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Everything posted by kiddo

  1. I have to agree with those who’ve said that Meghan is worse than Bitsy. As I recall, Bitsy was most consistently disrespectful to Rosie. In this current iteration, “Nutmeg” had been disrespectful to everyone—even guest hosts with the exception of Abby (her BFF) and Whoopi whom she wouldn’t dare to cross. About Joy, yes, she’s guarded because “Nutmeg” does not hesitate to throw her under the proverbial bus in for her own gain and publicity. I will NEVER forget when she said to Joy, “You’re paid to listen to me." Not the way to win friends and influence people, little “Nutmeg.” I think the biggest problem with “Nutmeg” is she has trouble forgetting she’s John McCain's daughter. Like him or not, John McCain earned the respect he garnered. For whatever reason, Nutmeg McCain thinks that being his daughter entitles her to more respect and latitude than even a Bitsy whose biggest claim to fame was a Survivor finalist! Not so fast, little Nutmeg McCain, not so fast. Just by casual observation, Nutmeg McCain has tried to assert her privilege way too soon when she has really needed to step back and learn from the other hosts whether or not she agrees socially and politically. With the exception of Abby, none of them seem to be particularly impressed with Nutmeg regardless of her bloodline because she has been so dismissive and disrespectful. Even her dad, Nutmeg McCain senior knew better.😁 May he R.I.P.
  2. Y'all crack me up so much! 😂I don't know if this is accurate, but I read on The View's Facebook page that "Nutmug" was fuming today. In fact, according to an audience member she was yelling at producers? Edited to add, I also agree that I cannot believe that she is so disrespectful to the rest of the panel, having decades worth of experience and education compared to Nutmeg. It's one thing to disagree; it's quite the other to be dismissive and disrespectful.
  3. I agree. I understand she's still grieving. But dang, does everything have to be whether or not someone was "nice" to her dad? Meghan M seems to be very immature for a 34 year-old. I had to look up her age because I thought she might be younger than she looked on T.V.. Ha! Stern is hit or miss with me. Stern did on The View what he does best, promote himself. So of course he's going to stir the pot to get more publicity for him at The View's expense. I will say that Stern paid a nice tribute to the late Chris Cornell, a frequent guest on his show. I think Stern had a bit of a man crush on Cornell, always being infatuated with Chris's good looks and talent.
  4. I watched part of the show today just to see what they would say about Alabama. The discussion seemed pretty subdued actually. Although I do appreciate Sunny's and Meghan's adherence to their Catholic (?) faith, I agree with those on this forum who've stated that all of us are pro-life. I also agree that those of us who are prochoice seem to be equally if not more concerned about addressing quality of life issues, heavily contributing to a woman's decision of having an abortion in the first place. And again, although adherence to one's faith is commendable there are many us Christians as well as other religious groups, adhering to faith by being prochoice. Pro-lifers don't corner the market on Christianity, necessarily.
  5. First off, I have so enjoyed reading the commentary, trying to get the "vibe" of this site. I laughed so hard that I was crying. One relatively new observation I'd like to make about MM's ("Prickly's) remark to Joy about "not listening." Why on Earth would anyone make an ass on themselves on TV like that--to be replayed and analyzed over and over again. Granted, during my time there was La Bits (Hasselbeck). But "Prickly" is a completely different animal. One would think she would KNOW better, right? If "Prickly" is trying to seem smart, she's let her emotions get the better of her--unless this is all for ratings--which it very well could be. On a side-note, Joy Behar is 76? Wow! She looks fantastic, and she's amazingly sharp-witted. I'm not a fan of hers necessarily, but then again she does make some interesting points. And she definitely doesn't deserve what "Prickly" is dishing out. Meghan McCain--daughter of the late John McCain, I'm holding to a higher standard because she should know better.
  6. Someone beat me to my original comment! Snarky minds think a like. I'll just say that Ms. McCain is "prickly"--very "prickly." No one could make-up this stuff!
  7. I watched The View many years ago when idiot Bitsy was a legend in her own mind. I just happened upon the Bitsy encore after streaming the episode with Stacy Abrams. Wow, what a contrast, but I digress. I came here to say that it’s good to see some things never change albeit in the worst kind of ways. The very best thing I can say about little Bitsy is once an insensitive idiot, always an insensitive idiot. Bitsy's lecture about Rosie’s “girl-crush” was completely cruel, while attempting to make La Bits a victim. Is that gaslighting? I've never really been sure, but Bitsy is no victim. She’s a passive aggressive bully, picking on the fat, lesbian girl. I don’t know the point she was trying to make exactly except to stir-up something for her own gain and publicity. But to suggest that Rosie wanted anything more than to be a mentor to her was utter BS. Worse, I don’t really understand Whoopi and Joy fawning all over La Bits? Allies, friends, colleagues or none-of-the-above, I definitely do NOT understand why ANY OF THEM would let her get away with making Rosie’s “crush” any more than admiration—and I’m not even a fan of Rosie’s. Not one of them stood up for Rosie while La Bits was trying to make something out of absolutely nothing, hoping to elevate her importance or perhaps sell her vapid books? I can only hope little Bitsy hired a ghost writer. Then again, I have no interest in reading anything she has to say, so why should I care? Perhaps rather than taking below-the-belt jabs at former colleagues who aren’t there to defend themselves, little Bitsy could work other facets of her own mediocrity. I see, little Bits is still struggling with vocabulary. Did I hear her say “accelerating” rather than “excelling” when talking about her kids’ accomplishments? And what does “Stand by your insinuations” mean anyway? Inquiring minds want to know. I've always thought "opinions" would have been a better word choice in that situation. Then again, I don't live in Bitsy-land. Praise Jesus!
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