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Posts posted by Gramto6

  1. 1 minute ago, ginger90 said:

    Glad it’s going well for you @Gramto6!! 💐 

    My unsolicited advice, try to keep your hand elevated above the level of your heart when sitting and while in bed for a few days. When you’re walking you can do this by putting your hand on your opposite shoulder.



    Yep!  That is what I have been doing but keeping it just above my heart, but the shoulder feels even more comfortable, thanks for suggesting it!

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  2. 5,132 steps yesterday.

    Slept like a rock last night! 2 Advil was all the pain meds I needed and may not even need that today. Had one of the laziest days in a long time yesterday. It is very frustrating doing things one handed. I have more movement in my fingers today, but they are tender and don't bend all the way yet so I'm really trying not to use them any more than absolutely necessary. Have to keep the hand dry until Monday when I can take off the bandages.

    Thanks all for the well wishes! I do feel overall much better today, the anxiety over the surgery is gone and that is like a weight lifted. I'm still going to do as little as possible today just to help the healing process.  Rest is the top thing on the agenda today!

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  3. 6,568 steps yesterday.

    Dentist did more adjusting and feeling better.  I'm sure many more to come.

    Few last errands added some steps.

    Surgery went well, was home just after 10am. Just bandaids over incisions! Totally exhausted! I've been nodding off all afternoon.  Fingers are still numb from the shots. I've been icing periodically and definitely taking it easy rest of day.  

    • Hugs 9
  4. 5,983 steps yesterday.

    MRI went smoothly as usual. Amazing how just lying there can be tiring. I still had a few odds and ends to pick up, so went into the local store near the hospital. I don't know my way around there, so it did take more steps than this quick shop would have normally taken.

    One mire thing checked off the list for this week. Today another trip to dentist and tomorrow the surgery.

    Just after I got home, I got the call from the surgery nurse with my time to be there tomorrow, 5:55AM! Yikes! I'm going to have to leave no later than 5AM. I need to do the Hibiclens shower and scrub my hand for 5 min with a provided sponge. I need to feed the cats and all the regular morning routine so will be rushed. But on the other hand I will done and back home fairly early. The dr said it will take 6 minutes per finger, so surgery will only be 18 min, so I won't be out that long and should recover fast.

    I will really be glad when this surgery is behind me. At least I will know better what will be coming for my other hand!

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  5. 6,435 steps yesterday.

    I did a bit of shopping after dentist appt. This revision is feeling pretty good. Still healing other sores. She wants to look at things tomorrow before surgery to see if I need any other tweaks. These people are really great and very attuned to the patient's needs. I picked a good dentist!

    MRI this morning.

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  6. 11 hours ago, Absolom said:

    I skipped the meloxicam yesterday due to a stomach upset and really feel it this morning.  Good luck until you can go back on your regular schedule.

    I feel your pain sooo much. I couldn't believe it...this pain is what my body is really like?? Sheesh. I called my surgeon's office and asked could I please take some of my meloxicam...well guess what?  The person going over what I can and can't have made a mistake and I only need to stop the pain meds the night before surgery. Man as soon as I got home after getting that callback I took my med and wow, really beginning to feel human again again. 4 days w/out really wiped me out! That little pill is a miracle worker for me!

    • Hugs 9


    On 5/27/2024 at 6:56 PM, Anela said:

    but it had started snowing, and they were all grouped at the back door, staring at me.  I couldn’t leave them out there.  

    This is where I started on the road to the final resolution of giving half of my garage to the kitties.

    First I set up all the coolers on the back  and front porch with straw for them over the winter and then one step further to the garage home that we completed early this month. It just hurt my heart to see them out in the snow even thought they did have individual shelter places.  Now they have a home and even this Spring I have gone out to feed and found a bunch sleeping inside boxes cuddled in groups and even individually in the coolers5C2E07F1-BCFA-4428-9522-C8AFD0067F8F_1_105_c.thumb.jpeg.d8861d7e66716ccf6bc20ee1125e5eed.jpeg15AF831A-5B24-4249-99E8-2D06B76E371D_1_105_c.thumb.jpeg.3029f034bb4980f64278066ad9fc3251.jpegF6C5D1B9-68B4-4879-B9C8-B750CC04B1BD_1_105_c.thumb.jpeg.2f400e4736ed8c2a27aaf7945b353916.jpeg7A448FD5-B4D1-466B-B371-8363B93A2BA0_1_105_c.thumb.jpeg.d2ebf38820f166d69d15f2265307089d.jpeg.


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  8. I can appreciate your stance @Ancaster and I won't say I disagree.  I am not a crystal healer and have never been one. I am though, a rock/stone/crystal lover. I presented most of my listings from that perspective, showcasing the beauty of the stone itself.   At the time there was a huge niche market for crystals for healers. At the end of my listings I would note things like "it is believed by some this stone may help xxxx" or "XXX" (a certain well known "crystal healer") says "xxxx" about this stone. So if a "healer" were to search this particular property/stone my store would come up in the search.

