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Everything posted by LaLaLaLa

  1. Madison definitely has a LOT of growing up to do (no wonder she got along well with Parker). She loves to play the victim...even if she has some legit gripes w/Jenna...don't play victim...she looks pathetic. The only crew from this season that I'd like to see again...Paget & Ciara (and I didn't like her for most of the season but she ended well) as well as the newbie, Chris.
  2. Georgia is overrated and annoying. Her crush on Paget and her non-stop open mic performances kept her from being invisible. Looked like the inside of a barn to me, which would make sense for Adam.
  3. Sure, Adam has his issues, but Jenna is no angel.
  4. I disliked Ciara all season but she redeemed herself to me during this final episode. And when she made the comment about "hoping she never hears that song again", I was nodding my head.
  5. That and she was looking to distract from Glen scolding her.
  6. When you're the guest of the primary, it's probably best to suck it up and just deal with it. Of course, it could be that production wanted to create the drama to the point that they probably withheld any type of snacks from the other guests (while supplying them with plenty of alcohol) to ensure that they got plenty of negative soundbites. From what I've read, charter guests are given a significant discount compared to the cost of a similar vacation (minus the film crew documenting and editing their experience) so I'd imagine that production has a lot of say regarding meals, snacks, etc., which would explain why the other guests were waiting so long to get a morsel.
  7. Right...and I have no problem with a good heel; however, Jenna is a pathetic heel...like "finger nails on a chalkboard" heel.
  8. Ciara, please shut up. Paget and Chris were dealing with far greater injuries and they weren't crying, whining, and pouting. Do your job, without crying, or leave the boat. She is awful. Maybe she needs to be interior because she obviously can't handle deck. And Bravo better not bring Jenna back. She is painful to watch.
  9. Yeah, I thought it was Cher 80 years ago.
  10. Stephanie seems more asexual than anything. And, yes, Erika deserved better.
  11. At least a couple of the ladies in his seminar were production plants to throw him off. He's probably still a hack but they were plants and did their job well.
  12. I'm not sure it is bad "play acting"...Yolanda really comes across as that clueless and delusional. If she is acting, she may have a new career because her delusion is believable to me. Now, David, OTOH, that seems like really bad acting.
  13. I'm pretty sure Darcey made a copy of that "key" before she sent it back to Tom.
  14. Unfortunately, the "experts" didn't call out Katie ...in fact, they provided cover for her. She was just as bad as Zach, Michael, and Brandon but because she somehow got Derek to say yes, she was safe.
  15. Derek showed that he is a pathetic white knight. Fortunately, he is young so he has a chance to break from that WK mold. I agree about the Zach and Taylor pairing. I thought the same...two fame whores willing to do ANYTHING to "build their brands". But I'd be fine with Taylor and Derek for that same reason you mentioned. Hearing Katie shriek for eternity would make having to sit through this sh!tshow of a season worth it.
  16. I always felt that simultaneous card flipping would be best. Keep them on the sofa to capture the awkwardness and resentment if one is exposed AND only one response card so they can't change their answers.
  17. Katie always looks like she does her own hair. She is the master of unintended bedhead hair.
  18. The "experts" definitely have a lot of explaining to do. Katie most certainly ruined her "mental health professional" career, as well.
  19. Derek deserves whatever sh!t sandwich he gets served for agreeing to stay married to that conceited, ungrateful, ugly little whore.
  20. First part...yes. Second part...Katie is already a miserable, conceited, stick up her ass, insufferable, childish See U Next Tuesday. She doesn't need any help from a bad boy (or anyone else) to be miserable. Furthermore, she doesn't deserve a good guy. It's best for good men (and for her) that she wind up with a "bad boy" to treat her the way she treats others. I can't wait to see how she spins her "edit" on social media once she can speak. Then again, if she's smart, she'll never open her mouth in public again. However, someone with her attitude probably can't keep her mouth shut. Heck, even her family has essentially acknowledged that she is not a good person.
  21. Maybe Brandon will fill us in since he's obviously disgusted by production (unless that has been an elaborate act to keep or increase viewership).
  22. I would imagine that the only guys willing to give her the time of day are sh!tbags since Katie is a sh!tbag, as well. This is probably her only chance to get a decent guy. MAFS did her a favor but she doesn't realize it. She can't help being the biggest conceited asshole in every room she enters.
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