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Posts posted by swanpride

  1. I admit, I have know idea...I think autism was first diagnosed in the last 1930s, but I am not sure how widespread the knowledge was. Plus, if he actually talks it might be a softer version which is harder to diagnose than the "savant and doesn't really talk to anyone" version of it.

  2. Honestly, I had a bumpy start with AoS. I just wasn't that interested in the first place and the first episodes failed to draw me in. But then I got curious how The Winter Soldier impacted the show. And after that, it had me hooked.

    What I love about it is that AoS is the place where tropes go to die. They never do the cliche stuff I HATE in most superhero shows (like the love triangle). They also allow the characters to develop. Especially Fitzsimmons. It is always odd to see them how to used to be. And the show is utterly unpredictable. I love the way it sets up a twist in a way that you should see it coming, but you next to never do. The only thing predictable about it is that it will break your heart, again and again and again.

    I love all the characters. I had a bumpy start with Daisy, but that was mostly because I originally didn't quite get why Coulson wanted to keep an eye on her. I thought "she can't be that awesome of an hacker"...I only realized later when I rewatched the show that he was interested because shield had no information whatsoever on her, which shouldn't have been possible (but was, because shield itself hid her).

  3. This is just anecdotal, but until recently, I had no idea who Charles Manson actually murdered - or that he didn't murder anyone at all. I knew HIS name, but not why he of all people was so famous and I think it would have stayed that was if not for Once upon a Time in Hollywood...which, I suspect, confused a lot of the international audience exactly because they have no idea what the significance of Tate in the movie is. I also think that it wasn't the murder which made the victims famous (in the US), but the fame of the victims made Manson famous. Which is quite disgusting if you ask me. The victims would have most likely remembered for their LIVES and not for their DEAD if not for him and his cult.

  4. Every time I see Wendy interacting with other males or Holden with Black people I am reminded how unusual Bill actually is. I mean, he has no trouble whatsoever to ignore societal pressure when judging other people, but he is also aware of them, unlike Holden, who would most likely describe himself as fair-minded person, but actually isn't. He still expects his girlfriend to jump and admire him all the time, and he is utterly ignorant regarding racism.

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  5. Not really considering that there is now an effort to side-line Wendy from the interviews, too. But yeah, I guess it was a pretty realistic portrayal of internalized racism. Holden is most likely not even aware of it.

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  6. So...I take it the show is now airing somewhere in the US week by week?

    The first two seasons are on Netflix over here (and I am tempted to join Crunchy roll just to watch the other two, but I guess they will eventually drop on Netflix, too).

    So I am ahead and I will try not to spoil anything, but I love the show. I was initially taken aback by the "interpretations" of the taste orgasm, but the way they portray the reactions is getting funnier and funnier. Plus, what they explain about cooking along the way is pretty interesting. And I like the characters (though I can't really explain yet without spoiling anything).

    At one point I have to try what Soma did for the Donburi Shokugeki. It doesn't sound that difficult to do.

  7. I actually don't think that he is all that creepy. I see a broken child which desperately needs help, and is socially awkward. Torturing animals is creepy. Being silent and staring longingly at a child your own age, desperate for interaction isn't, it's just sad.

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  8. I thought the reasoning why they didn't want Jim Barney in the team in the first season was fairly idiotic. Having a more diverse team is actually a good way to trigger certain reactions from the interview partners.

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  9. Yeah, I feel the show also went pretty light on the quality of the investigation. While they hinted that little was done by the local authorities, a lot of the guilt for it was shuffled on the black officials, while the white characters we saw were all portrayed as fairly reasonable. It was even the guy responsible who wanted to investigate the clan while it was Holden who stirred to focus away from the notion. It was only in the last minutes that the suggestion that photos were removed from the investigation was brought up. And a lot of the incompetency was explained away with the use of inexperience officers, when it is actually pretty likely that there were people deliberately sabotaging it because they either didn't care or didn't mind that someone was killing young blacks.

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  10. Honestly, along with the sorry excuse why he was on the bridge in the middle of the night, the fact that he didn't have an alibi for ANY of the killings (not even for those he most likely didn't commit...I suspect the two girls were killed by someone else) makes him even more suspect. Sure, one might not necessarily know what one did a year or two ago, but people have family events, they have important meetings, it is pretty unlikely that with so many dates there wasn't a single one on which he was busy elsewhere.

    Btw, I found it somehow odd that the show cast doubt on the assertion that the killer must be a black man, because that is the one thing which is pretty obvious. In the beginning a white man who is known in the community might have managed to slip by unnoticed, but once the bodies piled up, there is no way that the alerted adults, many of whom thought that the Klan was responsible, wouldn't have paid close attention to any white man they saw in their neighbourhood.

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