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Everything posted by LongDenimFrumper

  1. It's another forum called Free Jinger. It isn't just about the Duggars but they are ,of course, the most "famous" and have a long list of topics you can read though. There is a wealth of information posted there about multiple fundie families. If you get a chance, browsing through the old posts is entertaining if you are looking to kill some time or learn something new about your favorite fundie family or scandal. Just be careful posting... some of the members get heated fast!
  2. Agreed. FJ used to be an interesting/ informative place to visit. I left FJ after being seriously attacked and ganged up on for having a slightly different viewpoint than the base there. It was over something really ridiculous too. They are just as bad as the fundies they condemn only to a different extreme. If you don't 100% agree with them, you will get flamed.
  3. Jessa and Jinger have actually both tried posting photos of "healthy & fresh" food they have cooked at home numerous times in the past few months. I think they are desperately trying to ditch the "tater tot casserole" image that they've been stuck with since they were children. I give them kudos for attempting a change in the kitchen at least. Now how consistent they are with serving that food on a regular basis...who knows. Poor Jill Dullard has tried to keep up with her sisters by showing off her kitchen skills and recipes but she always miserably fails when she posts on social media. Did anyone see her very sad mashed potato post? It looked like an unappetizing bowl of slop. LOL In my opinion, nobody has thrown down in the kitchen better than Erin Bates Paine. She also frequently posts food and recipes that actually look good! I shamelessly made her veggie filled hasselback chicken and twice baked potatoes for dinner the other day. Nothing ground breaking but definitely better than the processed foods they grew up on. *** I realize I just gave away my very guilty pleasure of following these nuts on social media!
  4. She's already pregnant...might be why she's looking a little bustier. It was announced on her Instagram a couple days ago. I was hoping they might wait a year and get to know each other as a married couple before having a baby but who am I kidding... she's going to be a teen mom. I hope they actually did get a 2 bedroom apartment. I did a serious eye roll when Kelton said they were thinking one bedroom. We all know they are going to need multiple bedrooms sooner rather than later! ****Finally caught up on all the comments. Sorry for the repeat information about her pregnancy.
  5. Hello. New to the forum. I just spent some time reading and catching up. This is off the topic of Erin's piano playing and more on the topic of Zach and Whitney. WOW has Whit changed her looks!! Aside from weight loss, whitened teeth and highlighted hair... I can't put my finger on exactly what else she's done but she looks like a different person now compared to season one! I'm also extremely curious about where all their $$$ is coming from. There are some huge differences in their lifestyle that have progressed over the last 5 years or so. I've noticed a never ending stream of personal improvements, constant new & trendy clothes for the family, a freshly renovated home, new furnishings, countless trips, umpteen professional family photo sessions, an unnecessary vow renewal, etc. I read a few comments on the previous thread regarding low cost of living in T.N. and while that may be true the wages are also low. I know UP probably foots the bill for some things but surely they can't pay mega bucks as a small network and the cast of this show is very large. I live in a bordering county and have a pretty good idea what their basic costs might be.... I also have a pretty good idea about how much officers get paid in that area... just under $39K (Pre tax & retirement of course. After that take home is probably more like $30K). That does not go far on a family of four+. Just for kicks I researched some public records and found that they purchased their home for $101,500. I have no idea how they cover health insurance, a mortgage, homeowners and auto insurance, vehicles, groceries, co-pays, utilities, property taxes, gas for vehicles, clothing, vacations, date nights, etc. on Zach's meager income. What about savings and retirement? I'm pretty sure Whitney isn't setting the world on fire with her real estate career either. I also don't know how these families cover a hospital birth every year or even every other year. I just had a baby last year and ended up paying nearly $6000 out of pocket and I have what's considered "good" insurance. I'm definitely curious about Chad and Erin too... they seem like would be living on even less. I wonder, will they stop at baby #3? They seem to enjoy the nicer things in life and a mega family will put a stop to that pretty quickly.
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