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Posts posted by kassygreene

  1. 29 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

    Basically, nothing happened this season. Erica is still in jail, just that she might be able to keep consulting, Tal is maybe dead, Her Daughter is still weirdly chill about all of this, and there is still some big bad out there. And shooting someone isnt really that big of a deal I guess. Tis but a scratch! 

    This show had a lot of potential, having an interesting premise and a good lead, but just kind of fizzled out quickly. It just kind of became this bland procedural that never used its premise to its full potential. 

    So Erica did not tell Keaton the truth about a possible mole because...she is the only person smart and badass enough to figure it out? Because season two needed more drama?

    Because even the writers were too fed up to try?

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  2. I seem to recall (perhaps from Sig's book?) that the Northwestern has a pretty good crew safety record.  In fact, I think the most serious "injury" they have had was SIg's heart attack, and that came as they were coming into the harbor. 

    A bang on the head with loss of consciousness AND seizures?  Straight to hospital.  There is also the possibility that a slip and fall is really a fall that looks like a slip.

    I liked Dr. Matt confirming that there is, indeed, a brain in there.  That's how you quickly know things aren't dire.

    And on the Cornelia Marie, I was impressed that Casey was sufficiently impressed with those successive port and starboard waves to basically f it and head into port.  Yeah, they were light, but most of that string is still out there soaking, and they seemed to be on good grounds.  This year the CM isn't quite so jokey.  So far.

    Jake has a competent crew.   Let's see how long he keeps their respect.

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  3. Aliʻiōlani Hale (the Palace where H50 is headquartered and in real life the Hawaii State Supreme Court resides - not to be confused with ʻIolani Palace, which was the headquarters for the original H5O and is now a public museum) is from a (Show) security standpoint somewhat porous.  In no particular order the entire building has been gassed; it's been taken over by a Mexican drug cartel, I believe a few people have been offed (at least one in interrogation?), and McGarrett, with the full weight of law enforcement coming in to arrest him after the Governor was murdered, was able to escape over the rooftop.  

    Non-metal weapons are a real and yet-to-be-solved problem, and I agree, the kid's backpack would have been searched and the gun held.  It certainly would not have been allowed as carry-on in a plane, and really, toy guns need to fade away as A Thing.

    I loved my cap pistol.  I loved the smell of burnt caps.  I grew up on Westerns and war movies.  If I still had had it in the last thirty years, I would have "given" it to a landfill.

  4. 1 minute ago, Ohwell said:

    I thought it was strange that BTS was on again last night, and I don't think it was a repeat.  They performed without any involvement from Stephen, and I was glad about that.  I don't know if it was planned that way, or if Stephen caught flack because of his Ed Sullivan/Beatles stuff with them.

    They very rarely record a show on Fridays anymore.  The monologue is usually done on Thursday (thus the snarky references to how it feels like a Friday audience), and the interviews and sketches from guests earlier in the week were recorded when they were on.  Stephen's suit and tie will change through the Friday show.

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  5. On 5/16/2019 at 11:13 AM, GHScorpiosRule said:

    Ziva knew. She had done a dossier on him, and he even asked her if she knew what happened to his family when she first joined the show. No way she wouldn't have found out what he'd done. And for all of Ducky being "shocked" when he learned of it, he knew  Gibbs wouldn't have let the person who murdered his family live--as he stated to Jenny in "Hiatus" I think it was. Or whatever that episode was when he was in a coma.

    Caitlin might have known.  She knew he'd been married four times, probably from the dossier she would have gotten when she was in the Secret Service.  She said it once, and he immediately corrected her to (IIRC) three ex-wives.

  6. I remember the original broadcast in the States, and ye gods the screams!  I actually covered my head with an afghan because I was sure we were going to see into the room with Claudius. 

    Fortunately for my ability to sleep, we didn't see inside the room.  IMDB informs me that:


    During the scene where Caligula cuts the unborn baby from Drusilla's womb a brief shot was filmed showing the bloody fetus. The episode had already been re-edited twice before, and a third time on the day it was to go out. The shot was still included in the initial BBC showing on the 8th and the rerun two days later, but edited out of the master copy afterwards. Therefore, once the studio tapes with the raw footage had been wiped, the shot was lost: The BBC no longer had a copy of it (although it's possible someone recorded the original cut of the episode at home on one the two occasions it aired in November 1976). From 1977 onwards, all repeats and releases showed only Claudius looking, and the footage of what he saw was no longer there.

