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Posts posted by Petunia13

  1. Ben's reluctance to be flexible about the menu items, prep, and service is very strange. He acts like he is Grant Achatz or Homaro Cantu or something and each course is an extensively curated work of culinary art that every guest has been anxiously waiting for. In reality these rich guests just want whatever the fuck they want how they ask for and promptly. They're hungry and on vacation.

    • Love 6
  2. KM's hair is not looking attractive but I hadn't noticed any weight loss--maybe the filming schedule is starting to affect her? Either way, I hope she's okay.

    She had a bunch of travel pics in SOD and in pics from off the show online and she looks thinner and her clothes are swimming on her. A while back another poster (maybe you) mentioned her face looked different and features changed, from watching I concur her face changed because of the weight drop just guessing. I'm not judging or trying to be jerk; I know people go through weight fluctuations and hair issues for myriad reasons.

    I bitched above about the useless embodiment of boring called Jordan and wanted to add her brother Plucky can beat it too. That fight between him and Chad was pretty amusing. Yes, as others commented Bollie is taller that Chad and more muscular he should have snatched that envelope out of his fingers in second but I just think Bollie is such a bland wimp he don't know how to handle the situation.

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  3. I have to agree with the comment about Jordan the character is so damn drab and nothing they've attempted with it including inserting Kate and others has made her interesting. To compound the felony the actress' performance is like she's reciting a phone book to an empty room. No fire, energy, charm, believable emotion. It's sad e cause she did a great job on AMC as Amanda but at this point, I mean, so what? Maybe she doesn't like the character or acting anymore. They need to cut this pointless character loose.

    On the positive side...I really like the NuChad. He's a breath of fresh air. He does look a bit like the Fallonator but that's not a negative and he he has an offbeat cuteness. His snark and attitude are lively.

    Oh my Gawd. puked at the Sami and EJ scenes can't believe the show went there. I'm so against their reconciliation and if I'm supposed to get the warm fuzzies from them staring into each others eyes, gushing, cuddling, him preparing her a romantic meal...That's not for me, sir.

    Abby's hair is starting to look fried and thinning. For a while like last week when she had that lank do I thought they were going for a grunge look bit now I just think its damaged from all the processes and she's lost a lot of weight from her already thin frame which might not be good. I hope the actress is ok.

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  4. What's wrong with not having a favorite movie or song? Some people just aren't "into" movies or music and it's just entertainment for the moment; others are so into them that they like too many to choose.

    I'm sorry to disagree but usually a person who isn't Nell can think of at least one that stands out or that touched them. She really is so bland and has no personality her only interests and all she cared about is staring in the mirror and her fake plastic hair.

    Derrick has the face of an obese person but isn't fat. Weird.

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  5. The timing and preparation of the dinners have been a chronic issue so that goes back to Ben. Another thing is he absolutely cannot accept criticism or anything that doesn't fit his image of ideal. For example that group that was starving and he was dicking around doing idiotic garnishes- get that shit out the door stupid. And the guests that said they hate vegetables and he was blowing a gasket. Calm the fuck down, you work for them and serve them. If they want candy crusted dog shit prepare it and and plate it with a smile. And his response to the girl who wouldn't eat pork since its "red meat" and being a bitch about it. I work 55-65 hrs a week have to put up with demanding people everyday that's why it's called work and not "fun" and why I'm paid. I feel like this year every employee is being a twat waffle and asshole about every damn task. The charters pay $20,000 a week for this excursion and and tip $10,000 -$18,000 =$30 thousand minimum for this so they have the right not to have loooong ass dinners serve too late, sassy and sullen hosts, penis blankets, and cum stained ugly pillows. These people suck.

    Holy shit Kate looked old ass hell in those bar scenes- she's 43 if a day. Does she own a brush? Or conditioner.

    I liked Compass the schnauzer. I love dogs and mini, mid and giant schnauzers crack me up.

    Jennice looks like young Shelly Duvall in Te Shining.

    Kat looks like Ann Coulter for real.

    That one girl looked like an idiot hollering in the dock.

    • Love 5
  6. Her kids are gorgeous. Kim's natural hair is so thick and great I really don't get her obsession with wigs. I curse a lot. A lot a lot so I have no idea why I think she's such a potty mouth maybe because she's on tv and can't say one sentence without swearing?

    This has bothered me for a long time. Why do her kids call her Kim? I get some families do that (my husband from when he was a baby called his parents their first names) but I think it's so strange and dare I say...disrespectful.

