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Just Wondering

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Posts posted by Just Wondering

  1. 21 hours ago, itsadryheat said:

    Two visuals that appear to be burned in my brain and not leaving:

    Meri cowering in her chair, mumbling about not remembering the conversation Janelle was referring to, while trying to shrink into the wood of her chair and desperately avoiding the question like her life depended on it.

    And the pompous, arrogance of the Ayatollah making his pronouncement from high atop the garage: no more plyg, no more signing off on future real estate deals and how deeply unhappy he is with his women having a voice and he not having money. Next scene: the great u-haul dilemma.

    These two need to be filmed together more-alone. Plyg, passive aggressive version of War of the Roses.



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  2. Things I’m remembering - Kody casually mentioning having lunch with Logan.  Robyn complaining that someone suggested/reminded her that she wasn’t there from the beginning or something?

    Is it possible Christine intends to return to Utah in order to be reassigned to a new husband - since Kody won’t plural marriage her?


    26 minutes ago, RedDelicious said:

    Kody is probably ten steps ahead of us and has spent the pandemic whiteboarding the depreciation of his kids ages so he can figure out when it makes the best financial sense to get rid of C/J/R.

    Yes!  I’ve long thought that Kody does the bare minimum in order to keep C and J around to avoid paying child support.  

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  3. I don’t care if Kody once impregnated two or three wives at once, I still believe his sex drive is the pits.  That Darger fellow has his ladies in LINE.  They keep their bodies fit, they share a kitchen, and they let their sisters marry him.  He has to be one solid lover AND love talker to have so little (public) complaints from his concubines.  I imagine he’s perfectly willing to sidle up to a hurting or jealous wife and tell all the lies he needs to, plus physically show her who still loves you, baby.  I think this sort of behavior is the only way these men really keep more than one lady hanging around hating herself daily.  Kody doesn’t seem to know these tricks even now and flips to the opposite side of this devil’s coin to make his ladies feel unattractive and unfulfilled cuz they made him angry and why should  he say something he’s just not feeling?   Kody needs to do one or the other - grEAt sex or lots of encouraging, loving words.  But clearly he can’t do both and this shiz they’re living doesn’t work without lies.  D.U.M.B.A.S.S.

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  4. Also, in almost every article I’ve read or testimony I’ve heard, older wives are put out to pasture.  What is happening in this family is not unusual or mysterious, but these ladies apparently haven’t paid attention.  Although, Christine seemed to say outright that lots of plural families are living the same way.   

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  5. Did I miss any scenes where Kody was having a warm, family-sitting-together-on-couch scenes with any other “wives” besides Robyn?

    Excluding the obligatory Maddie/Caleb arrival scene at Christine’s.  Because before they arrived, Kody was on the couch by himself while the children chatted with Christine at the kitchen island.

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  6. Christine had to beg for donations to pay for a serious surgery for her daughter, but the family meeting only addresses grievances about not getting enough personal time with Kody?  And Kody had the temerity to be pissed with Christine about her needs?

    • Love 18
  7. Since faith is supposedly at the center of their situation, I feel obliged to remind Kody of the following: 

     Matthew: 26 ...but whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister;  27 And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant:  28 Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.

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  8. 6 minutes ago, Tuxcat said:

    Of course this was filmed a long time ago but it wouldn't matter. All the dynamics are exactly the same. Forever was and forever will be. Yes, Kody the problem is you because you have supported the default positions and have done nothing but shift blame back on the wives. And there is no doubt in my mind that you LOVE being the one everyone wants. You live as a husband with Robyn who says she fills bad but in reality fills good. Janelle, you were not happy in Utah either. You've always been distant with the other wives and nothing more than a business pal with Kody. Christine, you will forever be pining away for your lost position as the "favorite." Robyn took your place...and you will not get it back. Meri, I'm so sorry but honestly no one in the family likes you - at all.

    We have watched the same season 14 times and now another...


    Extra frustrating to watch since we now know that C-19 is gonna make matters much worse.  

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  9. Just watched Kody being interviewed on (I think) ETonline.  It appears he does not regret his actions in certain instances, only that they were filmed and televised to the masses.   

