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Posts posted by PennyPie18

  1. What happened during the talk with Ari? Was Claire watching something on her phone and the sound could be heard? Clearly, Ari seemed a little miffed. We now know they aspire to be the next Regis and Kathy Lee show. So, why are they still on a cable news network???? I like Dr. Jill Biden.

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  2. HaaCHOO, I wish you, your brave son, and all of your family the best possible outcome in dealing with this overwhelming heartache. MM has no concept of what others have to cope with every single day. She thinks she has suffered more than anyone. And, she probably wouldn't even care about others, either. I hope, somehow, she sees your post and wises up about life (and death).

    • Love 22
  3. 5 hours ago, meowmommy said:

    MJ needs to decide if it's supposed to be a serious news/political program, or Good Morning America.  Right now it's mostly Joe Scarborough's vanity project, and badly done.

    I like sports as much as anyone, and more than the average female, but it belongs somewhere else.  Otherwise, let's just add cooking segments and interviews with YouTube stars while we're at it.  

    I honestly don't know what to call this show anymore???? Meowmommy's post was sooooo on target. I think the days of it being a serious program of any kind are long gone. Now, it's a big advertisement for all things KYV, and just wait until Joe's "memoirs" are published and plugged non stop. Poor Willie!

    • LOL 1
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  4. 3 minutes ago, Apprentice79 said:

    She gave Biden a daughter I believe and raised the two boys with him.  I just roll my eyes when Megan speaks about her grief, she acts like she is the only to have ever suffered a loss.  Personally, I feel that she can go see a psychiatrist and work out her issues, it is why I cannot feel sorry for her at all when she starts her spiel about grief.  She has never spoken about her grandmother who as centenarian buried her son. 

    Thanks for the info regarding Dr. Biden's daughter. Yes, I agree so much with what you said. Losing a child, no matter what their age, has to be the worst grief imaginable. And we're seeing so many young children taken away much too soon by school shootings. I was glad they talked about that very subject with Jill Biden. Imagine, teachers now instruct their students, on the first day of class, what to do if a shooter starts attacking. Tragic and horrific is what our society has become. 

    • Love 15
  5. 1 hour ago, Coffeewinewater said:

    Of course Jill Biden's last few minutes are about Meghan's grief.  Meghan was there to make sure that it happened. Meghan is tiresome. 

    I like Jill Biden seems like a lovely woman. I'm just not sure I believe that her students didnt realize she was the VP's wife. Did the secret service not tip them off?

    Well, I did watch Dr. Biden as I said I would. She is a lovely woman, and a great asset to Biden's campaign. Did she ever have children of her own? I was hoping she would tell us about them, if, indeed, she did have biological kids. When MM starts her "grief" act, I wish someone would point out to her that many people wake up in the morning having their loved ones here. That night, they may not still have those they love anymore. Life can change so quickly and tragically, to young and old alike. MM needs to realize not everyone has a chance to say "good bye and I love you" like she  presumably did.  

    • Love 22
  6. 10 minutes ago, Tom Holmberg said:

    The bad news is that Joe's memoirs are being published in Sept. so we have to put up with days of him and Mika hyping this great work of litterature (spelling intentional). 

    No, please, no! They will still be hyping KYV and predicting a Pulitzer Prize award for one/or both of these masterpieces of litterature (great one, Tom!)

    • Love 4
  7. 5 hours ago, Kemper said:

    The New York Times reporter was on Lawrence's show last night and she was excellent.  She had lots of time to talk and explain the story.  But that is because the host of the show does not use huge chunks of time to talk about himself and his projects.  

    I was fortunate to see LOD's interview with Susanne Craig. Such a difference, and I, too, thought JoeMeeka  were rather rude and unprofessional when speaking with her. She seemed uncomfortable, especially at the beginning when they were talking about, to use a previous poster's phrase, "stupid stuff including soccer". That Sarah Lawrence report is really disturbing. What was/is  wrong with those young girls allowing their lives to be taken over by such a pervert?

    • Love 3
  8. 28 minutes ago, Landsnark said:

    What did Heidi have to say? 

    This was at the very beginning of the show. The discussion was mainly focused on Biden's commanding lead in the polls, topping Sander's 20% by 40%. Heidi made the point how trump sent out angry tweets regarding the Firefighter's Union endorsing Biden, and how this could have actually helped Biden. I stopped watching for a while, since Joe was talking non-stop and Heidi just quietly sat there. She may have spoken more, but I didn't see it. 

