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Posts posted by kassygreene

  1. 5 hours ago, Roselle said:

    So, is nobody else going to mention the full on fetishism? So much latex/zip/mask action! Those repeated lingering shots of all that shiny red rubber ... I'm sure someone on that writing/design team was enjoying themselves A LOT! 

    In both versions the rubber stuff made me think of early Doctor Who.  Also of Nine, and the two parter that finishes with (I think) The Doctor Dances.

  2. I've had a feeling for awhile that if I only keep watching one NCIS this is the one it would be.  Not quitting the others, but I won't be fast-forwarding during this series this year.

    Callan pushed on until he couldn't, no hero-posturing keep going and don't fall down until everyone is saved crap.

    Sam did (as usual) keep pushing but when the kid ran away he went back to Callan, knowing that he wouldn't find anything he needed before the kid brought back the bad guys.  When the kid did, in fact, bring back the good guys, that was nice.

    Kensi is bad-ass.  That is all.

    Deeks has nice dreams, and knows when to regain consciousness when absolutely necessary.  That the ex-priest and his wife couldn't resist that bounty was a believable touch, and they deserved to be rolled out of their own car.

    Mosely at least did some clean-up.  Show seemed to have heard the fan complaints about consequences....

    Gerald MacRainey makes everything better.  I like that he was using Hetty's office and not Mosely's.

    Jeff Kober and the voice of Linda Hunt were not really enough....

    Normally I hate it when a show reduces or outright cuts the title sequence, but for this show, with all the knowing poses and significant looks in the title sequence of old, it is a magnificent improvement.

    • Love 5
  3. Actually, I thought this season opener was well done.  As I watched the original Cocoon Friday morning (and then managed to be unable to watch the remake until tonight), I was very impressed with the amount of matching they did while tightening up a lot of sequences (the removing the "it" from the tank sequences, the entire thing in Hennessey's apartment, the overall exposition (Kray oversaw all the putting together of pieces, autopsies and so on, instead of McGarrett making the case at great, passionate length), Danny being Steve's "plus-one" in the apartment and later, the mole being the old friend/acquaintance who was also the source of intel.  Shout-out for using original series fonts and captioning, including the title in quotes.  The interweaving of modern bits, Adam's gun, the money (seriously, tsunamis, supermoons, and rising seawater, as well as inescapable damp? if you live near a coastline (I do), you have an immediate experience of groundwater issues and a large supply of Lysol), all filled what little bits of time were left over after the original hippie chick sub-plot (a gorgeous Nancy Kwan) was removed.  Jerry was actually usefully useful, Lou (former SWAT) was a very good shot, Junior provided a tactic that made a way on board the ship AND stranded it at the dock, Tani has no vertigo, and Danny, once again, knows how to save Steve's neck.  All that night shooting was gorgeous.

    Best of all, the Wo Fat fake-out.  I was seriously trying to figure out how Wo Fat could have faked his death in episode 100 when they reset to a different bald Asian guy all in black.  Nice!

    • Love 3
  4. 12 minutes ago, chitowngirl said:

    Look for the crossover during November, February, or May sweeps.

    Probably not November as they would be filming that now-ish, and there would be PR.  

    The pilot crammed in a lot of stuff from the original series, including back stories that we didn't learn about until the fourth season.  

    I've been thinking and I believe this pilot sold more on the strength of Lenkov's track record than the actual story.  He's making money for CBS, rebooting H50, saving the MacGyver reboot, running Salvation....  My point is, these shows have gone multiple seasons and are therefore turning a profit, which television networks like.  Also, Lenkov is somehow concurrently running shows filmed in Hawaii, Georgia, and Toronto/Vancouver (Salvation).  So a Magnum reboot, by this showrunner, set in Hawaii where it can share existing production crew and facilities, was probably a no-brainer.  After all, the original MPI sold in large part because the original H50 had ended, and there was all this studio equipment to use.

    With the current "shake-up" at the top of CBS, a lot of programming decisions can and probably will change.

    • Love 1
  5. Did You See The Sunrise? was a two-part episode broadcast on one night as the  third season opener for the original series.  This episode intersects in many ways, and also takes a few ideas from the OS pilot.  Did You See The Sunrise? was excellent and shocking (killed recurring character Mac (the original Mac), killed one Ferrari, and at the end, the good guy / hero killed the bad guy who was going to get away because he had diplomatic immunity.  The heroic good guy in american television usually doesn't commit premeditated murder... which we can infer was not at all closely investigated by anybody on either side of the Cold War, because a) Ivan's plan was known and probably inconveniently embarrassing to the Soviets and b) he was committing a really nasty incident on U.S. soil by targeting foreign royalty.  One of the niceties of the Cold War is that the "battles" were usually fought through third countries....  So, apart from names, POW bonding, and Buck Green(e), not much in common.

