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Posts posted by HighQueenEB

  1. Feeds back - Taylor, Monte & Turner in the kitchen.  Just saw Brittany pass through, but all of the cams are on the kitchen so I have no idea where she went.

    ETA - oh, she just walked back in and sat down.

  2. 1 minute ago, dizzyd said:

    Yup they’re making out again. Let the other 2 fight it out. 

    As of today, where do y’all think this season is rated? I think it’s pretty high. 

    I think this season has been the best in many a year.  These HGs just keep on giving and giving to us live feeders, when in almost any other season, the feeds would have been deader than dead with a completely predictable plod to the finale by F7.  Even with Alyssa going out tonight, it's been nutso with Brittany trying to flip the vote the last 2 days and now Turner crying tonight.  It's F4 and we honestly have no idea, aside from Taylor, who will make it to F3.

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  3. 5 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

    That was weird. Turner came in, cried about Brittany, left, and Taylor/Monte immediately went back to calmly talking about votes. It’s like a thing I dreamed happened, but they seem to feel it didn’t, so did I make the whole thing up I my head?

    No, he cried.  But, it was just so random.  And over so fast.  Maybe that's why they're so nonchalantly resuming their noms/votes talk.

    • LOL 2
  4. Monte & Taylor up in the HOH talking - I think he has some pretty clear insight into Brittany - she would absolutely take him out if she could and she prefers to take Turner to F2 of the 3 left in the house.

    Ooooo, Turner just came up to the HOH and is telling them about how he confronted Brittany for her Alyssa vote and she just is refusing to talk to him or even say something as basic as "Hey, I'm playing the game" as a defense.  And now he's actually crying?  I think out of frustration, anger, and exhaustion from Brittany's shitty game play/incessant talking.

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  5. Just now, mojoween said:

    Brittany and Alyssa have talked this last week, and that’s pretty much it for the entire summer, but Brittany is going to fight for the both of them?  Sure, Jan.

    If Kyle were still in that house, Kyle and Alyssa would be staying up until 8 a.m., and not talking to Brittany.

    Staying up all night?  That's being way more generous about Kyle's stamina than anyone thinks is possible.

    • LOL 19
  6. 8 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

    Taylor told Brittany she was up in Monte's HOH room yelling at him all night. 

    As soon as Taylor says something negative about Monte, Brittany is back to liking Taylor. 

    See, who was it that said Brittany would guaranteed flip at least a few thousand more times before tomorrow's vote?  

    As far as Monte & Taylor keeping their canoodling off the other HGs radar, I'm not necessarily surprised.  Both of them have been pretty vocal about not being into each other that way and not wanting a showmance the entire season.  So, the other HGs aren't looking for it and none of them are smart enough to pick up on the subtle signs that either M or T are dropping.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Thalia said:

    Brittany is angry (in a depressed/passive sort of way) that everyone stays up all night partying without her and then they sleep all day "in violation of BB rules."   She then said she was going to "sit back, keep to myself, let people come to me."  

    If she's that upset, she can always self-evict and take herself to jury on Thursday night.  

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  8. 9 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

    Unless Monte’s the kind of guy who hits and runs, in which case he might be happy to get her out of the house.

    (C’mon, Monte’s totally that kind of guy.)


    But making out doesn't mean he's gotten the goods.  Do we really think he'll let her go before he sexes her up?

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  9. 12 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

    Does this change things if Turner finds out about it before the vote? It'd be awfully hard for him (or Brittany) to want to keep a showmance together if they can easily split it up. 

    Hmmmm...  It would take both Turner and Brittany voting Taylor out for it to make a difference since it will surely guarantee Monte keeps her should there be a tie vote.

  10. 17 hours ago, JayDub1987 said:

    I'll gladly admit my mistake on that front. If that was him singing, that's great. However, the way that they had them lip-syncing made the whole thing look fake. Again, if you watch Nashville, it was obvious that they had people actually singing, and then fixed the audio around them. The people on Monarch were obviously just moving their lips, which was obvious if you watched their mouths in relation to the lyrics. Additionally, the way Gigi and Nicky hold microphones is a sound engineer's worst nightmare.

    Well, apart from Trace Adkins, the only actor on the show who I know has legitimate professional television singing experience is Sasse, so I didn't have any reason to think he wasn't doing his own singing.  If it wasn't, then the show got someone who sounded enough like what I would expect him to sound like with a country twang that it didn't make me say "oh, uh, no, that's clearly dubbed."  My bigger challenge was his "Southern" accent, because I'm so used to hearing him speak in his native British accent from Galavant and the "Southern" accent was off, lol.