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  9. 4 minutes ago, Tom Holmberg said:

    Doesn't she make those face every morning?  Or did she come up with new ones?

    I suppose she does, Tom! But, for some reason I was almost fixated on her strange facial expressions, and, of course, the adoring glances at her Adonis.

    • LOL 3
  10. What's up with all the strange faces Mika was making this morning??? Did anyone else notice how she glared into the camera? I quit watching for a while, but I did get to hear Heidi's report, Gene's opinions, and the talk about the situation in Iraq. Some guests are interesting, and worth watching, others....meh.

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  11. 45 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

    I watched just a bit this morning, just long enough to hear Mika pronounce Moscow as "Mosco."  She really is that dumb.

    When you compare Mika with, say, Kelly O'Donnell or Nora O'Donnell, her interview/news skills really come up short. Nothing gets you "in the door" like a famous last name, or an affair with your boss. It's a shame for all those hard working young journalists who will never get the breaks like she has. KYV??? Just a big money maker for Mrs. Scarborough.

    • Love 9
  12. 3 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:


    Off the top of my head, there isn't a single personal related topic that Sunny engages in that doesn't make me roll my eyes. She has given her husband an open license to cheat because she's already told the world that she wouldn't divorce him over it. She's telling the world she'd hide a body for her kids. Lawyer or not, it's a downright stupid thing to say to anyone.

    Yikes! Some of her statements are truly weird and TMI. I know she is very educated, so why does she says these dumb things that make you wonder where the heck she's coming from??

    • Love 15
  13. I will, for sure, watch on Wed. to see Dr. Jill Biden. Over the years she has proven to be a lady of substance, intelligence, and compassion. How will MM react to see a woman who has all the admirable traits she so lacks???? JMHO, but I will be watching!!!

    • Love 21
  14. I saw the Biden comment about Pence being a nice guy, or however he stated it. Huh??? Pence is every bit of a liar as trump. Conversion Therapy? I think Joe better take another, closer look at Cheney and Pence.Nothing nice about either one of them....IMHO.

    • Love 2
  15. I still don't understand why Leanne has such a dislike for overhead kitchen cabinets. I'm sure the lack of them does make the kitchen look bigger, but unless the kitchen is massive, where do you put all your dishes, glasses, etc? And always bending over to reach for items, IMHO, would get old really quickly. 

    • Love 10
  16. 1 hour ago, Florinaldo said:

    I was disappointed because JJ did not award the guy anything. She applied the relevant yardstick much more stringently than in the past I believe. But she is consistent at being inconsistent.

    I too, was very disappointed in the ruling. I think the plaintiff should have been awarded some compensation for the aggravation he went through. And, there were several others who could have sent the "threatening" texts.....like the cheated-on wife! What is it about PitBull owners who defend their dogs, even when there are serious injuries??? They can't for a moment admit that their "baby" attacked another dog or human. It's quite clear that breed is dangerous, but the owners couldn't care less about the safety of others.

    • Love 7
  17. 4 hours ago, teddysmom said:

    When she lists out her problems, raising kids, divorce, waking up before the sun, does she realize that's probably the majority of adults in this country? FFS, I get up before the sun every fucking day including weekends.  Big deal. 

    And the rest of us do it without being paid millions of dollars? 

    What in God's name does she think is so special about herself?   Most of us just go to work, hope for a raise, stand up for ourselves when necessary, pray we don't get laid off, and thank God we got thru another day. 

    We don't start shaminars and charge money to get a bunch of women in a room and make them listen to us bitch about our lives and force feed our imbecilic advice on them. 

    Tee Hee....shaminars...what a perfect name for KYV. I get soooooo tired of all the incessant plugs for their meetings, books, and bands, etc. I usually switch channels when the advertisements start, or when the rants begin. Willie and Heilman give this show a degree of professionalism, as do some other guests. JoeMeeka? Not so much. JMHO

    • Love 4
  18. On 5/1/2019 at 2:24 PM, WhineandCheez said:

    She should have taken off with Beto in his road tour of the Soul.  Or she could've hiked the Appalachian Trail for 5 months like the founder of Whole Foods, wearing Donny's gifted Manolos.

    Gee, I missed this story about Beto. Where did he go? How long was he gone? What exactly is a "road tour of the Soul" anyway? Was this before or after he declared his candidacy??