    I did like the visual gag about why Rick doesn't go by Orville.

    Title sequence is too short, not enough theme music.   In fact it is my impression that there was more theme music in the First Look clip.

    I'll give it a try.  Frankly, about half of the first half of the first season of the OS was crap.

    Where is the new Robin's Nest?  I want to Google Earth it.   Assuming, that is, that they don't re-locate after the pilot.  It looks very expensive, and much much bigger than the original Robin's Nest (which I found while on vacation on O'ahu in 1986 - I recognized the gate while driving by and managed to not cause an accident while slamming on the brakes).

    • Love 5
  6. I didn't read the book (couldn't get in to it) but I skimmed it.  I didn't watch the show (couldn't get in to it) but I skimmed it.  No miniaturist resolution in the book, just the show.

    Apparently the book was in a massive bidding war for publisher (11 publishers vied to publish it!), and it's won prestigious awards.  For me, the book and the series are in the category of mystery, as in it's a mystery to me that it's so freaking popular.  

    I had the same reaction thirty years ago to the Clan of the Cave Bear verbiage. 

    • Love 4
  7. Fornell makes sense.  He's also not dead, and hopefully still sober....

    I "re-watched" the cliffhanger.  Remembered the episode from the teaser, fast-forwarded to the tag, and remembered why it was forgettable.  I think I'm still watching from muscle-memory.

    • Love 2
  8. 3 hours ago, enoughcats said:

    One month? With all the electronics that exist today?  And massive computer power?

    Guess they can't bring back Tony, Ziva, Mike Franks, Dormer, and the coast guard person (and maybe Ellie's ex husband) and Parnell and Abby.  From rewatching the final S15 ep last week, this group just don't seem to have the aura of getting the hard stuff done.  

    This is how disengaged I've become: I didn't remember the cliffhanger, and must now do a rapid re-watch.

    Of the list you suggested,

    Tony is a) in Paris raising his daughter or b) has undergone a massive personality change so that he can avoid shaving and is hiding behind his scruff in NYC.

    Ziva is dead.

    Mike Franks is dead.

    If by Dormer you mean Dorneget, he is dead.

    The CGIS chick is in limbo because her actor criticized production practices in New Orelans.

    Ellie's ex's actor is now a DCI in London.

    Parnell??? one episode from nine years ago and I can't remember him, so no snark here.

    Abby - is on her quest in GB.  

    And now I have run out of delaying verbage, and have to re-watch the cliffhanger.  Joy.

  9. Anyone who has ever whined to me about not wanting to vote for candidate X, and why bother voting at all, I have said well, why don't you instead vote against candidate Y?  By not voting, those 90,000 mostly-Dems wound up "voting" for the Orange One.

    When I was in college and voting for the first time (at the age of 20), it was a big deal and I very carefully did everything I had to do to vote absentee.  My vote mattered, and I wanted to make sure it was valid when it reached my home county's supervisor of elections.  I had a roommate (who was genuinely barking mad) who used to whine about government, and one day admitted that not only had she not voted, she hadn't even registered.  I suggested to her that deliberately failing to vote meant she should shut up about all those people she neither voted for nor against.  The absolute righteousness of being 20!  (I myself got worried when a friend of mine pointed out to me that when I argued with my roommate at meals, I almost always fondled my dinner knife - a side of myself I had never suspected and was briefly worried about.}

    • Love 7
  10. Casey broke the Wizard's galley table after losing about four hundred rounds of arm wrestling while drunk.  He basically up-ended it, but since that's the sort of thing you batten down because boats do a lot of swaying, it was not the same as flipping a card table.

    Keith gave Freddie a fire ax, and they proceeded to the Cornelia Marie where Freddie tried to chop up the CM's galley table.  Tried, because on the first swing the fire ax handle broke.  Apparently the CM's galley table is mounted on a steel plate.  It was Keith's idea, Freddie appeared to be stone cold sober and still agreed to do it, and please can the show be over?

    • Love 5
  11. Oooooo kay.  

    Can the series be over now?

    Bill has mellowed.  Keith has mellowed.  Jake seems to have calmed down.  

