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Posts posted by HighQueenEB

  1. 12 minutes ago, blixie said:

    Which is why its coded stereotyping, also he said very slowly and carefully, I don't think...."he" would be good at that kind of thing. And now he's harped on it 25 times over.

    Or, Monte realizes that different people are suited for different sports.  Tall people aren't going to be gymnasts.  Short people aren't likely to excel at swimming or basketball.  Additionally, depending on whether you have fast-twitch or slow-twitch muscle/nerve reactors, how flexible you are, etc can also affect the types of sports you are likely to excel at.  Additionally, has Michael ever engaged in any conversations about the Big 4 sports in the US?  If he hasn't, then I'm not sure it's unreasonable for Monte to assume that Michael's sports interests and skills do not cover the major ones like basketball, baseball, football or even soccer. 

    I just don't think he's engaging in any type of racial or gender/sexual preference stereotyping here.  He's just being your basic, average American guy who grew up on the NBA, NFL, NCAA (both basketball & football) and MLB, with maybe a little bit of MLS and NHL thrown in for good measure.  

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  2. 6 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

    Well she did defend his Cookout 2.0 theory a few weeks ago. 

    I think Turner and Terrance are both threats to Taylor's game for different reasons. Terrance wants her gone and so does Turner, but Turner is Monte's #1. Without Turner in the house Monte has to rely on Taylor more. 

    Yup.  That's why I'm completely down with Michael reneging on his promise of safety to Turner and backdooring him this week.  

    It would be really easy for Michael to say that he doesn't feel comfortable, after the role he played in keeping quiet about Kyle, putting two black people (Terrance & Monte) up on the block once the veto is used to take Alyssa down.  

  3. 2 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

    Not sure how this tracks, as we have no evidence that Michael is bad at ball comps (or any type of comps, really). If anything, Monte is stereotyping himself as the Black man who can play ball sports. But really, he’s just hoping for something that he’s good at.

    Most definitely.  Interestingly, he ran track in HS, but he's not claiming he can beat Michael in a running type of comp - probably because they know Michael ran cross-country in HS and college.  He knows Michael is athletic, just as he is, but recognizes that Michael's athleticism is better suited for different sports than the ones that suit Monte's athleticism.  I mean, neither of these guys would make for very good figure skaters, in most all likelihood, because that sport requires a different type of physique and motor skills.

    2 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

    Although Terrance and Monte are looking askance at the timing, I think what they’re mostly mad about is not getting that information before spending 2 (3?) more weeks collaborating with a racist, and now they’re feeling like they were played for fools.

    I haven't really gotten that impression out of either of them.  Maybe there's some of that buried in Monte's subconscious, if you really want to read quite deeply into his conversation with Kyle on Tuesday, but, I think, in general, they're just pissed that Michael/Brittany held onto this until it was most convenient to them in moving to get rid of Kyle.  

    2 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

    One thing I’ve been surprised about is nobody questioning Michael’s assertion that, while he gained this information during his week 5 HoH, he really had no time to inform anyone, because they went into a house split right after. What about the whole week in between, when Taylor was HoH? That’s the part I would have jumped on.

    I do wonder, had Kyle not won POV during Taylor's HOH, if they might have info dumped then, to get rid of him instead of Indy.  I don't think they would have, because Michael wanted Kyle to do his dirty work in getting rid of Joseph, but it is fair, I suppose, to consider what was happening in the game that week.  It's not as if there would have been a way to get rid of Kyle once he won POV.

    2 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

    Monte’s been working overtime to get her on board for ditching Michael. That’s the whole focus of his gameplay right now. I hope she stays strong, because keeping him is the best thing for her game.

    It kind of depends, IMO.  If Michael does succeed in backdooring Turner this week, then that's one less person who has been more than willing to put Taylor up on the block and show her the door until other people intervened to save her game (ie - formation of the LOs during Turner's first HOH, and the Kyle revelation last week).  At that point, who is left that would absolutely put her on the block if they were HOH?  Terrance?  Okay.  He was gifted a POV win per the other Dyrefesters, and we know Michael set that HOH win up too.  Alyssa?  Okay.  What comps has she won again?  If I was Taylor, I'd take my chances, once Turner's gone, that I'm probably good to at least F3 with 3 out of the 5 remaining HGs and that I can beat those other 2 when I need to.  