  19. 3 hours ago, Kemper said:

    I tuned in just in time to hear the last minute or so from Bob Woodward.  From that, going forward to the rest of the show, we are living in terrifying times.  Kamala Harris and Andrea Mitchell only added to my angst.  

    I so enjoyed the interview with Kamala Harris. Serious, but with a little bit of humor (don't we all need some right about now??) thrown in. Her questioning of Barr was clearly making him nervous. I know Bob Woodward is famous for investigating the Watergate scandal, but his speech pattern tends to be slow.....just age related? Yes, angst is now part of my life, too.

    • Love 3
  20. 13 hours ago, Florinaldo said:

    Yes, she gave the impression of being controlling and manipulative and her turining up late was probably another in a series of little jabs to poke at her son and his mate, even though she likes to project this calm and reassuring image. Her hypocrisy is probably one factor why her son turned out the way he is. I hope she does not get a chance to do the same with the grandson. Although if enablers like JJ encourage her along the way and validate her behaviour as much as the judge did today, she might very well succeed.

    You know, there was something about her that I took a dislike to immediately. And, for what it's worth, the father was certainly within his rights to make sure his son was not around the drunk, whoever that was. I got the feeling she deliberately  ignored his request, just to do stick it to him. Not all "Meemaws" are loving and caring. Some are troublemakers, JMHO.

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  21. I hope someone in Social Services was watching that depraved group and made plans to, at the very least, remove that little girl from that disgusting environment. But, they often overlook the obvious, and kids get hurt or worse. Has JJ ever intervened in a case like this?  I need more Southern comfort! 

    • Love 5
  22. 32 minutes ago, SandyToes said:

    YES!  (See my earlier post about Icky contestigants!! Blech!)

    I think beyond stupid, the plaintiff is impaired.  Now, a lot of the folks we see here ACT impaired, but I'm willing to bet that she has some sort of issues, and being duped into feeling sorry for this guy is just one more manifestation of this.  One thing to be thankful for, is that someone had the sense to get those 5 (possibly) 6 kids out of his hands for good.  Of course, having been through the adoptive parenting process,  we learned that when older kids are available to new families, they often come with LOTS of baggage.  I fear these 5/6 will carry life-long burdens of some kind.  

     @AngelaHunter I'm hittin' the wine.  Mr. Toes had a half bottle of a nice chianti (!) on the floorboard of his truck for a couple of days (don't ask.)  Nice and warm now.  I think it may taste better, but I'm slammin' it so fast it's hard to tell.

    Hey, @PennyPie18!  Grab the cheeseballs and a glass of vino (or stronger!) and join us here on the sofa.  We are all happy to scooch over for another JJ fan! Welcome!

    In the absence of rainbows and unicorns, I'm heading over to the ID network and watching The Night that Didn't End to boost my mood.

    Thanks for the welcome! I'm ahead of you! I already had a glass of Southern Comfort🥃, and yet, the sight of those wackos is still embedded in my mind!!! Help!😣😠

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  23. 48 minutes ago, AngelaHunter said:

    No kidding.

    That made me have murderous thoughts. A 5-year-old who is wearing diapers? Well, I shouldn't wonder, with that thing for a mother and a weirdo jailbird left to care for her. The whole gang needs to be vaporized. 

    I thought maybe the child was a "Special Needs" , which could explain the diaper wearing. If  so, then the dumb plaintiff was even more negligent in parenting that little girl. Either way, the creepy defendant should not be allowed near kids.....why were his own kids put up for adoption? These people make me sick.

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  24. 14 hours ago, telemachus2 said:

    Hate to admit that Biden's visit today added a li'l weight to Trump's "Sleepy Joe" jab - no Young (or Olde) Lochinvar, he - today, at any rate. 

    I don't remember Biden saying much about his policies, although unseating The New Guy (tm  Whoops) works for me.  Hope Joe can self-ignite in the near future!

    Many others have commented on Joe's lack of substance regarding the Anita Hill questioning. The fact that he seemed so unprepared to speak about it does worry a lot of his base, including me and DH. Other times he seems so upbeat and ready to discuss policies. Maybe his thoughts were thrown off by MM's remarks about grief????

    • Love 6
  25. I'm new to this board, but I totally agree with the posters about the PTSD case. What I found oh so troubling was how much money the plaintiff sent to him. Didn't she say she and her husband were once homeless??? How could she afford  to send any money to anyone??? That  case was strange, and I wonder if there isn't more disturbing info about that whole group that wasn't made public????? 

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