    I also have to note that C-19 has made it impossible for any polygamist to defend this practice.  Kody was self-righteously “sitting there” describing how he has to carefully explain a skip in rotation to “wives” who run about risking exposure to said virus.  If he hoped to win points for this carefulness, he succeeded only in reminding me how judgmental and punitive he can be.  He also only reminded me that no man can adequately meet the needs of multiple women, but instead unashamedly expects them to meet each other’s needs in lieu of finding a spouse of their own.  I’m certain Christine must have paid a hefty 2-week price for flying to her daughter’s out-of-town surgery.  And as much as I blame Kody for this continued, endless, sanctioned abandonment, I blame Christine equally for staying.  Why hasn’t it dawned on Christine that because of her husband’s multiple “marriages” she has had to appeal to fans and clients (some of whom don’t make nearly as much as Christine) for help with her daughter’s surgery? And I mean the daughter she shares with the same man who not only couldn’t help provide funds for his family in this instance but is now on my screen lecturing away about why he has to withhold his presence from them as well.  
    And if someone points out that Christine’s exposure would have unfairly infected lots of other “wives” and children, it will only prove my point that polygamy is evil - yes, evil.  

    I do apologize.  I’m finally as mad as some of my fellow commenters on this forum.  

    • Love 21
  10. 1 hour ago, Joan of Argh said:

    Over the years I've tried to like Christine but she just pisses me off.

    I was rewatching Miss EvieK's birth and Christine takes every opportunity to dump on monogamy.

    She does her stupid waving her finger in the air and cocking her head sideways as she says how great it is to be in a polygamous marriage because you have sister wives to help and how crappy it must be for monogamous women because they don't have anyone... Uhhhh WHAT?... She's such a moron and she's been in her ridiculous polygamy cocoon her whole life.

    I had my husband, my mother, my actual sisters, my aunt who loved me like a mother and my husband's mother who was a sweet woman and always available to help in any way she was needed... But according to Christine I had no one when I gave birth.... Of all the sister wives she was the only one at EvieK's birth to help Janelle.... Where's all these great sister wives? Where's grandpa?.. Oh ya he's back home pork'n Robyn, the only wife he cares about.... Sorry Janelle...Robyn had a hang nail and he had to rush back to Flagstaff. 🙄

    Then she sticks her huge foot in her mouth again when Maddie wanted to contact Caleb and talk over with him if she should let them strip the membranes or just go home and let things progress naturally.... Christine immediately rolls her eyeballs and laughs at how monogamous women have to check with their husbands and get permission before they do anything.... WTF?? You stupid cow!... It's called being considerate and talking things over to try and make the best decision NOT asking for permission!... I was so angry listening to her dumb ass I wanted to jump through the screen and throttle her as she sat there rolling her eyes and laughing about how stupidly monogamous couples handle things.... And she's always going... "I'm just say'n" and cocking her head back and forth like an idiot.

    Oh and she can take her moronic "Car Confessions!" and shove them where the sun don't shine, they're never funny or the least bit interesting.

    Christine doesn't know anything about life but she sits there like she's sooooo smart and worldly... *gag* *BARF* *PUKE!!!!*  

    OK I might need some oxygen because I just hypered myself into a frenzy!!!  😂

    Such good points.  I always feel Christine is forgetting that the Brown’s whole situation could’ve greatly benefited from three extra spouses to go around.  It would’ve meant more helping hands, more income, and more... love - especially since it was their idea that love should be multiplied, not divided.  

    • Love 14
  11. On 2/12/2021 at 2:00 PM, Kellyee said:

    Here is my cynical guess on why this is only Christine's medical bill: Christine is legally single, and as a single mother she could eventually file bankruptcy if needed to wipe away the debt. I'm thinking Christine and Kody have no shared finances so that creditors can't come after their family money, which is probably all in Kody's name. We have never heard of Christine having a job outside the home, as she watched Janelle's kids for a time while Janelle, Meri, and Kody were all working outside the home. 

    In the FLDS, the plural wives all filed for welfare as single mothers. So this wouldn't be anything new to polygamy. As a child of polygamy, I have a feeling it's something that Christine may have grown up with, scamming the state. 






    I didn’t realize.  You are a child of polygamy? 

  12. On 2/11/2021 at 6:28 AM, ginger90 said:

    I believe the dress was LuLaNo ?


    This has me wondering if these TLC weddings even really mattered that much to the parties involved - except for show/work purposes.  Could Tokelti maybe have actually been sealed in the temple?  If they met the requirements?  And Aspitch maybe actually had a private FLDS sealing thingy? And Caddie may have actually been married by Caleb’s dad in a saner setting?   That would make these ceremonies turned circuses (with Kody kilting and knighting people) not as disappointing  as they would’ve been otherwise.

