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Everything posted by BBK2

  1. Has Chelsea ever been back to do anything as an alumni, since getting cut? How about Sydney? I used to follow Selina on IG, but she’s gone private & it looks as if I’ve ‘been cut’ as a follower...I hope she’s doing okay...she’s a school teacher, right?
  2. Question...when y’all say “toxic locker room girl” or when Kitty mentioned (last season) something about Madeleine & the locker room...what do you mean by that? I’m a guy & guys, for the most part just keep to themselves in the locker room... Thanks!
  3. Oh dear...sorry...your whole quote didn’t post...I was referring to Kristen & Meredith...Thanks!
  4. Since you seem to be the Svengali of DCC , WHY is it ‘assumed’ these girls will be cut? Just curious to your ‘inside info’...
  5. Did someone just post a video of them performing the “Thunderstruck” routine to JT’s “SexyBack”...that was weird.
  6. OMG!!! I did not need to see that tummy tuck procedure being done... 🤢
  7. OMG, Vivian...wasn’t her episode known as ‘the poem episode’ or she’s know as ‘poem girl’...I remember Judy saying afterwards, instead of writing the poem, she should’ve used that time to practice...that was funny...didn’t they do a spotlight on her a couple of years ago? Like a ‘Where are they now...’ Sad face for Malena, but...off topic...could you imagine her reaction if a guy tried to break up with her?!?! That was mean, but I already typed it, soooo....
  8. Okay... TLD? AAIA? MDC? I know I should know this by now... Also...who was the DMD TCC who was cut for being ‘pigeon toed’, as KF so eloquently told her...that was just plain bitchy...& the hopeful was so beautiful too...
  9. I got this photo off the Internet... The woman on the left (to Ashley’s right), what was her name? And she was only a DCC for one year, right?
  10. ALL-STARS: Now...don’t laugh at me, roll your eyes or respond to with capital letters, BUT... What exactly does an AS do? The reason I ask this is that I see Amy T (as last years AS?)...I thought she retired because of her company...
  11. dccfan321... Thank You & I Luv You!!! I am no longer feeling distressed or anxious... 🧘🏻‍♂️
  12. NOOOOOO!!! She’s from my home state (505 represent), but that was my feeling too (hence, the nervousness). I’m not gonna say ‘gut feelings’, because the last time I went with that, it turned out to be a stomachache...her kicks were awesome during auditions tho. If it is her, I’m gonna... I’ll think of something to do!!! Please TPTB...don’t let it be Kristen
  13. WOW, my ears perked up & now I’m nervous as all hell...who could it be?!?!
  14. Between Cassie & Victoria?!?! I’ll take Vicky any day...how y’all feel about Victoria is how I still feel about “C”...blah! Very mature, huh? It’s like I reverted back to h.s. & my disdain for the blonde girl with the resting bitch face...ugh! Sorry...I better take a break from this group...HaHa!!!
  15. ‘Grown Woman’ by Beyonce Check out the video on YouTube...catchy & obviously danceable
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