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  7. Season 1 was on NBC and I'm sure the network "influenced" the show.  Also it was 1995-1996, which was (ulp) a generation ago!  It was pretty dreadful, and very sex-charged.  They added Andrea Thompson to the cast (she always bugs me) and John M. Jackson (he always charms me), and NBC cancelled it.

    But CBS picked it up and let DPB do it better, and they got nine more seasons.

    I've just put together that W.K. Stratton, who was a go-to for all of DPB's pilots, was in the JAG pilot as Ted Lindsey, the JAG lawyer who pulled the stunt of picking up Rabb as he was running on the Mall in a helicopter to immediately send him to a carrier in the Med.  Presumably the gag kind of back-fired because POTUS happened to be running on the Mall at the same time with his Secret Service detail.  Ramifications were not shown on Show beyond the sick look on Lindsey's face as he realized who that was, but oddly enough in NCIS Show's backdoor pilot it was Ted Lindsey who framed Rabb for what's-her-name's murder.  The cold dish of revenge?

    (why do i remember all of this so clearly?)

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  8. I know we are in the wrong forum, but I suspect more people interested in this thread are here and not in the JAG forum.

    Anyhoo, changing specialty is not unheard of (I assume; Bellisario paid attention to his military advisors, unlike the showrunners on The Code).  Chegwidden went from SEAL to Surface Warfare to JAG Corps.  Rabb's ping-ponging doesn't really fit.

    Again, Show vs. Life.  Just like Gibbs should have retired at 55, which would have been about six years ago as he was 18 at the Bicentennial.  And Hetty!  She must be civil service, perhaps even SES.

    Sasha Alexander was interviewed many years ago after she left the series, and said NCIS always seemed cartoonish to her.  It applies to the entire franchise, and really to JAG as well.

    I still watch.

    • Love 3
  9. How easily we forget... After Mac & Webb went missing in Paraguay, Harm (in his usual mood of being entitled to be read in to any classified op that he felt interested in) failed to get permission to go to P to find them, so he resigned.  When they came back, Mac was welcomed (she'd been officially TDY'd) but Harm was "Mr. Rabb" as a) this was the second time he had left JAG, and b) this time he had actually resigned.  

    So he mooned around a bit, got recruited as a CIA pilot (and seemed to have a blast doing it), and managed to get his face live on ZNN after landing a Hercules on an aircraft carrier, so he was out at CIA.  Eventually he and Chegwidden reconciled and he rejoined JAG.

    So, Rabb's Navy career was:

    1. Naval aviator who crashed because of an eye condition which exonerated him from blame for the crash while simultaneously grounding him.
    2. JAG lawyer.
    3. JAG lawyer whose eye condition had been mis-diagnosed and was fixed with a surgical procedure thereby re-qualifying his flight status and leading to his determination to ditch JAG and return to his One True Calling.
    4. Old Man Aviator who was flying just fine and had maturity as compared to the (much) younger hotshots, who it turned out was too old to have a viable career as a Navy Aviator.
    5. JAG lawyer who "realized JAG was where he belonged" while everyone was supposed to ignore the obvious fact that he'd never catch up in Navy aviation after 10-12 years grounded.
    6. Guy with a hero complex who was the only person who could save the day in Paraguay and therefore was good with quitting his job and going all in.
    7. Hero who helped save the day and expected to be welcomed back to JAG for a second time only to learn that Chegwidden had read Maya Angelou (paraphrased here as: when someone shows you their true desires, believe them).
    8. CIA pilot (and loving it) (In my opinion DJE absolutely nailed it as a real pilot - real pilots love to fly and will meet the challenge to fly anything).
    9. Unemployed moody brooder.
    10. JAG lawyer who eventually bets it all on a coin toss (and apparently next week we may learn how it landed - I was rooting for on the edge).
    11. Naval aviator who somehow in fifteen years did the thing that wasn't going to be possible, perhaps skipped past being CAG and is now XO of an aircraft carrier (and its group?).
    12. Future carrier CO?  I understand there's significant "office politics" skills required for career advancement at that level, and Harm was always a bridge burner.  But this is Show, not Life, so who can say?