    Everyone has their own beliefs re the healing properties of stones. I didn't recommend/diagnose anyone. It is their choice to choose what form help they want, be it alternative or medical. I feel no guilt for mentioning these qualities because no matter what, in the end, they got a stone worth what they paid, just for the quality/beauty/rarity of the stone.

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  9. 4,977 steps yesterday.

    Trying still to take it easy. Man, yesterday everything ached and both hands were really sore. It took a while and it finally dawned on me that the pain meds I have been taking, Meloxicam, then Advil during the dental procedures, have probably cleared my system. No pain meds for 7 days prior to hand surgery as they can thin the blood. Yesterday was the 3rd day. Today I'm feeling everything and not too thrilled about it!

    • Hugs 6
  10. 5 minutes ago, Yeah No said:

    So sorry to hear about your husband passing.  Did two pass?  Oh my.  Many ((hugs)).

    Ever since I stopped working full time I've been selling on Ebay although it's nowhere near a full time thing for me.  I get rid of clothes I either don't fit or don't want anymore.  Sometimes household and health and beauty items too.  Many I just donate to charity but the ones I think I can sell for decent money I put up on Ebay.  I started by selling off my mother's stash of vintage Eberhard Faber Blackwing 602 pencils.  Wow, what a ride that was, they were so in demand I was getting offers from everywhere.  And at $40+ each they were certainly worth selling! I needed a break from all the offers so I stopped selling those and started on the clothes.  I still have a few more pencils but keep them around for when I'm in the mood to deal with it again.

    No, I divorced the first, the second one is the one that passed. 

    I made good money on eBay when I finally settled on the crystals. Crystal healing was a big thing then and I did have a lot of specimens worthy of collections too.  I was making somewhere in the vicinity of $55,000 to $60,000 a year. Not that much, but given I had moved from CA to MT my home equity was such I could buy my home here outright, my car was already paid for and I had fantastic health ins. from my late husband's retirement plan. So I didn't have many expenses.

    eBay was hard work as anyone that did it full time for support knows, but I enjoyed those years. I think one of the reasons I stopped selling was eBay started getting fussy about saying things about the "healing qualities" of stones. Not a medical person, so can't give advice, yada, yada, yada.  Anyway it became less fun and more oppressive. By then I was able to go on SS as a surviving spouse so I did that.


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  11. @Yeah No Oh dear, you're right!  The ole brain ain't what it used to be! I was selling Sarah Coventry Jewelry. The home parties and recruiting new members, etc..  (An MLM before I knew what they were.)  I had worked my way up to Branch Manager and one of the top sellers in my area. 

    I was making doll/stuffed animal clothes for my kids when I wanted the new sewing machine, not related at the time to selling them, I was selling Sarah Coventry at the time.

    I was selling on eBay from something like 2002 to 2011 as a full time job to support myself after my 2nd husband passed away.  I started slowly to get the feel of things selling Barbie clothes and then picked a focus of rocks/minerals/crystals for collectors and healers.


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  12. On 5/5/2024 at 9:16 AM, peacheslatour said:

    I remember a PSA from the seventies. A woman doctor was trying to get a credit card and surprise her husband with a fabulous trip for his birthday. The banker said "I'm sorry, it's just not possible to do that for people like you." The doctor, shocked, asked "Is it because I'm black?" and the banker said "No, you're a woman." It was really strange to me. I had no idea.

    Again sorry I am posting to an old post, still catching up.

    I had a very similar experience in the mid 70's. I was selling on ebay while raising my kids. In the old days of eBay, I did fairly well with home made doll clothes. Now I am not a dr or anything like the example above, but I wanted to buy a new sewing machine. Being somewhat foresighted, I was also trying to get credit established in my own name. The sewing machine was something like $250 or around that. My hubby could have paid for it no problem but I wanted to get credit and make payments from my own earnings. To begin my credit history. I was told flat out that a married. woman I could not get credit/take on a payment agreement without husband's signature. Just have my husband come down and take care of it.  How patronizing!!  Very frustrating and to get the machine I had to do that.

    In the early 80's when I had a full time job outside the home I was eventually able to get my own credit.  Now I was ready to dump hubby! ;) 


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  13. On 5/3/2024 at 5:46 PM, EtheltoTillie said:

    This is a modern version of another sixties novelty uh-oh song--not the one I was earlier referencing.  Still must dig that one up. 

    That was exactly what was going through my head when the uh-oh song was mentioned!!

    Yikes I didn't realize I was so far behind!!  Going back now to catch up!

    • LOL 1
  14. 5,799 steps yesterday.

    I didn't do much except drag some downed branches into a pile.  Sat for a long time chatting with my friend that helped build the kitty house. She's taking me to the surgery and will help with things after.

    My mouth is getting better thank goodness.  Taking the bridge out except when eating has really helped the gums heal. Still tender, but much better.

    Gathering the garbage for pickup tomorrow is the extent of my plans for today.

    • Like 6
  15. 3 hours ago, General Days said:

    I agree with @Orcinus orca. That assumption is reasonable. I'd also never heard of the brand before (and it kind of sounds like an MLM name). 

    Yikes! I just for a hoot searched Cozy Earth/ Realm on Amazon. A queen set, flat, fitted, 2 pillow cases $310!!! Wonder if she was making a commission or what the arrangement was with the company? That's got to be bucks for sales people??