  4. 1 hour ago, Lady Whistleup said:

    Interesting. Taylor knows that once Michael is out, she's next on the hit list.

    Brittany is a fool.  F3 is WAY too late to take out Michael.  This week will, likely, result in Turner going and at that point, they need either Terrance or Monte to take the shot at Michael and get him.  Monte doesn't trust Terrance as far as he can throw him and, I'm sure, if both Turner & Michael are gone, that he would go after Terrance first.  Brittany might be a target for him, but, heck, at this point, the way Brittany's screwed up her jury management, the well-liked but dim with ZERO competition wins Alyssa should be a larger target.  

    Also, in that same conversation, I think it was Taylor who said F5 is the most important HOH to win.  I don't agree, but I will say that if Michael is still around at F5, it IS the most important one to win, because that's the last chance they'll have to get him out.

  5. 7 minutes ago, HurricaneVal said:

    I am eagerly awaiting Kyle's zing.


    I mean, I wish we had a Kyle zing.  No oblique references?  Or was BB production too reluctant to touch that third rail?

    We might have gotten an oblique Kyle reference in Alyssa's zing.  She didn't seem to happy with whatever hers was.

  6. Just now, Maverick said:

     It's a basketball comp he wants?   I thought he wanted something about baseball.   Wasn't the comp Lawron threw because he thought he'd be given a "special power" some kind of carnvial-style basketball setup?  

    Well, he keeps saying "put a ball in my hand" - so, basketball, baseball, football.  

  7. Feeds came back briefly.

    Pretty sure it was down for Zingbot.  Brittany said something about Covid must be doing really well - not trying to read into Michael's joke, but "he wouldn't have said masks are optional."  Then the feeds went back to kittens again.

    And they're back!  No, Monte, if they went on BB Twitter for Zings, they'd be a lot harsher than the ones the show's writers come up with.

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  8. 15 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

    I'm fascinated on where he stands with the Turner thing. The game move is absolutely to throw Turner up on the block and out, but if he was just accused of using Kyle's racism to his benefit strategically, wouldn't it look pretty gross to then also use Turner agreeing to get rid of Kyle for being racist if Michael promised him safety as a way to get Turner out? 

    Kinda feeling that Michael's well beyond feeling icky or caring how gross something looks if it benefits his game.

    To that end, which would be worse - Terrance or Turner following Kyle to the jury house to set the tone for everything that's gone down?

    1 minute ago, NightOwl89 said:

    But Michael didn’t compete in that HOH, that one only had 8 people who found red envelopes play and Michael wasn’t one of them.

    Wasn't Michael the host since he was the outgoing HOH?

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  9. Kittens - must be time for Zingbot's visit?

    As far as Monte and his "ball comp" obsession - I sort of want production to create some basketball free-throwing type of contest and watch him come up spectacularly short.  There would a be a delicious irony in a guy who played college basketball losing something like that, lol.

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  10. 17 minutes ago, Thalia said:

    Oh God. 

    Alyssa to Taylor:  where are you from?  ... [Michigan?]  What is it near?  ...  Is there anything above it? 

    Just now, Dustbunny said:

    yes Canada... (of course Alyssa probably doesn't know what Canada is)


    See, I might have, quite dryly, replied, "Air.  Air is what is above Michigan.  Just like everywhere else."

    • LOL 5
  11. 16 minutes ago, Lonesome Rhodes said:

    At the infamous meeting in the HoH room where Michael first laid out Kyle's sin, he adamantly told Turner he would be safe if he were to put Kyle up.  I just don't see Michael going back on that particular promise, as it was directly related to the moral outrage that overtook the house. 

    There is at least one other target of at least equal value, imo.  

    Yeah, I know, but I feel like there's some way Michael is going to try to wiggle his way out of that promise.  

    At this point, based on the Monte/Terrance conversation, I think Michael will lose to anyone but Brittany at F2.  Terrance didn't like him before, but with this, he is determined to turn the jury against Michael, and I think he probably will succeed.  Jasmine and Joseph are going to be really angry and they won't appreciate how Michael withheld that information until it was beneficial to his own game.  