    Of course this also means he's held the rank of Captain for fifteen years, and I thought there were time limits on that - two chances at promotion in something like ten years, and then you must retire.  Again, this is Show, not Life.

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  10. My roommate in grad school got a few people (including me) to go with her when she sold her rings from her marriage once the divorce was finalized.  We weren't there to support her with the jeweler, or even to help her negotiate the price.  In fact, we stayed in the car.  We were there to go with her to a celebration lunch afterwards.

    It was a good party.

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  11. This episode was originally the second hour of Price Of Punishment, which I failed to watch in the five days it was available.  Since then there have been endless reruns of this episode as scheduled in the online guides, but every time Rival Survival (the first hour) has been scheduled it's been overrun by the second hour of Superswarm.  It's also not on the Disco site.

    So I'm frustrated, as I wanted to see the outcome of the Brenna A's court issues, and whether or not Jake gave some of that catch back to Sean (yeah right) and so on.

    So does anyone know why this hour got buried?  I'd love to know, just for closure.

  12. Nell has been dressed and filmed (and framed) like they were concealing an actress pregnancy for several years now.  Apparently the actress has not been pregnant (or so I was informed upthread).  At any rate, wardrobe is what it is for whatever reason.  I still loathe the dramatic build-up and big reveal of each and every piece of case-related information, but it seems every damn show does that.

    • Love 1
  13. 47 minutes ago, benteen said:


    -Mick and Charlie at the RomanceCon was a very fun storyline.  I liked that Charlie made Mick realize this would be a really easy score and I liked seeing him admit to who he was.   Agreed that Mona's hissy fit and near wolfing out was absolutely ridiculous.


    On the other hand, Mona was pitch-perfect as the enraged fan denouncing a "fraud".  I've been to many conventions, and observed that type in the wild too many times.

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  14. At the end of Pippin, Pippin is supposed to go into a box of fire and die, thus achieving everlasting fame and glory.  But the play goes off-script because he decides to opt for an ordinary life instead.  If Fosse wanted the immolation, then I think the ending they forced on him was much better.

    I was in a summer review in 1975 where we did six numbers from Pippin.  Our director loveloveloved the play and was terribly frustrated that it wasn't available.

    Researching this I now realize that I've never seen the original, since the versions eventually released for amateur productions were "emasculated" and therefore "cutely naughty" instead of disturbing, and the Canadian production from 1981 with Ben Vereen & William Katt was also cut.  But I do like the music.

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  15. The lead changed because the actor, John Nettles, decided after 81 episodes in 13 series, it was time for Tom Barnaby to retire.  There was a four episode overlap with John Barnaby, and if watched in order it isn't really jarring.  (We also got the addition of the fabulous Sykes the Dog, in that actor's final series role before his age-related retirement.)

    I believe Acorn TV has all 20 series (and will get the new ones), while Netflix still has the first 19 series, if you have that.

    • Useful 4
  16. 4 hours ago, Umbelina said:


    In my heart though, I go back to Diana's age, twenty is young, and full of emotion and hope and a lot of other messy and fascinating things.  She very well may have dreamed of marrying the Prince, many girls and women did.   I also can't help but think of her being a virgin, that's pretty huge and a milestone, stress and hope of it's own.   In those early interviews I thought she looked at Philip with love and shyness.

     When Philip said "whatever love is..." I believe I may have actually said out loud, "RUN!" 

    Philip, on the other hand?  At the time I thought of him as old and dowdy, and kind of a wimp and a ditherer, only attractive because he would be King, but really, not beyond that.  After "whatever love is..." my feeling was that there was a hell of a lot "we" didn't know about this whole thing, and I kind of hoped for the best, that he wasn't just marrying a pretty, innocent, acceptable brood mare for future Kings. 


    Charles, not Philip.

    • Love 5
  17. 2 hours ago, scorpio1031 said:

    Not only that but we seem to be moving into sitcom territory with how Sarah has begun treating Barnaby.

    Sarah is married to John.  Barnaby is married to Joyce.

    Realizing this while really tired at 1:21 in the a m is immensely reassuring re: my aging cognition. 

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  18. Keith and Harley deserve each other.  I did think it amusing that all the pots the Southern Wind set on the Wizard were empty - I'm pretty sure the Wizard didn't take the time to haul and dump, especially with a camera crew on board.

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