    • Love 3
  7. Eve has a great bod but I wasn't crazy about the fit of her top yesterday. Lima Bean's hair and clothes looked good. Her personality sucks though. Everything Nicole looked bad. Hair and outfit and makeup. She's an idiot.

    Abby looked stupid as well. Her dress looked Kristen-esque. I think he's lost weight and its not attractive.

    Abby and chad scenes were painful.

  8. WeeCap


    Victor's mumbling to Paul in his office was ridic. Since I understand Vic anyhow he was impresssed with Paul's fishing lures and wants him to catch walleye and Ian Ward.  I prefer Mariah with wavy or curled hair. I'm not sure what I think of her and Chip as couple. She's all pissed off about Ian being her husband, Chip wants to help. He probably can if it involves a restaurant and freezer. I like Mike and Lauren's condo but why did they tile parts of the walls? Mike and Lauren themselves looked great yesterday. Lauren tells Mike she wants the peen, no cuddling. Mike tells her he's not talking with strangers about the secks or the cuddling! Lauren brings up Carmine and neurotically wonders to her husband if screwing another hunk has impacted their current sex life. Mike kisses her then fucks off.


    Back to Victor and Paul. Mumbles "YoursonknowswhereIanishasinfookay." Chips comforting Mariah. He is trying to cute and whimsical for Mariah then makes weird noises like the guy from Police Academy movies. My baby gets startled and cries so Kev must be good. Avery talks to Dylan and tells him she knows he snuffed Ian. I didn't like her hair it was too contrived but her dresss was great. Lauren figures out Mike isnt working as much as he claims and thinks he's lying about work to get out of penis and cuddle duty. Mike and Avery have the same briefcase wonder if they'll get mixed up. Mike's gonna get boner meds. Stitch tells Dylan to stop punching shit. Mariahs so scared of Ian and his brainwashed goons shes hanging out alone in the park. Victor approaches her and she spazzs. Vic takes credit for reuniting her with her family. Whatta guy!

    • Love 5
  9. " eligiple compete tonight." Oh Julie! One of her many flubs tonight.

    About Cody's Weiner status. JMHO its smallish (and his height) but I'm not being a size queen. He's just a douch throwing looks based insults on his other houseguests like he's young James Dean or something and he spit the remarks so smugly.

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  10. Cody has some fucking nerve saying he could see Britanys forehead a mile away and can't miss Derricks piglet nose. Code, you're short in height and the penis department so far from physically perfect yourself.

    I'm not even being snarky, Moptorias voice rivals Fran Dreschers, Gilbert Godfrieds, and Linda Rickmans for most ANNOYING and GRATING. Cut that shit out lady.

  11. JJ's GF is such a wet blanket & I don't find her attractive at all. Also, she can take her annoying BFF with her. Ugh!

    I know! It's been months of their two stupid, typical asses. Get the fuck out.

    I feel you boes on why every soap feeling they need a young(ish?) superguy who's like Chuck Norris and George Clooney combined.

    • Love 2
  12. Those who have seen Billy Miller -- is he generally good? Does he have any weird or annoying acting tics I can look to?

    One of his nicknames is Sir Mugs a Lot. He makes faces more than Steve. Actually more than human actors let alone statues that blink. I like his style and characters (especially Billy Abbott) who were over the top lovable schmucks or eccentric. "Stone Cold" Jason is neither. Billy Millers trademark is a HUGE grin that shows all of his teeth. Steve and Jason um...

    He is a cute guy but had back issues and a accomplished chef partner (who plays buxom blond Avery on Y&R) so he can get soft. Jason was always supposed to be ripped. So that's a distinction too.

    Omg today's episode was campy as fuck. Levi and Nathan's fight was super fake and all they for the most part was shoulder as shove each other.

    Olbrechts accent was heavy at the beginning of the episode and faded.

    Totally pointless Sonny and some lady's scenes. I will give MB this he stuttered too much but he does look in shape and his hair and dimples are still ok.

    Samtrick. "I bet for every school you went to some guy wanted to ask you out (or secks you)." That he's saying it to Sam and she's bash fully grins and the music swells and audience Sqweees. So fucking ridiculous. Sam was a well traveled woman with a dark past and has been with some of PCs biggest players I'm sure the fact she's not and outsider and desirable isn't news. And the actor is saying this to a playboy playmate of the year.

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