    I sort of wish that Terrance would download to Monte the fact that Michael told him, after they won their HOHs to target Joseph.  Monte would put it together - that Michael engineered Joseph's eviction, and that's going to give Terrance even more ammunition going into jury house about just how dirty this move was on Michael's part.  That tidbit would entirely turn Joseph against him.

    Of the likely jury members, Indy, Taylor and Alyssa are the only ones that I think would consider voting for Michael.  

    7 minutes ago, PhoneCop said:

    If I were Taylor, I'd've been like "I'm from South Detroit. Took the midnight train going anywhere, and here I am."

    I mean, if Alyssa doesn't like films older than 2010, I'm thinking it's a safe bet she doesn't know a 41YO song. Doubly so since the Sopranos finale is from 2007.

    Oh, come on, you know Alyssa watched Glee.  🤣

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  12. I'm not looking forward to how obnoxiously gleeful and arrogant Brittany is going to be this week.  

    How is Terrance so calm and cool - "let's just enjoy this week and then next week..."  Just who does he think Michael's going to nom tomorrow?

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  13. There's got to be some comp he doesn't/can't win, lol.

    Monte is obsessed with some sort of sportsball comp that he is positive he can best Michael in and I'm racking my brain trying to recall if BB has ever had any type of comp like the one he's imagining exists in the BB universe.  I got nuthin'.  

    He could, possibly, lose the chicken coop comp to someone like Taylor or Alyssa, right?

  14. Just now, Lucas Rowan said:

    So goodbye to Turner or Monte, depending on the Veto.

    Turner or Terrance, I think.  Monte would be Michael's last choice of those three to eliminate.  He knows Terrance and Turner are absolutely gunning for him next week when he can't play in HOH.

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  15. 1 minute ago, TimWil said:

    Someone on here claimed that Kyle blew up the Afterparty in the house meeting. He didn’t appear to do that going by the CBS show tonight. Has there been any indication in the feeds that he actually did do that? Are the Afterparty an afterthought now? I hope so.

    The After Party alliance still exists, but they're trying to bring Monte in as Kyle's replacement for numbers.  Everything that happened outside is known except for the fact that Kyle told Alyssa first, before he told Terrance about the LOs.  I think the extent of Turner's passive role in seeing Joseph go isn't quite known, but he's not trusted by Michael/Brittany/Taylor at this point, so he's pretty much only safe this week because he put Kyle up at veto and no one wants to "punish him" for doing the right thing.

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  16. Just now, Gemma Violet said:

    I sorta liked Julie's outfit. 😳

    I didn't hate it.  On my screen her top looked like a very lemony lemon yellow, not that screaming highlighter yellow that was in the tweet.  I'm not a fan of shoulder cut-outs in general, so there's that, but it wasn't awful.

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  17. 5 minutes ago, DEL901 said:

    But we don’t know if the diary room pointed them in that direction or maybe just asked some pointed questions.  

    My guess is no.  Monte is pretty savvy and this might be the only time I think Terrance's read on anything is entirely accurate.

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  18. Just now, jsm1125 said:

    Do we know why Kyle was a production favorite? It seems that the show is more pissed at Brittany and Michael for revealing the Kyle comments than at Kyle for actually making the comments. 

    Disagree.  Monte & Terrance both apparently called out the timing of Michael/Brittany coming forward with this information during the house meeting on Sunday.  They have both continued, along with Turner, to view it, rightly, with suspicion. 

    At this point, production is trying to set up for what appears to be the whole house aiming to take Michael out this week, with Brittany gone if he saves himself in some way. 

    Just waiting for the feeds to come back, anytime now, after the HOH comp...

  19. 1 minute ago, Pixiebomb said:

    So it’s a Zingbot HOH. Did I miss Zingbot.  when I was fast forwarding  they all of Kyles sobbing and apologizing?  

    It's a puzzle of Zingbot for HOH. This week is called "Burning Bot".  Veto should be the usual Zingbot burns we've all come to know and love/loathe.

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