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  1. I think Meghan is against Bloomberg because he support a a gun responsable agenda. And Nutmeg loves her guns.Bloomberg has outspend the NRA more than 30 million. Also Bloomberh wanted to control the size of fast food.... and Meg loves fast food.
  2. Her husband is a horrible person. He is th "owner" of the federalist that is very racist.
  3. Wow the entitlement.
  4. A person close to Meghan ...come on the source is Meghan🙄
  5. False a 10 years old. She has not reach puberty
  6. Abby's dad was ambassador in China, and Abby lived there. She understands what the killing of a government official means. Meghan is a child who doesnt understands the complexity of diplomacy. I live in Peru very close to the USA embassy, it has increase the security. Thanks to this reckless assassination, many people around the world are in danger.
  7. Abby is going to be a character in the movie... nutmeg wont be portrayed
  8. The photo was not corrected until last week. I remember people sharing the link in twitter.
  9. Does anyone has the clip. Because I remember she said I looked like a beautiful black woman. I dont remember she mentioning it was for halloween.
  10. Why do you want to torture her?
  11. Hey anyone knows when was the last time Ana and Meghan were together in the show?
  12. Does any one know why Ana wasn't in the show? She was in New York.
  13. I think Meghan hates Halperin because he ( with Heilemann) wrote the book(Game Change) about her dad.
  14. I saw two two videos of the interaction. One was longer and it seems she was agreeing to the first part of what he was saying. The short one was retweet by a ring wing reporter (Dont remember who). Maybe Ryan Saavedra. I dont know.
  15. You know who else had a miscarriage Michelle Obama when she was alone in Chicago. I think this is a ploy. Meghan team saw the good will Mrs Obama got after telling this story and they decided to use. Meghan and her husband are so self centered. They transform everything about them. Can she be asked to leave?
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