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Posts posted by Petunia13

  1. Victoria is such an immature little brat. She would rather tear up her own hat than let someone else wear it? And, according to Zach, she had given it to him anyway. She just seemed like a 5-year-old during the entire thing. She is not cute or funny at all. And the fact that THAT was "the most satisfying thing" she's done all summer speaks volumes about her game play.

    I totally agree with this. She looked like an idiot and big deal what an accomplishment, others are actually playing and giving a damn about the game sweetie. I agree with the poster she looks like Nia Vardolos but I also think she looks and talks like a thinner Artemis from Its Always Sunny From Philadelphia.

    How moronic are Victoria and Christine in their goodbye messages tonight and previously? Are they that fucking stupid that they don't grasp they at talking shit to jury members that will be voting for the prize money?

    • Love 2
  2. Mccranda having unprotected sex all over the house constantly and eating warts and not showering daily.

    I forgot to post on this. Th either night when Frankie told Caleb there's no way he's meeting his sister and Calen got legit offense and huffy. Cody piped in saying he wasn't going to let Caleb meet his sister either. You could see in their red and tone of voices they were dead serious. And Caleb's defensive and mad reaction shows he knew that too. Lmfao.

    • Love 1
  3. I guess they put an end to the Chenbot rumors since Julie didn't start shooting out sparks when doused with water.

    I admit I was scared as shit when she said she had a special guest to dump the ice bucket I instantly thought of that stupid asshole Jeff. Phewwww! GOB Bluth ; )

    Donny's quirky voice, warm demeanor, and bumbling in that footage makes me wish he got his own sitcom....Donny Blart - Groundskeeper?

    • Love 3
  4. Did anyone notice a bell during the opening segment when Christine was talking to Donny in the kitchen?

    Yes, some did notice. The bell was mentioned twice in this thread.

    I'm thinking it was Christine who belched in Donny's face during the serious heart to heart.

    Zach ripped off a Dr Will line in his speech so typical.

    Omg at Jocastas stupid creepy faces during the competition. She was like baring her teeth both rows, frowning, and shaking her head and muttering.

    • Love 3
  5. I watched Big Brother last night with my husband who has never seen an episode. It was interesting to see it in his eyes.

    He thought the females were nonentities and barely extras. He thought the diary room was very scripted and wondered why everyone screamed everything. Said the outfits were outlandish and obviously costumes they were forced to wear. How stupid they all were shirtless constantly or in skimpy tank tops. Couldn't believe Frankie's sequined furlined vest with no shirt to the veto ceremony omg what the fuck and in August in California? Didn't understand why everyone went apeshit over a missing hat in a scene where everyone was already wearing a hat. Preposterous. Thought all the guys sounded like stupid ass bros and mimicked them. Dust get why the Zingbot talked so slow and broken phrases for such little payoff in the punch line. Said Frankie was very hammy and over the top performing and I told him he should see BBAD. He thought Frankie looked 38. I informed him Frankie is 31 but tells everyone he's 28 and he laughed. He said Derrick looked disfigured due to the shape of his nose, like those people who have it cut off by the mob or in cruel societies as a punishment.

    • Love 1
  6. I liked Kate's entire look today. The gray dress that was an awesome fit (her bod looks good), the statement necklace (so "Kate"), matching geometric cuff, white bag, fun mani, and her hair color and style.

    I didn't care for anything going on with Sami's look today.

    I liked Jordan's dress and hair.

    Wills outfit looked really stupid and 80's.

  7. Yea it was like "who the fuck cares" right? I found it suspicious she said she rolled with people who bought her Loubis daily and drove a nice Jaguar and traveled all over but this job was great because because she made big bucks to travel everywhere. doesn't she make on the yacht like $1300 a wk or every 2 weeks and only have limited time off to enjoy the destinations? And if she returned or sold one of those pairs of shoes she was gifted all the time she'd have that amount of moola in minutes.

    Something's fishy here.

    • Love 4
  8. How is it Christine the super fan and resident witch doesn't comprehend the simple math of contentions and weeks left? And recall the final week there's 3 houseguests?

    Derrick patiently explained it to the shrew for minutes and she failed to get it while Donny calmly watched. Donny and Derrick are the only contestants that have brains.

    Why was mop head Victoria crying in the kitchen? Over her hat?

    • Love 1
  9. Tell me about it. He's been blurting dumb shit and dancing like an idiotic all night relentlessly.

    Haha reminds me of Stuart from Mad Tv "Look what I can do!" In an abrupt high pitched voice. And kicks a foot feebly.

    I think he thinks this will lead into an acting role or some shit but I also believe he has a personality disorder which explains his compulsion with performing, delusions, and emotional disconnect with other people.

  10. Omg I agree with all of the above with Frankie I feel like he is so ill mannered and disgusting and such a ham and arrogant. Ugh shut the fuck up!!!!!!!!!!!

    Seriously. Shut the fuck up. He thinks he's Lea Michelle, Hugh Jackman, and Bill Murray combined.

    Also they were talking about a short long haired black comedian and said Kevin Hart and Chris Rock...the name they were looking for is Katt Williams.

    • Love 2
  11. BBAD added abused puppy commercials to the rotation. I will not longer be watching this show live.

    It's like a metaphor for sad Zach, but so much worse.

    Thanks for the warning. I'm out too.

    I wonder if that's a regional thing. I dvr'd the episode for the first x and SO FAR no pup commercials. I'm getting lots of "Brendylan" 90210 commercials : ) awwww. Then some e cig commercials with Stephen Dorf, Zyrtec, um Geico, Twizzlers, some lingerie and vibrator web site, Baileys, Loreal ones, Canned whip cream, and that stupid ass The Sorretinos morons.

    Frankie is so fucking gross eating chips then liking his damn fingers. Eating chips then loudly sucking his fingers over and over. He needs to stop eating loudly with his mouth open and smacking his lips like a gross classless nastyass too. *

    Derrick looks like he's the result of a mad scientist experiment where a pig was merged with a human or a character in a comic book of a pig farmer who was shot with radioactive waves and became OinkMan.

    * ugh Donny who I like is sucking his fingers after bites too. His voice is so cute its like a cross between the crazy dweeb in Office Space and Kenneth on 30 Rock.

    • Love 1
  12. The girl who played Miranda on the online reboot is "starring" in a Ross commercial that's been in heavy rotation for the past week or so. They're trying to get college students to shop at Ross for clothes and dorm room stuff.

    She's dating the guy who plays Puck on Glee (Mark Seling?) in RL now. He's like 12 years older than her.

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