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Seasick Cecil

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237 Excellent
  1. Oh. My. Goodness. Cynthia is a BITCH. A raging, sarcastic, smug bitch. I hope she winds up 900 pounds. And if Dottie doesn't shut up about how important her child is, my head will explode. If you have to repeat over and over the fact that you are " there" for your child, it makes me wonder. Who is she trying to convince with her "Smother of the Year" award speech?
  2. I tried to get my neighbors in Savannah to do this with me. After a few days of howling by myself I gave up. I felt like a fool.
  3. Haven't any of these officials closing the liquor stores heard about DT's? People can DIE from that.
  4. That's why she's so big...3000 people in there
  5. If I were Amy, I'd tell Tammy to get it herself.
  6. Pretty is as pretty does.
  7. Not at all shy about their bodies, either.
  8. They're the only ones who think they're funny.
  9. Amy is very anxious to have a child...I would be very anxious FOR said child. Also those shakes are not gross. I drink them all the time. I have lost 30 pounds.
  10. I know right? Promise you won't cheat without me .
  11. Their looks are unfortunate, and they compound this with their crude and vulgar behavior. Most people have lost basic common decency, at least those in the public eye.
  12. She's going to keep trying no matter how hard it is . But she just told Doctor now it's too hard
  13. She's smart enough to get a degree from college but not smart enough to figure out the diet?
  14. That bra doesn't do much, does it?
  15. The way she said she like to eat without people around. Not out of shame, she doesn't want any distractions from her gobbling fests.
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