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  13. 2 hours ago, laurakaye said:

    Not to defend Meri, because I cannot stand her manipulation and victimhood, BUT....Meri never owned up to her part in this mess.  However, neither did Kody.  It's like the two of them have been squaring off since this happened and waiting for the other one to admit to their role in the catfish saga.  Yes, Kody is technically cheating with three other women, yes Meri was raised plyg and supposedly knew what she was getting into (I would argue that perhaps she did not, once Kody married her ex sister-in-law).  But Kody divorced Meri for his shiny new underworld vixen (I mean, for the vixen's kids!  Think of the KIDS!!) and then promptly cast Meri aside like yesterday's hair plugs.  Kody could have played it much better, but he only had eyes for Robyn and he didn't care who he hurt in the process - Meri?  Doesn't matter, she's old and can't bear him any more spawn.  Janelle?  She doesn't care, is probably glad she dropped another day in the rotation.  Christine?  She's a wackjob anyway, she just needs to up her meds and she'll be fine.  Kody literally did not care about anyone else.  

    And THIS is why I keep watching this show.  I blame Meri for the catfish saga.  Until I think about Kody's part in it, then I ease off on Meri.  Until she opens her mouth and demands $40,000 for a B&B.  Then I loathe her again.  Until I see Kody's stupid face and thousand-yard caveman stare.  I wish I could make up my mind.       

    Same.  Only I make it a three-way with the script writers.

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  14. On 2/4/2021 at 2:56 PM, Cetacean said:

    Except..........what would they show?  I'm sure they couldn't legally show them shilling for MLMs.  They are already all living mostly separate lives and have not done anything compelling;  their lives are a total snooze.  Nobody is going to date any one of them.  It would be a show without any story lines at all.  Nobody cares aboujt a bunch of aging concubines heading for bankruptcies and food stamps.

    Maybe these ladies don’t need a new show because we’re all still watching thIS one.  If TLC cared, they could fake a desertion without starting a whole new program.  It would be no different than a fake adoption and it would get better ratings.  It would have Bachelorette type vibes.  
    It’s either that or wife number five.  But I realize this won’t be happening because it makes too much sense to add extra wives on a show about polygamy.  

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  15. 2 hours ago, ginger90 said:



    Again, confusing celebrity with true entrepreneurship.  Again, using her celebrity as a member of a cult that devalues women to take further advantage of women.  Again, using said celebrity to fool said women into believing she actually still adheres to the tenants of said cult - while profiting from its lies.  Again, confusing new Rice Krispie treat varieties with business goals.  



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  16. 54 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

    I do remember the mention of a younger girl that Kody was courting when it was just him and Meri, and I always thought it was weird that they mentioned her as being "young."  Considering that Meri was 19 when she met Kody, was this girl not even 18, I wonder?  Because that's creepy.

    They were waiting for her to turn 18 to make things official.

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  17. 1 minute ago, Joan of Argh said:

    Christine had the same reaction when Robyn came along, she was pea green with envy and jealous as hell.

    In my opinion Christine wanted to be the third wife because she thought kody would only have 3 wives and she'd always be the youngest, cutest.... Then Robyn came along with her skinny body and Victoria's Secret bedroom attire and Christine couldn't handle it.

    And she seems to have always seen herself as the person to please.  She quit before Kody could fire her, but the situation wasn’t so simple when Robyn came along.  

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  18. 7 minutes ago, Joan of Argh said:

    So when that girl didn't work out and he moved on to Janelle was Christine OK with it and came back because she didn't feel threatened by butterball Janelle?

    Same deal.  Christine says her happiness over Kody’s breakup with the younger girl was “short lived” because then Kody told her about Janelle.  As you pointed out, Christine didn’t cut anybody off over thAT courtship.  Hee!

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  19. 47 minutes ago, Just Wondering said:

    When Christine was still single, with a huge crush on Kody, she was devastated when he started courting a cuter, younger girl for his second wife.  She couldn’t watch.  

    Christine does write that she couldn’t see a girl so young and so cute in her (Christine’s) future, so I suppose she may have meant she couldn’t hold up to the competition.  Though this throws some shade on Meri since Christine was fine to be co-wife with hER.  Heh

     Also, the audacity of Christine to summarily cut off matrimonial opportunities based on the other wives’ looks.  It’s almost like God has nothing to say to this -  HEH.  

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  20. 15 minutes ago, itsadryheat said:

    What does this mean? As the third wife, she wasn't around when they were looking for a second. Or is she saying they wanted her, not Janelle, for the 2nd, and she chose to wait until the slot for the 3rd opened up?

    Bunch of weirdos.

    When Christine was still single, with a huge crush on Kody, she was devastated when he started courting a cuter, younger girl for his second wife.  She couldn’t watch.  

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