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Meredith (hurts she’s such a beautiful human and a lovely dancer but this isn’t her style). lily (again lovely person but her dancing isn’t there) and Lisa (ok dancer and allegedly a shitty person).
I'm not talking about technique at all. Amber is like...beyond incredible (did you see the video she posted of a part of a solo of DCC in motion?! She's AMAZING technically). VK isn't but soemtimes performance beats technique in terms of entertainment. And I do NOT like VK. I do NOT like how she got to where she is at all or the way she supposedly behaves.
I thought Maddie and Lexie KILLED Jen C's combo. Could do without the faces but I thought they attacked it the best and I thought Maddie's small solo hip hop section showed improvement from her usual hip hop...but that's me Also Jen A posted her video from her prep class and ugh I hate to say this...VK looks kind of awesome. I tried so hard to NOT watch her (Amber was also great) but when she's on she performs and just stands out. She reminds me so much of a good friend of mine (except my friend is a sweetheart): when she's on and dances she just performs every second. my friend won best actor for a production she was in...she had a total of like five lines but had a solo balelt and performed the CRAP out of it and won over people with much bigger parts in the region. VK CAN have that spark. Ugh I hate myself so much for saying that... The contrast to that was I actually tried to watch every girl at least once straight through without looking at anyone else...and the only one I couldn't do that with was Tess. Tess is GORGEOUS but she couldn't even hold my attention for a short combo...triangle of Maddie, Lexie and Gina next year please and Caroline in the diamond at least...
Well my first choice would be LGBT+ rights or an LGBT youth shelter, but I have a feeling that wouldn’t fly with DCC so realistically Asperger’s/Autism Spectrum (I was diagnosed as a teen) would be mine
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I believe she confirmed she would be at least back next year and agreed let Maddie be point forever if it keeps VK out...the stealing is the end for me. I did find her talented but damn that’s just beyond inexcusable
So far Maddie I believe has said she is coming back for a 5th year and now Gina (assuming all goes well) will be back of the upper vets. Lexie and Amy it looks like will retire, and I expect so will Heather. Tess said she was unsure on the last episode.
Hi I’d just like to say that you are an amazingly strong lady that I admire. I cannot begin to imagine what you are going through personally and then to find out people are speculating on a public forum about what’s already a terrible situation...I too trust too easily and have ignored signs someone was not what they seemed, I admire you so much for recognizing the deal breakers, knowing your worth and moving on!! I can’t wait to follow what’s next for you and I know so many better things and people will come along for you! #TeamKelliQ
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Also Maddie ran out to meet a near-total stranger she’s known for like five weeks when she heard the girl was in a bad accident (was she even her leader?) meanwhile Amy acts like a stuck up you know what when she has to share point. I believe in good people getting good stuff especially if they have the talent to back it up so I hope Amy keeps messing up, gets removed from her 20 seconds and Maddie gets to stay as point this year AND next!
Wow minus a bajillion points to Amy. Hon you are point for 20 second to Maddie who is point for almost two minutes. And Maddie is a FAR superior dancer to Amy. You might not like her ‘look’ but she can dance in this style and doesn’t mess up. Meanwhile Amy messes up ALL the time so she’s extremely lucky to have those 20 seconds. Also in pictures and videos? She’s not shown as point as often as Maddie is.
There’s a huge difference between dancing in a small studio in a small town in Utah and doing drill team in high school whether your mom owns it or not and dancing at major studios in the Dallas FT Worth area/being a Junior DCC/growing up going to all the major national conventions like JUMP and NYCDA and getting to work with people like Travis Wall as a kid. Victoria has all the advantages. Maddie did not and look where she is.
Also sorry but Maddie is genuinely likable. She’s becoming more and more glamours in the episode her interview I was like wow she’s turning into a gorgeous lady. Also she’s freaking hilarious! The dictator thing? That was genuinely truly funny and real. I hope she finishes her five years and then you all can have Gina for a year.
Depends on what you prioritize looks or talent: I would rather cute girls who are great to amazing dancers than gorgeous girls who have no dance training. It’s a DANCE team. Dance talent should come first.
Of course and everyone does do that except I don’t think the issue here is A DCC going to her partner/family member/friend but that a GROUP of them IN the workplace have coined this name for the girl and are talking about her like this IN THE WORKPLACE. And that from experience is toxic. Story time: I’m the Assistant Director of a semi long running show and I am also in it. An actor was cast and maybe he wasn’t as perfect for the role as the person who preceeded him. His costar decided while we were at work tell everyone else in this small company how terrible he was, how wrong he was for the show. It became an absolute toxic environment in a job I genuinely love. Obviously different experience as this guy we are talking about was lovely unlike VK is allegedly, but still. Go home and bitch...don’t do it at work especially where it will inevitably get back to that person.
Who would you think would do that?