    And, oh, yeah.  That whole Monte's fired for disrespecting Freddie?  It was Casey & Monte on the Wizard at three a.m., but Keith was on the boat too and did his raid o' revenge a mere eight hours later.  So, Monte was fired and sent to the lower 48?  Don't think so.

    Please, can the series be over now?

  12. In my family we cremate, accept condolence cards, and eventually scatter ashes somewhere meaningful.  The rituals have been discarded over time (when you can''t find enough pallbearers it's really time to re-evaluate what is meaningful).  So, holding 4 services in two states and a district over five days, or holding an eight-hour-long blow-out with costume changes, or (worst worst worst of all) having a service performed by someone who not only didn't know the dearly departed, but insists on using a boilerplate sermon, is all strange to me.

    But the funeral (or wedding, or christening, or bris, or bar mitzvah, or etc.) is in the category of other people, other customs, and as long as I'm not being forced to wail and heap ashes over my head, actually watch the bris, or do the chicken dance, I'm good.

    Now, having a multi-million dollar estate, surviving family that you at least like, and no will -- oh come on.  All that does is make a party for the lawyers (Jarndyce and Jarndyce).

    • Love 1
  13. 2 minutes ago, MaryMitch said:

    Then she would have looked like a Brady!  I always thought Cindy Brady's hair was ridiculous.

    I don't think Beverly Garland was/is a natural blonde either.

    As most "blondes" of the era were not natural blondes (look at the roots - nearly always dark), it was much more realistic for the children of those "blondes" to have brown hair... and dying the hair of a child always skeeves me out.

    • Love 4
  14. While Disco is calling Storm Surge the season finale, this is now in the listings (at least on Comcast): generally:

    With scars still fresh from a harrowing season on the Bering Sea and battered by a super-moon storm, the captains reveal the most critical decisions they've made and how those choices and actions made them the captains they are today.

    Since everyone had ended their season by the end of the previous episode, I'm not sure what's being hauled.  It sounds more like a Bait episode, but being weird about what is what is a Disco tradition.

    ETA: and Disco is numbering it as a Bait episode, so ... wooo?  Link is here.

  15. This save your money thing is something Sig's father did.  He helped crew members save some of their money; I don't remember if he held it physically or helped them bank it out of easy reach, but it is a family concept.  I got this from Sig's book (North by Northwestern), which is a decent read.

    • Love 3
  16. 52 minutes ago, atlantaloves said:

    I saw the new Murder on the Orient Express which is now playing on HBO, and it was kinda sad compared to Sidney Lumet's wonderful version which was made in the 70's.  Don't waste your time! 

    I did waste my time, in the theaters.  The 1974 movie came together beautifully.  The 2017 was a hot mess, with all sorts of character "twists" to (I suppose) make it less boring (for Brannaugh).  He also had that ridiculous wooden train bridge (which gave the impression that the movie happened on a set, which of course it did, but both the 1974 film and the David Suchet version made you feel the cold, wet, snow).  AND the train was too short (these were only supposed to be the passengers on the through coach to Calais; there were other cars). 

    For the love he professed to have for the work, and the all-star cast he assembled, this was just a KB vanity project.  I would like my $8.67 back (Tuesday pricing).

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  17. They can probably chop out a lot, since the original Cocoon was a pilot and would have spent screen time and story lines establishing the "milieu" (I have fancy words today), whereas this is just the season 9 premiere and we know the characters, the setting, and the concept of the show....  In the meantime I also have a season 8 rewatch to finish....

  18. The two hour pilot to the original series aired September 20, 1968 (with an actor named Tim O'Kelley as Danny "Danno" Williams).  This episode was broken up into two which aired June 3 & 10 in 1969, three months after the first season ended.  CBS All Access is apparently listing season one in hour-long episode order, and not showing the pilot in its original form.

    Chin & Kono were in the original, and it did involve sensory deprivation and Wo Fat.  Unlike Hookman (which matched as many original location shots as they could find, and managed to tell pretty much the same story with seven minutes less in running time), matching what is probably about 100 minutes of original to 44 minutes modern doesn't seem feasible.  But what do I know, I'm not a writer.  I have seen the original pilot (in two episode format) once, and it absolutely explains David Gerrold's willingness to resign as a CBS script typist after only four days on the job, during which he claims to have typed the first 53 drafts of the pilot for the original H50, which would be this episode.  (A script typist typed or "cut" mimeograph stencils for mass printing.  It was a bridge between setting type for a printing press and using a photocopier.)  I expect CBS will make the original Cocoon available, as they did with Hookman.  If they don't, it might be because it was dreadful.  I never did understand how it sold the series.

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