIL’s beck and call re: the kid. It really chaps my butt when people have kids with no plans or thought for actually caring for them and then crying and whining that everyone is letting them down by not providing free and daily child care. In most cases, none of these people actually talked to their families beforehand to see what kind of help they’d be willing and able to provide. It’s Jovi and Yara’s responsibility, not Gwen’s. 

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