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  1. In Christine’s defense, my eyebrows look like that when I get them dyed as well (right after I leave the salon because I don’t want to wait there). I leave it on for about 20 minutes and then I wash it off my skin; the pigment only stays on my brows. Now, I *do* hope her esthetician told her that she needs to wash it off in a timely manner or it WILL dye her skin!
  2. Holy crap, NO idea where they grow a money tree but I want one! Per online county records they dropped $222,500 towards the purchase price!!
  3. I have severe dry eye due to an auto immune condition. I have tried it all- OTC drops, gel and ointment. I have tried the tear duct plugs and Restasis as well as high omega-3 capsules. I sleep with a sleep mask. Unfortunately for me, none seem to really help long term. Sure I do have some short term relief but nothing more than a few hours. My eyes can be very, very painful at times. I am also slowly losing my eyelashes due to the oil glands on my eyelids being blocked (by “debris” that is normally flushed by tears.) I am scheduled to see my cornea specialist next month and he is going to discuss some new prescriptions that are new to the market. Fingers crossed. If anyone has found a solution that has worked for them I am all for trying it out!
  4. The only reason I can come up with, in regards to Janelle’s and Robyn’s rental being close to the same amount of $$ is because Janelle’s places is being rented as furnished?!? Thanks for the welcome. 🙂 I had to come out of lurking once I discovered the Brown’s deeds. The info was too good for me to hold on to! Lol
  5. Long time lurker here....first post. I did some investigating and looked up the deeds for Christine's house and Coyote Pass. Christine’s house: $130k down payment (conventional loan) Land: Kody/Robyn/Christine $300k CASH (100% sale price) Kody/Robyn $23.8k down payment (seller loan) Kody/Janelle/Meri $180k CASH (100% sale price) Kody/Janelle $23.8k down payment (Seller loan) If anyone is interested I can post pictures, it is all public information.
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