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Everything posted by beckie

  1. Neither one of them look like they've lost an ounce. I'm surprised Jill didn't edit the heck out of the pictures. Maybe she added plexus to the gasoline in the RV. She thinks it works for everything.
  2. Regardless of what she says, if a rich relative (or anyone really) died and left them ALL their millions, I'm convinced Jill would stop with her Christian bs and go on a permanent vacation.
  3. She has said that Sofia is just like her, that Sadie is her mini me, and Janessa is just like her. I think she thinks ALL of her kids are just like her. And she doesn't think that's a bad thing. (Except for Olivia who gets left out even when she's there).
  4. She'll love him with every fiber of her being until something else comes up.
  5. So you were a walking skeleton. Jill? I don't believe you notice Sofia at all.
  6. Maybe Heidi's dad put his foot down about an engagement between Heidi and Tim unless Tim had an actual job, that wasn't following BME around on the grifting tours. Nah.......
  7. She had to write out exclamation point? Like we wouldn't know (or care) otherwise. Oh, and Jill, you are the ONLY one who wants your hunk. If you think other women are looking at him, it's probably just so that you can act over the top persecuted.
  8. Kaylee capitalizes he and him because she doesn't know any better. And that's how we can tell none of her children write those glowing, gushing epistles about how much of a saint poor persecuted Jill is. I guess she thinks if she doesn't post pictures of herself fake crying we (rightly) won't believe it.
  9. Jill thinks she's better than everyone...even fellow Christians, and makes sure the heathens KNOW it, also. If she doesn't remind us how much better she is, her head will explode and we'll all drown in plexus! And Tessie is very pretty. Dare I say, miles prettier than Jill.
  10. Maybe they have more members who had no desire to see the Rodriguii grifting crew.
  11. Kaylee can't forget her own path to motherhood because BME will literally not let her do so!
  12. Even if she and Jonathan did decide to listen to the Dr and space them out a little, you know BME will be pushing as hard as she can for them to get going so they can give her her first granddaughter.
  13. They never posted that much even when the show was going.
  14. Jill is so excited that she had to make sure to take pictures with (and Kaylee) during what is probably a super stressful and scary time? Figures. Jill has to be the center of everything. I wonder if she'll take a picture of herself squeezing out fake tears, like she did when Janessa was born, showing just how heartbroken she is, if something ends up being wrong with the baby.
  15. Wasn't there a post (or something) a while back, that hunk had a real job at one point and either had women sniffing around him (and getting too close) or perhaps just worked with women, and Jill got jealous, so made hunk quit and the grifting began. Or am I making that up?
  16. Not to mention, Jill looks better in the first picture, than the second one.
  17. Just exactly WHO asked if she helps in the print shop? Instead of just saying NO, she talked around the question and if she puffed herself up any bigger her head would explode from all of her perceived wonderfulness.
  18. If he doesn't want to live a public life, then he needs to run as far and as fast as he can. Because, unfortunately, for him and Renee, if he marries her, he will be owned by BME and his life won't be his anymore.
  19. She mentioned cutting twice. He doesn't do it right the first time so he needs to do it again? Or is Jill just dense? I know nothing about how their printing thing works.
  20. Even in her kissing pictures, she still has to be the center of attention. This picture is gross enough, without having to actually see her, too.
  21. All see on her post is me, me, ME! Jill is the center of her own world and everyone else (including god) take second, third, fourth or whatever place after HER!
  22. Did she ask those random people to pose with her or did she bug them so much they posed with her just so she'd go away?
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