  11. 8 hours ago, JayDub1987 said:

    Using Nashville as a point of reference, how did this show not invest in finding some actors and actresses who could actually sing (ie: Nashville?). Furthermore, why was every song performed a cover of an old country song? Again, if you watched Nashville, you heard a bunch of original songs that songwriters and show-writers worked together on to create songs that fit the characters. All I heard was a bad version of "Family Tradition" a mind-numbingly terrible version of "How Do I Live Without You," and maybe something else (I'll check again in the re-watch). 

    I don't really have much to say about the premiere - my opinions mostly echo what else has been said here, however, I do want to point out that Joshua Sasse CAN sing - he was the titular star of Galavant which is one of my all-time favorite TV shows.  Having said that, it was very odd hearing him sing "Family Tradition" because country music is not where he cut his teeth, musically (London's West End and then Galavant, which was essentially Broadway for TV).

    I adore old-school country (basically anything before the bro-down/mopey fake-folk shitfest that country music has become in the last 12-15 years) and all I gotta say about "How Do I Live" is "that's the best of 90s country female power ballads you could come up with?"  I really don't understand why we were being treated to covers of old country songs either.  But, they were doing the same thing with the lead-ins from commercial breaks, using old country songs, which makes me think the producers are trying to appeal to a certain age demographic.  Not that I think covering old country songs is the way to do that.  

  12. 16 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

    Well based on previous tweets. I wouldn't consider Kyle a white liberal...

    I think Terrance/Monte/Taylor have legit reasons to be hurt by Michael and Brittany. I definitely got the vibe Terrance and Monte are mad at Michael and Brittany because they where trusting a racist on national tv and I think that anger is a bit misplaced. 

    The white liberal under discussion would be Michael (and Brittany), not Kyle.  

    I get the anger at Michael & Brittany, for only speaking up when it benefited their game.  Kyle did a good job of parroting whatever the DR therapist told him he needed to say, and it was very easy for him to present as truly remorseful since he was devastated his game had just crashed and burned so spectacularly.  

    Honestly, of the five white people left in the house when this all went down, the ONLY one who I genuinely believe was shocked, offended and distraught by what Kyle said and did was Alyssa.  The other four, to varying degrees, have been quite performative in their shock, remorse, and allyship - and they can all go fuck themselves post-game for that.

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  13. 24 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

    Turner is already trying to convince Monte to keep Alyssa. Not even 24 hours later lol. Turner is not good at convincing though and ultimately will do as he's told as always.

    He presses this too hard and he might wind up on the block if Monte decides that Taylor is more reliable to vote out Alyssa than Turner.

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  14. 22 minutes ago, SummerDreams said:

    The fact that a good competitor threw the competition shows that there was 50% chance she would lose. We will never know but I don't consider it being an 100% win for her.

    You know, I watched that comp live and I don't, for one second, believe that Joseph threw it.  He might have said so afterward, but he was really struggling, even before Indy fell, and I thought, at the time, that it would be a coin flip as to who fell first between he and Indy.  You have to take anything these people say, post-comp loss, with a grain of salt.  

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  15. 13 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

    Ok Brittany has mentioned wanting 40k to have IVF treatments for awhile. And ... how can anyone's budget for IVF treatments rely on a game show? 

    2 minutes ago, dizzyd said:

    I don’t think she’s relying on the game $ for IVF, isn’t her dad CEO of AT&T or something? She’s just trying to use the empathy factor to advance. 

    Didn't she work for Microsoft at one point?  And, she's already said on the feeds that she and her hubby have paid off all their student loans already.  I'm not buying the idea that she needs game $ for IVF either.

  16. 10 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

    But Brittany needs to do it with 100% less smug and 70% less crazy eyes and I'm not sure that's possible. Besides, they're women - Monte knows better than to fall for their feminist bullshit. He's a man. Bro down or die.

    Okay, maybe Taylor needs to do the talking and tell Britt to just go chill out, lol.

  17. 3 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

    I generally agree it would be a better idea to get rid of Turner here. Not a no doubt about it better idea, since Turner would definitely bring Monte to F2, but likely a better idea (as who knows if Monte gets to F2 with Turner here?).

    Britt & Taylor really need to emphasize to Monte the closeness of Turner & Alyssa.  

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