    • Mind Blown 4
  16. 5,802 steps yesterday.

    Gradually getting things in order to make doing things one handed easier for a while. Paying attention to how I do things , and how I can do work arounds.  Also just a little general tidying so I don't have to do it later. I really felt like I was sitting a lot more than the step count shows. As much as I'd really like to just sit, some things have to be done daily.

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  17. 5,237 steps yesterday.

    With crazy dentist run, what I intended to be a restful day yesterday, ended up something very different!

    Going to really try again to take it really easy over the weekend. I need to start planning how I am going to do things one handed and get ready for it after surgery.  Anything I can stage prior I will get set up. Especially the cat feeding things. It is going to be interesting to say the least, but I sure am looking forward to my hands not hurting all the time!


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  18. 2 hours ago, pinkandsparkly13 said:

    Yes, the Mom is actually pretty friendly. She's very vocal when we go out there. Lol she lets me pet her all the time. I've been able to pick up a couple of them. The first yellow one that appeared with the black spots on the nose seems to be the most friendly so far. The dark grey one let me pick it up and hold it for a few minutes yesterday. The grey striped one is a hisser. Lol 

    They are all adorable!!  See what I mean about a single debut? I posted before I finished reading the thread. You have some real sweeties there!!

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  19. On 5/21/2024 at 9:43 PM, pinkandsparkly13 said:

    We saw another kitten tonight. 🐈 Haven't seen the yellow one since last time. The kitten was climbing up on the door and the dogs were checking it out. Hah




    So cute! That is what all my feral cats have done. One day one comes out looks around a bit and disappears to wherever "home" is. Then another day a different one will do the same, and if there are more each will debut individually. Pretty soon they will be brave enough to all come out together!  Mine came from under the deck so it was kind of funny seeing these little bitty kitties trying to navigate the steps! 

    I'd mark my calendar each time a new one came out with a rough description, like gray, buff, black, etc.  It wasn't until they all came out that I was able to tell which babies belonged to which moms.  It was hysterical watching them play. Take photos cause they don't stay tiny long!!

    Thanks to a wonderful TNR association, I won't have that fun any more, but I am happy with the cats I do have now!!

    This is Mama Millie (the OG cat of my colony, now a house cat) first litter here in 2021:



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  20. @Absolom, my friend that helped build the kitty house is going to help with the cats while I heal. She is also taking me to surgery and getting me settled back at home.

    @altopower, I called the dentist today and she got me in for an adjustment and it did help. She said I should have come sooner...I thought the pain was just part of the process.   Another thing she told me was to just take the lower bridge out except when eating to give the gums there a chance to heal. She will see me again Tues next week to check on adjustments and do any more needed before the surgery. She said "even just a little sore, come in"! So now I know!

    I will be totally resting until Tues dentist appt & Wed MRI appt. Both of those are  low key, no stress involved, so I'll go, and then come straight home. Nothing else on agenda until surgery Fri.

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  21. 4,944 steps yesterday.

    Tried to do as little as possible. Mouth still sore and unfortunately I think I am supposed to stop the Advil from now until surgery next Friday. That isn't going to help my comfort level at all. I need to call dr to verify this.

    Thanks @Yeah No! Yeah, I have reached the limit of what I can do I think. I am trying to do as little as possible now in prep for the surgery. I have an MRI next Wednesday and that is about the only time before the surgery I will go anywhere. I've been doing small Spring cleaning/organizing things but I need to back off on even that for now.  I just wish my mouth would stop hurting. I may end up with a trip to the dentist to get an adjustment...

    • Hugs 5
  22. 3 hours ago, Teafortwo said:

    @Gramto6 You have so much going on that I almost didn't reply, but wanted to let you know that I recently discovered Pretty Litter. I don't know if it's environmentally friendly like the pine, but the amazing thing about it is that urine kind of dissolves when you go to scoop it, so you end up only scooping the poop! It's very lightweight also. I don't know the cost but thought it might be an alternative if the pine ends up being too heavy when used. 

    Good luck with your hand surgery and I hope the pain from the dental work lessens soon!

    With the pine pellet litter, the box has 3 layers (2 pans and 1 sifter). You put the pellets in the sifter layer, the other two layers are below. You do have to scoop the poop out. To sift, you just lift the top layer and sift into the layer below. That will now have the dust in it. When the cat pees on the pellets they dissolve into dust.  Lift out the pan full of dust and place the sifter with just pellets in it now, into the 3rd pan. Empty the dust, (I plan to put it in my yard under trees  and wherever there is need for some filler. It is organic and apparently it makes great mulch.) Place the emptied pan under the other two. pretty easy! And the best is the Pelletized Bedding for Horses and Small Animals, 40 lb. bag at Tractor supply is $6.99. Works just the same as  the much more expensive ones you could buy at the Pet Stores.  A big savings!!

    My litter box just arrived from Amazon so I'm going to set it up for my indoor cat Millie. There are already 2 regular boxes of pellets out in the kitty house. They are mostly doing their business outside now that they are "free again". These I will have to sift with an old sifter from a long lost box. 

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